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Profile for BwayDva29

Member Name: BwayDva29
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re: Judy and Me
 Dec 15 2008, 10:06:44 PM
oh, shut up.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 15 2008, 09:59:59 PM
no, you people are worse-half of you havent even SEEN the show, so your opinion doesnt matter anyway.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 15 2008, 09:43:31 PM
no, I was more like talking to people like YOU. You, who since I started this thread innocently, have done nothing but sit behind your computer screen and bitch and complain about this show from the writer to every actor onstage.

And everyone else who's going to argue that-shut up! Im tired of your jaded opinions! And no, I no longer give a damn what you people all think! Jesus, you people are worse than critics for the NY Times..but at least they get paid to be assholes, you people ju

re: Judy and Me
 Dec 15 2008, 05:12:06 PM
okay, everyone needs to shut up and read this link

re: Judy and Me
 Dec 14 2008, 03:10:05 PM
Thanks imatoofbrush..I've been thinking that for a LONG time. But, I guess that's just the mentality of people on this board.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 11:05:35 PM
prove it then. You're such tough stuff, you prove it. Go ahead, write something and put it in a real theatre in NY with a real cast and everything.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 10:59:51 PM
Not for anything, but do any of you make a living out of being a pain in the butt? Because, if you do-you must be rich. Who do you people think you are? Really? Who died and gave you all the right to exploit what someone does as a favor for your own, sick, personal joke..honestly.

Here's someone who actually MADE it. Wrote a show that meant a lot to him, and actually got it a house and made it. How many of you can say that? Unless you can create something better, then shut up.

re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 05:14:33 PM
I loved the show SO so much! I wish I had the means to go see it one more time before Sunday .
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 05:02:13 PM
Piragua-ur awesome. Did you see the show/did you like it?
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 04:15:09 PM
I apologize to you then. If you've seen the show,and this is the opinion you've formed after the fact, then you have a right to your opinion. I'm just glad you went to see the show then :P.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 03:59:46 PM
Seeing as how I can almost put money on the fact that none of you have actually seen the show, I don't think it's fair to pass such harsh judgement on it.

And, honestly-would you have REALLY listened to anything I had to say if I just came out and said 'I'm helping my friends..go see their awesome show!'? No. You wouldn't have, I didn't just fall off the back of the truck this morning, so I know how these message boards work. As soon as you say the word 'friend' its all of a sudden fav

re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 12:09:07 PM
Just go see the show. And, for the record, there's nothing wrong with helping friends out... Just thought I'd point that out.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 12:09:07 PM
Just go see the show. And, for the record, there's nothing wrong with helping friends out... Just thought I'd point that out.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 11:33:25 AM
I'm sorry..what is that supposed to mean? I came on here and posted something innocent for a friend and instead it became an attack against me.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 11:33:25 AM
I'm sorry..what is that supposed to mean? I came on here and posted something innocent for a friend and instead it became an attack against me.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 11:03:30 AM
excuse me? What's that supposed to mean? This is the first time I've posted on this message board, and I'd appreciate it if I'm not called stupid on my first post.

I happen to know both the playwrite and the producer of this show, and I offered to help. If you don't have anything nice to say about the show-fine. But don't you dare attack ME because I don't know where to post something.

re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 12:15:39 AM
I know..I didnt kno what board it would qualify for.
re: Judy and Me
 Dec 12 2008, 12:08:57 AM
did you see the show?
Judy and Me
 Dec 11 2008, 11:35:12 PM
So yesterday, I saw a wonderful, beautiful, touching show called "Judy and Me". It's an off-Broadway show, written by and starring Peter Mac.

The show is basically about a young, gay man living in Long Island with his abusive father, and loving mother. He's beaten at school, and he really has nobody except his best friend, his mother-and Judy Garland. With Judy's help, Peter's inspired character Anthony Castellano gets through his dark tunnel to a much brighter, and happier other side.

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