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Profile for Broadwaygirl4life

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Member Name: Broadwaygirl4life
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Gender: Male
Profile: Favorite Shows: Movin' Out, Aida, Never Gonna Dance, Music Man, The Boy From Oz, and Cats

Favorite Actors: Michael Cavanaugh, John Selya, Will Chase, Noah Racey, Hugh Jackman

Favorite Actresses: Elizabeth Parkinson, Ashley Tuttle, Heather Headley

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re: Broadway Flea Market...
 Sep 20 2004, 08:54:08 PM
It was so great to finally meet you LuvTheEmcee and You're friends too. I had a great time. :)
re: Aida tomorrow...
 Sep 4 2004, 09:55:59 PM
Haha Wow all of a sudden I realized it was closing tomorrow. I was sitting at dinner and I'm like ahhh. and my mom is like "what" then I started crying. (guess I had an emotional moment) Aww I wish I could be there tomorrow. anyone who is going please enjoy and let me know how it went. "take pictures" (did I say that?)
re: nicest person @ stage door....
 Aug 30 2004, 10:44:45 PM
By far Michael Cavanaugh is the nicest person at the stagedoor. He is such a doll!

re: Idina Menzel: Does she care?
 Aug 27 2004, 10:26:46 PM
Wow all I hear about is Idina. I'm not even a wicked fan. Just have the cd but wow people must really like her. Reading these posts she seems very rude. But good luck with you're letter.
re: Little Shop SIte
 Aug 22 2004, 11:04:06 PM
it's working for me.

re: Bombay Dreams on B'way World Radio
 Aug 18 2004, 11:43:27 PM
I love the music from bombay dreams. It is SOOO catchy, especially
Shakalaka Baby!!!

'when are you going and what are you seeing?'
 Aug 18 2004, 06:20:10 PM
well if you are a hugh billy joel fan like I am then go for Movin' Out. It's great. If you're into his music and love dancing then this is your show. Plus an unbelievable singer, Michael Cavanaugh!
re: AIDA in High Schools?
 Aug 15 2004, 12:19:10 AM
yes dietcokeplease9 that is true about the ensemble. I did see some white girls in there with corn row wigs. but yes Aida could not be a white person, it just wouldn't work.
re: AIDA in High Schools?
 Aug 15 2004, 12:06:28 AM
DGrant- yeah schools can't pick and choose like that. it would be discrimination. I remember this came up in my school district once i beleive. also one of the junior highs put on a production of Annie who casted Annie as an African American.
re: What's your favorite Broadway set?
 Aug 14 2004, 09:28:44 PM
Aida was great. the swimming pool was amazing!
re: AIDA in High Schools?
 Aug 14 2004, 09:28:03 PM
"And everyone wonders why I laugh at the thought of a 15 year old Ms. Potts!"

as mynameinlights said uncalled for.

but hey your not going to get an old lady for the part like there should be. your talking about high school students here who range from the age 15 to 18. some kids that age have good enough talent to play that part.

re: AIDA in High Schools?
 Aug 14 2004, 08:28:42 PM
nicely said mywonderwa11.
re: gay/straight?
 Aug 14 2004, 07:55:33 PM
i'm a straight baby girl. :)

i love gay men with all my heeeeaaaarrrttt!!!

re: AIDA in High Schools?
 Aug 14 2004, 06:37:51 PM
yeah thats true. I hope one day I get to take part in this amazing muscial and that it's a positive turn out to prove some people wrong about high school musicals.
re: Favorite Love Songs
 Aug 8 2004, 12:01:15 AM
~Written In The Stars
~Elaborate Lives

Movin' Out

~I honestly love you

re: Broadway on Broadway '04
 Aug 7 2004, 11:56:27 PM
What time do you usually have to get there by to get a good spot?
re: I get a kick outta this...
 Aug 5 2004, 10:19:26 PM
ahh haha awesome dude.
wheres LadyGuenevere when we need her to see this one!

re: How much longer do you think these shows have left on Broadway?
 Aug 5 2004, 09:46:12 PM
hugs luvtheEmcee it will be ok!
I do think it is in trouble, it can't close though just yet I still need to see it!

re: broadwayworldradio 9:30pm Thursday night
 Aug 5 2004, 09:43:57 PM
yeah its still on Honk I just checked.
re: MTV Made/ Raul Thread
 Aug 5 2004, 09:33:13 PM
Ahhhh I would love to see that too. I wish you the very best of luck Seany. Let us know how things work out!
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