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Member Name: Lazarus Alas
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Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Jan 17 2022, 08:54:43 AM

@Shoshana BeanyBaby: Thanks for pointing this out. In retrospect, I did notice the flashes, but didn’t register what was happening at that moment.

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Jan 16 2022, 08:31:05 PM

I attended the final performance this afternoon. Sold out house. Appreciative audience. A few embellishments to the dialogue that weren’t there last week, but not, as I’d hoped, a second act reprise of the title song that was in the early previews.

I saw this piece numerous times and my appreciation deepened each time. This show gobsmacked me. Not because of my experience with hallucinogens, but rather my experience of loss and my wistful recollections of the past..

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Jan 5 2022, 11:15:03 AM

They’ll get paid only when the show is running. I’m gonna see it again this weekend. Happy New Year btw.

 Dec 16 2021, 04:54:26 PM

Georgeanddot2 said: "Sutton Ross said: "What's funny was you calling this a "musical for adults" after the first preview.

I'm just curious, why is that funny? Would you recommend it to kids?


Acting like this show is some mature work that's only for those with refined tastes is hilarious.

I’d encourage performance-oriented  youngsters to see it for the inspiration of the p

 Dec 16 2021, 04:18:55 PM

SmoothLover said: "It is not very flattering that everyone seems to comment on the the tap dance number as a highlight. Even though it was well done, it set itself apart from the rest of the material and illuminated its failures.

The NY Times review is as long winded as the 3 hour musical.

lol @ long winded.

Re Jesse Green’s opening gambit “nothing is as mystifying as another person’s high” I say: Party Pooper, you’re

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 12 2021, 07:51:12 PM

Jimbo2 said: "What's the current running time? Thank you."

Two hours and 45 minutes this afternoon.


Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 11 2021, 07:27:10 PM

As the Gerald character says in act 2 (waving a white towelette): don’t talk politics when you’re tripping.

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 11 2021, 06:57:42 PM

BCfitasafiddle said: "Gonna be playing this a lot."

ME TOO. A powerful and moving score to my ears and heart.

I saw the matinee this afternoon. For me, it has only improved through multiple viewings. I’d say the house was almost 90% full today and there was a resounding standing ovation with hoots and bravas. (First time.) Yazbeck was back in fine form.

My TDF seats were on the far side of house left and I can definitively advise not to sit there

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 8 2021, 12:35:09 PM

binau said: "I also think it’s a rare example of a musical that might work better as a film than on stage. The concept of people singing only when high immediately takes away the awkward ‘why are they singing’ feel on film, the small characters lend themselves to close ups and since it’s LSD they could make the movie completely stylised/bonkers in a way that’s hard to do on stage."

The idea of a movie version crossed my mind as well. I a

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 5 2021, 09:27:11 PM

Yes, SmoothLover, I remembered reading that and thinking it was an astute observation. Seeing it again with that in mind, I found the dancing even more moving.

Danny Gardner did a great job. The singing and dancing were impeccable. He looks more like Astaire than Grant and he’s not as relaxed in the role as Yazbeck. So that put a different spin on the show for me because I was comparing the two performances while I watched.




Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 5 2021, 05:35:36 PM

binau said: "Can anyone explain to me the meaning of the rhythmic walking/sounds?

also, I should say ‘highly disappointing’ is a bit strong. I wanted this to be one of my favourite shows of all time and change my life but I merely liked it. If this was an off Broadway show with a different team where the expectations were different I think I’d probably be raving about it.

I think the circular dance movement  represents the pas

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 5 2021, 12:12:42 PM

JaredBway said: "binau said: "According to ATC Tony was out last night."

He's apparently out of the matinee today as well.

A friend in the Beaumont box office says Yazbeck is out due to an injury.


Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 5 2021, 12:09:31 PM

raddersons said: "You did not just compare this to Sweeney Todd……."

Oops. It wasn’t my intention to compare Sunset to Sweeney Todd. I was trying to think of an example of a show that had artistic merit without initial commercial success.

If I had to compare it to another show, however, I’d say it is somewhat similar to Next to Normal due to the psychological themes and of course the Tom Kitt score.

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 5 2021, 11:59:07 AM

broadwaybabywannabe2 said: "OY VEY!!!...i'm seeing this new musical in 3 weeks, right before Christmas...i thought that seeing a new fresh musical rather than the many juke-box musicals on Broadway would be the way to go...and after reading these pages of comments i now question my decision about seeing this Lapine/Finn musical...I love the Lincoln Center theatre so that thrill is enough i hope to make for an enjoyable evening...maybe in the days and weeks before officially openi

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Dec 4 2021, 09:48:40 PM

JaredBway said: "binau said: "According to ATC Tony was out last night."

He's apparently out of the matinee today as well.

confirmed. Danny Gardner rose to the occasion.


Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Nov 29 2021, 10:27:27 PM

I agree about the pitfalls of writers directing. Pride in authorship is a strong force. But I’m prepared to give Mr. Lapine a special dispensation because I was so enchanted by the show.

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Nov 29 2021, 10:12:00 PM

pmondrian said: "A Director said:
1. The authors of this musical are no doubt aware of the larger social and cultural issues, but did not choose to include them in their show.

2. Sounds like you prefer shows to be tied up neat and tidy at the end.

A few responses:

1. Yes, it's the director's choice. But if the musical is a flop, they might want to rethink their choice.

2. Not at all. I liked the musical a lot

Flying Over Sunset - Previews Thread
 Nov 29 2021, 09:49:22 PM

I saw the show on the 12th and again on the 26th. Both times the house was 75 to 80per cent full. I was blown away by the piece both times. The first time my date was a bit restless in Act 2 (as was I because I relinquished the aisle seat and my legs were cramped). But when I walked out and saw it was 11:00 I was shocked.  The show did not drag for me. I was hugely entertained. The music, the sets, the acting, the lighting, the orchestra: ten, ten, tens across the board.

I fig

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