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HARMONY previews Oct 19
2023, 02:32:09 AM
The second act is so powerful that I found myself sobbing the last 20 minutes. The timing of this show couldn't be better (or worse) with the predicament Israel finds itself in right now. For Chip Zien it's the role of a lifetime. Outside on the sidewalk looking for my friends I bumped into a woman who was still sobbing. She apologized profusely, said, "I have never been so moved by a movie, or a book, or a play, or anything I've ever heard in my life," then
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Apr 6
2023, 10:57:09 PM
Casey Garvin went on as Joe/Josephine tonight and was absolutely spectacular.
Is there a way to find out in advance if he is going on as Joe? I know nothing about him except that I have seen him in this show in various parts, and tonight he was thrillingly brilliant -- his singing voice is gorgeous, his tapdancing (and ballroom dancing) is terrific, and the audience took to him instantly. INSTANTLY! And he's so darn good looking.
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Mar 11
2023, 01:53:05 PM
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "The stage set does actually look much better and would be able to use their lighting, and not have those weird purple lit pieces of The View set. Plus they tried to cram this number into that small studio and onstage it has more room to breathe and take in the stage pictures and choreography.
Not sure what people are getting in about with the costumes…it’s not the ball in Cinderella. They’re struggling traveling musicians who escap
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Jan 19
2023, 12:22:47 PM
GiantsInTheSky2 said: "I adore Borle and Ghee, but there are better songs to use in promo performances that have a better chance of grabbing people’s attention. No performances with Hicks or Williams? Come on."
It's tricky to find the exact song that represents the whole show and fits within the strict parameters of a TV appearance. My favorite song changes from time to time and short of doing a medley, which would never work if the object is to engage view
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 29
2022, 03:43:27 PM
BorisTomashevsky said: "JSquared2 said: "BorisTomashevsky said: "Word is that a priority loan has been taken out to help the show survive.
This show should have opened four months later than it did.But too many gung-ho (can that term still be said?) producers think all is well in the state of Denmark and that the people will simply flock back to the auditorium like it’s 1999."
Considering that the co-lead producer is
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 22
2022, 05:10:19 PM
BCfitasafiddle said: "Natasha Yvette Williams has been out for a few days. I really hope she doesn't have COVID. I'm seeing the show on Christmas Eve and she is one the people I've been most excited to see."
I've seen it twice this week with Raena White playing Sweet Sue -- she brings a different kind of sass to the part, is a terrific singer, so don't let the absence of NaTasha Yvette Williams keep you at home.
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 19
2022, 05:28:11 PM
Jarethan said: "Intotheblue said: "Most of us can agree that “Some Like it Hot” is a good show, but clearly something is missing if people are not coming to see it.IMO post-pandemic, it’s a show that needs a star. It can’t just be a “great” show. There needs to be a draw to bring people in. It needs to be an event that people want to pay top $$. Imagine if “The Producers” opened with musical theatre names as opposed to Broderic
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 8
2022, 02:09:32 PM
RippedMan said: "christinelavin said: "It's official -- last night I met on the ticket holders' line two men from Delaware who, like me, are "Some Like It Hot" Heads. Yup, we now have a name. I was there to see it for the 12th time -- they were there to see it for their 9th time. And they live in Delaware -- so it means every time they come to NYC to see it they incur travel and hotel expenses -- but they don't care because they love the show that much.
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Dec 8
2022, 01:47:02 PM
It's official -- last night I met on the ticket holders' line two men from Delaware who, like me, are "Some Like It Hot" Heads. Yup, we now have a name. I was there to see it for the 12th time -- they were there to see it for their 9th time. And they live in Delaware -- so it means every time they come to NYC to see it they incur travel and hotel expenses -- but they don't care because they love the show that much.
We compared notes as to the man
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 22
2022, 01:22:50 PM
I know what I'm about to say may upset many, but there's one thing commenters could do that would take all the differences of opinion to a higher level: use your real names.
I know that's probably not going to happen, but I think when you back up your opinion with who you really are it would be acknowledging work created by real flesh and blood artists, writers and actors critiqued by real flesh and blood audience members. Hiding behind nom de plumes allow some to let their
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 20
2022, 01:54:49 PM
Am I misunderstanding something here? This musical is still a work-in-progress. I know firsthand because I have seen it a number of times and have been witness to costume changes, dialogue changes, reworked scenes -- it hasn't been "frozen" yet, so why do some write as if it is?
I thought it was considered bad form to bad mouth a production before it is set in stone -- it seems unfair to the cast and crew to spread negative opinions as they work it out in front of an audi
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 15
2022, 01:08:10 PM
MadsonMelo said: "My friend was offered second to the last row of the Balcony for rush ticket. Is this the common rule? I dont think The Balcony at The Shubert is not worth it even for rush tickets, or are they good for this production?"
