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Member Name: markcohenwannabe69
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 Aug 26 2006, 09:55:10 PM
i cant recall all of the songs, but i do remember almost peeing myself when i heard duran duran, and depeche mode playing. but like yankee fan said look in the playbill.
re: Oh those History Boys 8/26 review.
 Aug 26 2006, 09:53:41 PM
yeah i just saw it today, and im basically in love. i knew it would be good, i had only heard good things about it, but i never expected to walk out of the theatre as impressed, and just amazed as i was. i cant even articulate how amazing that show most certainly deserved every award it got! hell it was so good i think it should have been given best musical...even though its not a musical...but it pretty much was that amazing! Im def going back to see it a couple more times before it cl
re: Celebrities at Broadway Shows Question
 Jul 20 2006, 01:06:19 PM
James Franco was at a the performance of Awake and Sing that i went to back in june. there werent any photogrpahers, and i dont think anyone really knew he was there.....well there werent any photographers if you dont count the hordes of teenage girls wetting thier pants for him and begging him for pictures during intermission. I apologize to James for that, had i not said hello to him as he passed me on line before the show, i dont think anyone would have noticed him. then again these are harmo
re: Rocky Horror Revival Photos
 Apr 8 2006, 07:34:02 PM
sebastian lacause who played rocky has some pictures on his site....

re: avenue q ?
 Apr 8 2006, 07:29:34 PM
avenue Q is easily one of the funniest shows i have ever seen! its just brilliant! if you have the opportunity to see it you def should!
re: The Drowsy Chaperone: What a success!!!
 Apr 8 2006, 07:19:10 PM
i just got home from seeing drowsy chaperone and personally, i loved it! i laughed the whole time, and really enjoyed it alot. while i will agree that there wasnt a really clear point to it, i still enjoyed it and thought it was a great show! i think everyone was brilliant! but if you didnt like it, then thats cool, can't like everything. but i liked it, and id def go to see it again.
re: High School Musical
 Mar 25 2006, 08:41:39 PM
you can dislike it all you want, but bottom line is a lot of people worked really hard on it. just because you didnt like it doesnt give you liscence to bash it, and act like its not a legit pecie of work. no one is asking you to like it or perform in it, or even watch it for that matter. there is no need to be so malicious and negative. its doing very well, and its very popular, you should be happy for the people involved in it, and hope that maybe one day you can be involved in something thats
re: High School Musical
 Mar 25 2006, 08:31:56 PM
regardless of whether everyone liked it or hated it, chances are its going to make a lot of money. personally i liked it...i thought it was a little corny, but lets be real here people.... breaking out into song is corny regardless of what the show is youre talking about. so maybe you all should stop hating.... youre all closet high school musical fans anyway im sure....otherwise the soundtrack wouldnt be doing so well on the billboard charts, and they wouldnt bother releasing it on dvd. its a v
re: Attention all Swimming in the Shallows fans
 Aug 6 2005, 10:33:36 PM
and boy oh boy wouldnt that be a plus to get michale with it lol yummy
re: Attention all Swimming in the Shallows fans
 Aug 6 2005, 10:33:04 PM
HOLY SHIT YES!!!! IM SOOO HAPPY..... after i saw this show i wanted desperatley to get a community theatre group to perform it, but it wasnt avaialable to perform, and now it is !!! score!!!! wahooo
re: Hot Chorus Boys: The Next Generation
 Jul 21 2005, 02:59:40 AM
Robb Sapp....props top all the others who think so too! hes the sweetest guys ever, and just damn good lookin!!! and damn can that boy sing, it def makes my legs get weak..... yummy
re: Random Rent question
 Jul 21 2005, 02:50:19 AM
it just has the info for where to send your resume and such if you want to be considered for an audition, and a description of all the characters so as to be able to figure out which character you would best fit.
re: Rent on the Today show
 Jul 21 2005, 02:48:28 AM
all i know is that following thier appearance on the today show on aug 4th they will be performing in bryant park.
re: Michael Arden, What's he like?
 Jul 12 2005, 01:41:49 PM
michael is indeed a really great person both on and off the stage. i had the pleasure of meeting him after both performnaces of swimming in the shallows that i saw recently. he is a total sweetheart, and when you talk to him, he puts out his hand for a hand shake and says .." hi im michael!" so adorable, as if i didnt know who he was!!
re: Funny and Unforgetable Ad-Libs
 Jun 21 2005, 08:30:48 PM
The rocky Horror show, a group of friends and i went when Dick Cavett was narrating, and at one point i dont remember the line, but my friend amy and i shouted something out about him, and he stoped what he was saying, looked over in our area, and said " I will bitch slap you to the curb" and just went right back to what he was doing. it was hysterical to say the least.

also when i saw wicked bak in january...jan 5th to be axact. during the scene when the wizard sings wonderful, idina w

re: A question for WICKED lovers---Chenoweth backlash?
 May 18 2005, 02:42:40 AM
personally, i prefer Jennifer Laura Thompson.... i havent seen Chenoweth, but she really gets on my nerves when i listen to the CD, im sure she was great in the role, but i dont think i could have sat through 2 hours and 45 minutes of her whiney voice! ugh the thought makes me shudder. but like i said im sure she was brilliant, i mean you dont get nominated for a tony award because you suck! and i honestly dont think you can really compare Jennifer and Kristen, i mean they are two completely dif
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