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Member Name: DJ Tifa
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re: The 2005 Tony Awards Thread
 Jun 5 2005, 09:07:17 PM
Invite to chat? AIM SN is SnowFairyTifa.
re: New POTO casting for Broadway and US Tour
 May 15 2005, 03:02:14 PM
Oh, Roz... ;_;

At least I still have a little time to get some money together and see him a last time...

re: New POTO casting for Broadway and US Tour
 May 15 2005, 01:05:46 PM
Has John Cudia left yet...? >_<
re: When will Hugh Panaro be leaving Phantom?
 Jan 2 2005, 06:44:09 PM
Alright. Just talked to John Cudia earlier at the stage door...he mentioned that he (himself) was signed for at least April 30th. But I'm willing to bet he'll continue past then.
re: When will Hugh Panaro be leaving Phantom?
 Jan 2 2005, 11:01:51 AM
The day John Cudia leaves POTO is the day I will die.
re: Patrick Wilson is HOT
 Dec 26 2004, 09:26:34 AM
I think Patrick is hot.

And I for one loved his hair in the POTO movie.

So hah.

re: POTO movie - Raoul & the portcullis
 Dec 24 2004, 06:49:17 PM
I thank you greatly.

::prints out picture to hang up on wall;:

re: The Offical Roger Bart Love Thread
 Dec 15 2004, 10:13:27 PM
It also dealt with a van...some rope....maybe a cage? I forget, it's been a while...
re: The Offical Roger Bart Love Thread
 Dec 15 2004, 10:01:04 PM
Roger.... plus Ben & Jerry's...

A certain "plan" comes to mind... XD

 Dec 11 2004, 06:18:40 PM
Ah, yes. The "watch the nipples" adlib. I still crack up to this day about it XD

More on topic...can't wait until the OBCR comes out. I've been wanting it for months.

re: Has anyone seen POTO lately? Cast question.
 Oct 29 2004, 09:10:20 PM
Phew, that's good! I was planning on dropping by sometime soon and seeing it again. Jeez, I wish he'd stay forever...he's my perfect Raoul. XD
Has anyone seen POTO lately? Cast question.
 Oct 29 2004, 08:13:44 PM
I'm just curious-- Who is the current Raoul? Is John Cudia still playing the part? Thanks in advance.
re: the frogs, my review
 Sep 5 2004, 07:43:10 PM
Oh, jeez, I think you all took my message the completely wrong way. I know about Nathan's injury, and I was worried for him... Sure, I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to see him at the stage door, but I wasn't like OH NOES HE'S MEAN. I understood why he left another way. I don't have anything against him for it... No need to jump down my throat ^_^;

re: the frogs, my review
 Sep 5 2004, 12:15:07 AM
Heh, you saw it tonight too?

My friends and I were a little upset that Nathan didn't come out the stage door, but ah, what are ya gonna do. It's alright. 'least Roger Bart came was a joy chatting with him.

Wow - bouncy show tunes don't mean the same thing to you
 Jul 22 2004, 11:29:56 PM
Just got back from opening night--Amazing, really. Roger Bart was perfect in his part. A decent amount of changes from the last time I saw it (two weeks ago), made it even better...
re: Broadway Baseball!
 Jul 22 2004, 11:31:24 AM
::laughs:: Yeah. I went by one day to see the POTO team play...then saw part of the Producers vs. Avenue Q game. Ave Q got completely and utterly, for lack of better words, owned. 'bout a 20 point difference.
re: The Frogs Stage Door
 Jul 20 2004, 10:03:57 AM
Yes, sorry. Memory's a little fuzzy. Thanks.
re: The Frogs Stage Door
 Jul 19 2004, 11:27:38 PM
Uh..I went once, but after the show...Okay. Go by the box office, and continue down the steps...go out the glass doors to your right. The stage door is right around there.
According to Kattan
 Jul 19 2004, 11:32:11 AM
Nah, read in a news article that he was still single. Although he did come out of the stage door at Producers the day before he left with a woman who was in Stepford Wives...he might be dating her.

::shrugs:: Either way. Doesn't matter.

According to Kattan
 Jul 19 2004, 11:09:53 AM
Well, he does have children, but he's not married at the moment. But he is straight.
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