I sat up there, though a few rows lower than that, and actually loved the seats because right behind us were a bunch of teenagers who loved the show big time, were very noisy and enthusiastic (some might not like that, but I do). I&#
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 10
2022, 03:55:51 PM
jkcohen626 said: "Saw this last night and LOVED it!
It took me a bit to get into it, but I was hooked after the train station scene. I think it was specifically the line about them paying the kids to steal the instruments and then the "this is the earliest I've ever been late" line that really got me!
I thought the music was fantastic and I can't wait for a cast album. It definitely had a specific vibe, but I didn't feel like it was too sim
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 9
2022, 03:04:32 PM
Across the street I ran into ALW on the stairs up to the 2nd floor at Sardi's prior to the show, but his body language told me to keep moving, sister! So I did.
The sound was much improved last night -- dialogue was crystal clear (3rd time seeing it), though Daphne wore a different red dress, not nearly as flashy as the original, and Sugar Kane's yellow dress at the end is a head scratcher.
It's so much fun to watch the actors finding their grooves -- in places that
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 6
2022, 03:16:29 PM
I should add to my post that sitting in front of me in the mezzanine was a Ralph Kramden lookalike who I suspect was a Trumper (based on what I overheard him talking about with his wife). I was astonished that in the 2nd half, after that incredible door slamming festival & chase that this man gave it a standing O (this was already after Daphne's big song got one earlier in the 2nd half, that he was also part of).
This was a regular guy, taking his wife out on the t
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 6
2022, 01:38:19 PM
I was at the first preview and by complete coincidence sat next to Casey Garvin's aunt who explained to me he is in the ensemble and is also understudy for Joe/Josephine (Christian Borle). She told me how he got into theater, how hard he works, how proud she and his whole family is of him.
Because it was the first preview I was absorbed in watching the show and following the action, so I didn't even get to see which one he was in the ensemble -- but I'll make sure to
SOME LIKE IT HOT On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Oct 19
2022, 12:36:55 PM
Speaking of heads in the way, does anyone have a kind way of letting men know it's bad form to wear a baseball cap to the theater? The brim becomes a real issue if you happen to be short and sit behind one of these dudes. I never want to insult anyone, or make an enemy of someone who is sitting so close to me, but if there's a funny, light way to get them to take it off, I'm all ears.
DEATH OF A SALESMAN 2022 Previews Sep 21
2022, 12:08:12 AM
Tom-497 said: "I saw last night's performance from a first-row, audience-right TodayTix rush seat, and the view was mostly excellent -- only a couple times toward the end was it less than ideal, when action took place on the lip of the stage directly in front of me, and I had to bend my neck far back to look at the actors' faces instead of their knees.
As for the performance, I thought the first Act was very strong -- well-acted, well-paced and fluid as it moved back and forth between Willy's mind and the concrete world.
But, for me, the second Act was less successful, mainly because it seemed to repeatedly overstate and oversimplify the unpleasantness of the world in which Willy lives. For example, Willy's run-of-the-mill jerk boss becomes Snidely Whiplash. And, in a manner that appears to contradict what Arthur Miller wrote, a decent guy is turned into a run-of-the mill jerk. Specifically, in the text, a waiter kindly returns to the distraught Willy some money that Willy has just given him. But in this production, the waiter keeps the money.
I also thought that the music was far too prominent in the last scene (up until then, I didn't have a strong opinion about it)."
In Tuesday night's performance the waiter DID put the money back in Willy's pocket, so that is changed for the good.
I was with friends in center row H and when we were leaving I asked if anyone else had trouble hearing all the dialogue, and it turns out we ALL did. DeShields articulated better than most of the actors, but for seats that close the sound should be way better. The text is so essential, so please do work on that -- some of it is rapid-fire and when you struggle trying to hear, it can have a cascading effect.
There's an excellent filmed stage version from 1985 starring Dustin Hoffman and Charles Durning that's free online. I watched it this afternoon to get me prepped for tonight, and helped me with some of the dialogue. It's such a classic play, and fascinating to watch different productions, so you might want to check this out, if you have time: If you hit the "CC" button all the dialogue appears on the screen, which can help if they continue to have sound issues in this production.
Favorite Sondheim one-liners? Dec 13
2021, 04:03:04 PM
"Every show must have a surprise."
Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread Nov 15
2021, 12:33:59 AM
Yes, it's long, but don't even think about that -- it's set at a languid pace, so know that, sit back and go for the ride. I've watched it twice. The first time I thought it was way too long. The second time, I didn't. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is. The set is amazing, the choreography is strangely lulling, the actors are all first rate.
Have you ever gone to a restaurant where you don't choose your meal -- they ch
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