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Member Name: jchaseg
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 Oct 3 2010, 01:11:20 PM
So, to clarify. This is not a basement-no-royalties-production. As I'm sure you're all aware (or maybe you're not) there is a maximum number of weeks before a production that MTI will send out materials. I have been able to read the libretto, but have not seen the back appendix which houses audience instructions, a list of scenarios, and suggested words and definitions. I am simply trying to do my director homework and be as prepared and studied as possible. That's all. No illegalities or
 Oct 2 2010, 01:04:40 AM
Any help would be greatly appreciated...

I am directing a production of SPELLING BEE at a university here in New York later in the year. I have been able to locate all the materials to start preparing, however there is an appendix in the back of the script which has information on audience participation scenarios as well as a suggested list of words, definitions and sentences. I have not been able to find it anywhere. If anyone has it, or could point me in the right direction it woul

re: A new show about blogging & secrets about to open.
 May 25 2009, 11:22:06 PM
Why the negativity? You might enjoy yourself.
A new show about blogging & secrets about to open.
 May 25 2009, 11:10:13 PM
Here is the link to the promo video:

With the popularity of confessional websites, blog culture, and the advent of the technology age, Counting Squares Theatre examines the cause and effect of our increasingly stark interpersonal relationships.

 Feb 22 2009, 04:54:45 PM
Thanks guys. I figured I could get it in the library, just wanted to see if I could get it online!
Counting Squares Theatre announces final show of 07-08 Season
 May 16 2008, 10:54:57 PM
From the press release:

Carpe Tunnel: Embracing the Struggle
In an effort to explore humanity, life and the struggle therein, Counting Squares Theatre presents a series of new works being examined for their 2008-2009 Season. From a new piece by Stephen Belber to a new adaptation of Buchner’s Woyzeck, the celebration of life is captured through the eyes and the minds of Counting Squares Theatre company members.
Stephen Belber, E

Boys' Life Begins Limited Run at the Kraine Theatre
 Jan 25 2008, 03:20:13 PM
Counting Squares Theatre's production of Howard Korder's Boys' Life began its run on Tuesday, January 22nd. The shows runs every Tuesday and Wednesday at 7pm through February 13th.

See the link below for more information.

Playbill Article:
Following a one-week, sold-out production of Boys' Life this past summer, Counting Squares Theatre presents a limited engagement of that Howard Korder play beginning Jan. 22.

Performances at Off-Broadway's Kraine Theater,

re: Favorite Musical
 Jan 7 2008, 02:34:08 AM
a new brain
re: Spring Awakening - Great music but homophobic?
 Nov 21 2007, 03:42:52 AM
I believe they have just had some kind of sexual relation, and as best as I can remember they are eating grapes as well.
re: Spring Awakening - Great music but homophobic?
 Nov 21 2007, 03:30:55 AM
This scene, in Wedekind's original Spring's Awakening, is not terribly similar. Some of the dialogue has been pulled from the original piece, however there are actually many more homoerotic undertones in the original.

I would suggest a read to everyone who has seem the musical but doesn't know what it is based on. It will likely clarify the marjority of your questions. It's a pretty brilliant work.

re: What Off-Broadway Shows Would You Recommend?
 Nov 12 2007, 01:44:16 AM
I meant *this* production got great reviews.

 Nov 12 2007, 12:48:33 AM
So I just posted it on the other off-broadway posting, but Martin Sherman's BENT is running at the 13th Street Repertory Company through November 29. The show really has something important to say, and I would think that this community would take a piece like that to its heart!
re: What Off-Broadway Shows Would You Recommend?
 Nov 12 2007, 12:41:55 AM
It's technically off-off, but Bent by Martin Sherman is playing at the 13th Street Repertory Company. Got really great reviews.
 Oct 23 2007, 12:07:19 AM
Martin Sherman's BENT playing at the 13th Street Repertory Company gets its' first review... and it's great:

Allison Taylor · October 17, 2007

When a critic says that a production company or director is "brave" to have taken on a piece, it's usually a back-handed compliment, implying that the production, despite its bravery, did not live up to the text. I must ask you to not misinterpret my whole-hearted compliment that director Joshua Chase Gold, and the folks

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