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Member Name: keely2
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Location: NYC
Profile: Hi, I'm Keely. I'm a theatre lover, a teenager, and I run an interview website called Good Prattle. Check it out:

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re: Anyone seeing the first preview of A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE?
 Jan 1 2010, 09:17:33 PM
There is no need to leave the show early in order to get a good spot. If you really, really book, you can start to edge out as the curtain call is drawing to a close (or even directly after if you can REALLY move!), get to the stagedoor (it's to your left once you exit the theatre), and wiggle your way up to the front of the barricade.

I went on Wednesday; first of all, the show is fantastic--Liev Schreiber, Jessica Hecht, and Michael Cristofer especially doing absolutely brilliant jobs

An interview with Anna Camp
 Jan 4 2009, 09:15:21 AM
All right, everybody, I've interviewed Anna Camp for my interview website Good Prattle, so I thought I would share. It's actually one of the best interviews I've done, because we talk really in-depth about Equus, and I thought you folk might like to read it.
Do you think the recession is going to lead to lower ticket prices?
 Oct 23 2008, 08:26:02 PM
Whatever's going on right now, it's pretty bad--I have never seen so many shows close or announce closing in such a short period of time. A lot of people have been saying it's because of the recession, and that makes more sense than anything: at the moment, nobody wants to shell out $120 to see a Broadway show. That's the very very least of people's worries. And obviously Broadway is hurting for it. Do you think, then, that this is going to maybe lead to producers actually getting
re: BOEING BOEING (Caught a Late Flight, but They're Still Serving Laughs)
 Sep 11 2008, 12:11:55 PM
Missi Pyle is in the new cast? I love her. Glad to hear she nailed it.
re: Will title of show still be open by November 3rd?
 Sep 9 2008, 08:52:42 PM
Buy tickets. If it closes I'm sure they will refund you and the more tickets they sell the smaller the chances that it might close.
re: Off Broadway show vs. Broadway
 Sep 9 2008, 08:50:32 PM
I agree with [title of show]. It's wonderful. You absolutely have to see it.
re: The Official Equus Love Thread!!
 Sep 7 2008, 01:35:36 PM
Okay. I'll bite. This show was hypnotic and arresting and I am elated to have gotten to see it. I can't wait to hear reports about how the show and its cast grow as the run progresses. Excellent performances all around. Magnificent directing. Oh my god. The horses.
re: which new Broadway show are you most looking forward to??
 Sep 7 2008, 01:12:08 AM
Mine was Equus, which I got to see tonight. (I'm still high off the buzz and I think I will be fore a while. It was a truly incredible night of theatre.) However, I'm also very much looking forward to 13 and I think I am going to try to interview Eric Nelsen, who plays Brett.
re: EQUUS - First Preview - 9/5/08
 Sep 7 2008, 12:52:55 AM
That's absolutely true. My friend and I got pretty close to the front tonight, however (although we were still a good five or so rows back from the barrier by the time Dan came out), and we were taking our time in getting to the stagedoor because we knew our chances of success would be extremely slim. We're going to bring our playbills and just stagedoor in a week or two.
re: EQUUS - First Preview - 9/5/08
 Sep 7 2008, 12:17:25 AM
I saw the show tonight. It was absolutely incredible. Daniel Radcliffe was Alan Strang the entire time and knocked it out of the park in my eyes. Griffiths was beyond phenomenal. I was completely blown away by the horses (all of which were beyond a million times cramazing) and also by Carolyn McCormack, who was just perfection.
re: belated Tony Awards coverage
 Jul 5 2008, 09:22:33 AM
Thanks, glad you liked the coverage!

It really was great to get to talk to everyone. I had to pinch myself repeatedly to make sure I wasn't dreaming but was, rather, actually there.

belated Tony Awards coverage
 Jul 4 2008, 07:38:02 PM
I don't know if any of you've seen this but I covered the Tony Awards for my website, Good Prattle, and I was sharing all my interview coverage all last week (there are eight parts, each with two or three conversations with various actors/performers). There's some good stuff and I thought you here might be interested.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof rush
 Jun 13 2008, 08:16:31 AM
I need to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof because I'm meant to interview a member of the cast, but I haven't been able to yet due to school... so, now it's summer vacation, could anybody tell me anything about what the student rush (and the standing room) is like?
re: Interview with Karen Olivo
 May 15 2008, 01:39:40 PM
Am glad you enjoyed it! I'm glad the piece turned out as wonderfully as it did, as well.
re: Interview with Karen Olivo
 May 11 2008, 04:57:02 PM
I've sent you a message. :]
re: Interview with Karen Olivo
 May 11 2008, 04:28:29 PM
Nah, it's not a stupid question, considering how many of my interviews I've had to do by phone (or, far worse, email). :P But yes, this one was in-person... backstage, actually, at her dressing room, which was very cool. She's so sweet. :]
re: The Official 'In The Heights' Love Thread....
 May 11 2008, 12:22:00 PM
Already mentioned this on the main board, but I recently interviewed Karen Olivo, aka Vanessa... I of course thought that the show was unbelievably fantastic and that she was as well, so I contacted them and wound up interviewing her for my interview website! She's lovely. And we talk about The [title of show] Show, too. And she paints!

At my website--

Interview with Karen Olivo
 May 11 2008, 11:11:56 AM
I recently interviewed Karen Olivo, aka Vanessa from In The Heights... I thought the show was fantastic and so was she, so I contacted them and wound up interviewing her for my interview website! She's lovely. And we talk about The [title of show] Show, too. And she paints!

Check it out at my website:

re: Highly acclaimed shows that you just don't like...
 Oct 27 2007, 05:30:58 PM
I love LaChiusa, Sondheim, Kander and Ebb, and Ahrens and Flaherty.

The only show I've ever hated (I'm looking forward to getting skinned alive) is:


re: Who's seen 'None of the Above'?
 Oct 23 2007, 07:15:55 PM
The end scene was adorable. I really loved the hangover scene, myself... and the first scene... and, well, just about all of them.

I don't get why reviewers have been so heavy-handed. The plot twists were kind of absurd at points, I'll grant that, but that's more than made up for in the acting, directing, and in basically every other aspect of the book.

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