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re: Rope...anybody heard of it?
 Nov 30 2006, 12:46:55 AM
I did this show several years ago. It's a great piece, but a very long night at the theater (3 acts, lots of dialogue). The basic plot is two students decide to murder a friend of theirs and hide the body in a steamer trunk in their living room. They then invite a relative of the dead boy, a few friends, and their old professor over for the evening. Through the course of the play, they drop clues about what they've done and the suspense is wondering if they're going to get caught.


re: john and jen
 Nov 20 2006, 08:20:58 PM
If I remember correctly, it was released initially in the early 90's and then rereleased in the last few years. I know the booklets are different between the two (long story as to why I have/had both versions). No difference in performances or track listing.

Anyway, I recommend getting the disc. It's got some really nice music in it and is well-worth checking out.

re: NEIL PATRICK HARRIS 'Official' Coming Out--People Magazine
 Nov 4 2006, 12:40:39 AM
Good for NPH. Doesn't change the fact that his scenes in "Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle" are hysterical!
re: 24601!
 Aug 3 2006, 03:37:03 PM
J.Mark McVey was the best I've seen, although I really liked Jason Kraake(sp) who I saw as an understudy last year.
re: Little moments in showtunes that sound great when played backwards
 Jul 25 2006, 04:09:33 PM
"I knew a girl who played her "Lennon" bootleg backwards and it said "I buried Paul."

And then she died."

That's damn funny!

re: Hunter or Sutton...who is the better Foster?
 Jul 22 2006, 02:01:08 PM
I hate both of them equally.
 Jul 21 2006, 01:19:43 PM

Like it or not, it needs no more explanation than that.

re: Have You Ever Refused To Break Character ala Daniel Day-Lewis?
 Jul 21 2006, 12:22:31 AM
I once worked with a girl who felt that because her character was abused as a child, she would probably be a "cutter" and would show up at rehearsals in bloody bandages. No lie.

Since then, I've tried to stay clear of actors who "live the part".

re: Highest note belted on a cast recording?
 Jul 20 2006, 03:42:43 PM
"On a similar note, what is the highest note done in a male's chest voice on a cast recording? What is the lowest note?"

Not sure on the lowest, but I'd say Philip Casnoff has to be one of the highest. He's hitting and holding a High C at the end of "Pity The Child" and, unless I'm mistaken, that's all chest voice.

 Jul 18 2006, 02:14:23 PM
I think he's amazingly overrated as Valjean and as a performer. Hopefully, he stays far away from the revival.
re: Where did Lestat go wrong?
 Jul 18 2006, 11:38:46 AM
They'd have been better off making "Interview with the Vampire: The Musical".
re: Stephen Lynch on Opie & Anthony - Radio - June 16th
 Jun 15 2006, 11:20:05 PM
Actually, the walk over hasn't been that bad (with one or two exceptions). Even on their "bad" days, they're still the best thing on the air.

It'll be great to hear Lynch back on the show. Hopefully, he's had time to write a few new songs...

re: Basic Plot of 'Assassins'
 Jun 13 2006, 09:18:24 PM
"Booth has his own segment and then sort of acts as a constant presence pushing the others to carry through with their attempts. "

Having played Booth, I have to disagree with that. Booth does have the biggest role of all the Assassins, but he's hardly a presence in the show after "The Gun Song". He returns towards the end and, as far as the script goes, is directly responsible for convincing Oswald to shoot JFK, but there is at least a half hour that Booth is completely not a part of

re: Howard McGillin
 Jun 12 2006, 07:13:46 AM
"What happened was Howard kept singing and forgot the song cut to a new section"

Actually, if you listen to it again (everyone taped it, right? you can hear two measures at the beginning that appeared to be an intro, but should have been the start of the song. If McGillin had started singing immediately, everything would've fit fine. The fact that he came in two measures late meant that the music changed while Howard was still trying to sing the v

 Jun 11 2006, 09:20:33 PM
I thought they were opening the show with Michael J. Fox the way he was shaking around out there. Terrible.
re: Wedding Singer Tour
 Jun 8 2006, 10:50:14 PM
I just hope they have a non-Equity casting call
re: Lestat cast back on Broadway ideas?
 May 31 2006, 11:52:37 AM
Any thoughts about Hugh going back to Les Mis at some point? Obviously, not as Marius, but what do you think about him as Valjean? He could certainly sing the role.

Oh, to answer a question from before, Gregg Edelman definitely played Javert on Broadway in the early to mid-90s (1992-1995, somewhere in there).

re: Beauty and the beast tony performance
 May 20 2006, 11:35:01 PM
The finale was performed live with clips of a few of the songs preceding it. The only song clip I remember is "If I Can't Love Her", but I'm sure "Be Our Guest" and "Belle" were in there somewhere.
re: Clarify a Les Miz lyric
 May 14 2006, 10:54:40 PM
The scene with this lyric is right after "Stars". Gavroche sings quickly and then this scene...

E: My God. What a rumpus!
M: That girl who can she be?
E: That cop, he'd like to jump us. But he ain't smart, not he.
M: Eponine, who was that girl.
E: Some bourgeoise two-a-penny thing.
M: Eponine, find her for me.
E: What will you give me?
M: Anything!
E: Got you all excited now, but God knows what you see in her. Aren't you all delighted now? No, I don'

re: Overrated Shows
 May 10 2006, 10:06:23 PM
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