Jonathan Cohen said: "Nothing about the animal storylines makes any sense. I also didn't understand how the animals were losing the ability to speak. I get being silenced as a metaphor, but they were supposed to literally be losing the ability to speak and team Wizard is not actually good at magic."
That's a good point, I've been thinking about it as well.
'Memory' on the soundtrack is DEFINITELY NOT the one they used in the actual movie! And I ask, because I dare: why is a movie's soundtrack not actually the movie's soundtrack?
(Side note: loved it, saw it 4 times in the course of 4 days. Loved how full of detail, color and action it was. Not to mention the performances, orchestrations etc. There's so much to enjoy about it. Can't wait to see it again on digital.
MikeInTheDistrict, I think their universe is random and hardly has any laws or principles of existence. For instance, they've got a milk bar which I think no one attends but cats, but for some reason everything in it is human-sized.