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Member Name: Junior
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re: Favorite performance of Rose's Turn
 Oct 25 2008, 09:47:55 AM
In my opinion, all of the ladies have brought a certain SOMETHING to the number, but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Bernadette (although I haven't seen Patti's yet, unless you count youtube videos of Ravinia). I know her performance was less than well received by many, but to me, she touched on things with Rose that none of the others seemed to get.
re: Bernadette Peters Gypsy cast recording
 Aug 25 2008, 06:27:12 PM
I have a copy of every recording of Gypsy that I know to exist thus far, and Bernadette's is by far my favorite. I am a huge LuPone fan, but I don't see this recording de-throning Bernie. I haven't been able to see the production (yet) but I must admit I'm a little less than impressed with the videos I've seen of it thus far. But I will be buying the CD tomorrow, and won't pass my final judgement until I actually see the production.
re: Photo Coverage: Spring Awakening Onstage Proposal
 Aug 23 2008, 09:56:54 AM
Call me a sap, but I think this is INCREDIBLY romantic. Maybe not for the average person, but for someone who loves a show as much as she apparently does, I think the proposal was entirely appropriate... I want mine to be along the same lines... :P
re: Robert Reviews 'Shrek'!
 Aug 16 2008, 09:53:49 AM
If you wrote that review when you were tired and frenzied, I would LOVE to read one written when you were rested and calm! WONDERFUL review! Thanks!
re: What are your top three worst shows ever (that everyone else seemed to
 Aug 16 2008, 09:28:56 AM
Les Miserables (I know I'm in the minority here, but I just can't stand the show, although I can KIND OF see the artistic merit in it)
The Sound of Music (Again, I'm in the Minority, but I just don't see what the big deal is with that show)

re: Thoroughly Modern Millie -- Casting Non-Asians
 Aug 12 2008, 09:29:33 AM
When I did the show, our Ching Ho and Bun Foo were played by Caucasian actors... who were also female... It got laughs, but it worked. Kind of. It got a little confusing at the end... Our director worked on a seperate pseudo storyline between one of them and Graydon. During the finale, after everything had been revealed, the actress playing which ever of the two "boys" that didn't end up with Miss Dorothy let down her hair, revealing she was a girl, and jumped into Graydon's arms... yeah. It was
What's the deal with "Amour"?
 Feb 3 2008, 08:51:28 PM
(I searched, and found nothing that answered my questions)

Did ANYONE see it? I know it flopped, but I love the Cast recording and can't help but wonder why it did as badly as it did... I'm not saying I think it could have run for years, but what was so terrible about it? Was it in too large a theatre? Were there not enough advance sales? Did the problems lie in the book? (I haven't seen a production of this anywhere... or heard of any for that matter...) Casting difficulties? WHAT HAPP

re: Interesting Musicals That Never Made It To Broadway
 Feb 3 2008, 08:43:21 PM
OMG! I had completely forgotten about Das Barbecue! I saw it a year or so ago at Triad Stage Company in Greensboro, NC. I see more of an off-broadway run for that show though...

I second A Man of No Importance, although I can't say I think it would last long

re: 'Sweeney Todd' Question
 Feb 3 2008, 07:02:47 PM
As far as the whole curtain/ scrim discussion goes, When I saw the show on Broadway (circa March '06) there were definitely actual slashes in the main drape/ scrim thing with light coming through. I remember because my friend who saw the production with me kept commenting on how cool it was that the curtain looked like it had been slashed with a razor... and because from where we were sitting (in those two seats on the end BEHIND the last row of the balcony) we could see Michael get into the cas
re: Shows You Own More Than One Cast Recording or Soundtrack of
 Jan 27 2008, 06:57:48 PM
I have every cast recording (and movie soundtrack, when it applies) that I know to exist of:

Sweeney Todd
Little Shop

re: Your first musical
 Jan 27 2008, 06:44:40 PM
My first live musical EVER: "The Wiz" at a local community theatre when I was 2. My parents were iffy about taking me because I was so young, but the company my mom worked for had produced the show and all their employees got free tickets so they figured if I started causing a problem they wouldnt be out of anything. I don't remember anything about the show, but my mom says I was hooked as soon the show started. I sat there quietly and watched the entire show with absolutely no problems. She say
re: Gypsy marquee
 Jan 27 2008, 06:30:15 PM
Yeah, this marquee doesn't seem like "Gypsy" to me at all, but you can't judge a show by it's marquee. I thought the "Tarzan" marquee was cool and well... didn't care for the show... at all really.

But anyway. It seems to me like the producers aren't putting TONS of money into the show, and probably for good reason. Don't get me wrong, I love Patti and LOVE "Gypsy" and wish this production all the best, but this show DID just have a revival, and as much as I loved that production, in m

re: Anastasia
 Jan 21 2008, 02:29:37 PM
Ok. As I've said before, I'm against most screen to stage transfers, but I've wanted this one to happen for a long time. I really think it could work, with a few expansions/ revisions.

But what is this about the legend having recently been PROVEN false? I know the whole story was a long shot, but I've done a fair bit of research on the topic and don't remember seeing/ hearing anything that actually PROVED Anya didn't get away when the family was ambushed... I'm not saying that whoever

re: Lupone Gypsy Poster
 Jan 7 2008, 09:17:58 PM
I'm really excited for this production, but that poster is atrocious...

re: 'Flops' you were lucky enough to see
 Dec 10 2007, 04:16:02 PM
High Fidelity. Twice. And say what you will, but I LOVED it and HATE that it closed so soon....

I also saw Tarzan, although I don't consider myself "lucky" for having seen it...

re: Question about the profits from cast recordings...
 Dec 6 2007, 06:43:27 PM
hmmm... that's what I figured... Kind of sucks for the actors, but at least they get something. Thanks Margo!
Question about the profits from cast recordings...
 Dec 6 2007, 05:34:25 PM
I did a search, but found nothing that thoroughly answered my question:

Do actors who perform on cast recordings get a cut of the profits made from the sale of the album? And if so, for how long? I mean I know they get paid for recording the album, but is the pay a one time shot or do they continue to get a cut as long as the album is selling? For instance, would Lansbury and Cariou still be getting "royalties" or whatever from the Sweeney OBCR from the 70's?

This may be a rath

re: CATCHY Showtunes!
 Dec 5 2007, 06:25:56 PM
Catchy songs I don't mind being stuck in my Head:

"Last real record store"- High Fidelity
"basically anything from Hairspray
"epiphany" from Sweeney Todd

kind of random, but the music right before Lovett's entrance in "Sweeney" gets stuck in my head ALOT.

Songs I try desperately not to hear because they'll be with me for WEEKS:

"I'm just a girl who cain't say no"- Oklahomo (intentional misspelling)
"Lonely Goat herd"- Sound of Mucus

re: Mary Poppins Recoups, Launches Tour in Chicago in 2009
 Dec 5 2007, 05:38:03 PM
thanks steve! Guess I just missed that...
re: A Tim Burton Directed 'Into The Woods'
 Dec 5 2007, 04:30:30 PM
Personally I would love to see this happen (even though I don't think it will ever actually happen). And not to jump on the Sweeney bandwagon, but I believe Burton would do an excellent job with the piece. Yes, it would probably be a darker and more whimsical production than most would imagine for this piece, but the best productions I've seen of the show have been darker and more twisted than the "traditional" productions. As far as casting goes, I can see any number of combinations working. Th
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