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Member Name: benjamingullett
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re: it's over!
 Nov 28 2007, 10:27:31 PM
I hope good news comes soon ... but I just read this on

--- Although NY1 reported that those picketing have been ordered to return their picket signs to the union office, union spokesperson Bruce Cohen told at 9:40 PM, "The picket lines always come down at 8:10 PM."

What was interpreted by the local cable channel as the end of the strike may not be so. "NY1 got it wrong and is correcting. On the other hand, do keep watching," Cohen added.


re: Today in London...SWEENEY TODD begins principal photography!
 Feb 6 2007, 01:56:45 PM
Here, I got this from
Final Thoughts
 Dec 19 2006, 06:02:21 PM
I, unfortunately (apparently), saw the Sat. night performance. And I've see various tours, multiple times, in multiple cities, since '98. And please don't tell me to feel bad because they only had three weeks to prepare. If they're an understudy for a tour... then they should have been prepared for a while.
Final Thoughts
 Dec 19 2006, 11:53:01 AM
No... this is by far the worst tour I've seen. Very disappointed. And there weren't "vocal issues" there were ... "he doesn't know his lines" issues.
Sunday Matinee
 Dec 18 2006, 08:44:09 AM
I saw the performance on Sat @ 8 and let me tell you, Mark was awful. He could have been easily better... had he known his lines.
 Aug 2 2006, 02:47:09 PM
For those of you in the Cincinnati area, and for those of you who aren't but feel a trip to the Cincinnati area is needed, I encourage you to come see the premiere of my new play, SQUIGGLLYDICKLER!

A wild and looney farce, SQUIGGLLYDICKLER tells the story of a mad scientist attempting to save the world in the craziest of ways, by turning everyone into butlers or maids. But his chances of saving humanity are constantly interrupted by a self-obsessed narrator, an irritable salesman,

re: Question Regarding The Purchasing of Rights
 Jun 26 2006, 11:36:27 PM
Look into Broadway Publishing Company here:
re: Sometimes the creative juices just stop flowing...
 Jun 25 2006, 11:03:12 PM
Thanks for the support TomMonster! I'll definitely keep posting about the process. I'm actually working on a rewrite right now and it is driving me crazy!
re: Sometimes the creative juices just stop flowing...
 Jun 25 2006, 09:46:56 PM
Unless you're up against a deadline, take your time. Believe me when I tell you that writing can take a long time, and if you try to be quick about it (unless of course the juices are flowin') what you create won't necessarily be what you wanted. The show I've just written, Squiggllydickler, is a play but it still took me over a year to write it. But, we begin rehearsals tomorrow so it is definitely a rewarding experience. Stay in it, take your time, and breathe. And if all else fails, and you'r
re: Questions about 'Company' libretto
 Jun 1 2006, 02:24:39 PM
fiyero8132: "But just to be clear, adding to the show is illegal - eliminating a line or two is not."

Wrong, wrong, wrong!

If this is your thinking you may not want to even touch a show like "Company," especially with your concern of pot usage. Any other questions refer back to MarkyMatt's dead-on post.

re: John Doyle to direct Amadeus
 May 18 2006, 09:05:19 AM
Personally, I kind of found the instruments to be occasionally distracting during "Sweeney." However, when I saw "Company" I barely realized they were even there. It was almost a cross between "Company" and "Peter & The Wolf," not only did the actors fit the characters, but the instruments fit the characters as well. IMHO, "Company" is a superior production to "Sweeney," and I love me some "Sweeney."
re: RENT DVD - A Review
 Feb 18 2006, 07:36:54 AM
I have to agree. There are a lot of "little" things that drive me insane. The biggest one, where I just wanted to pull out my hair the most, was at the end of the film during "Your Eyes" when Roger (who the entire film has been trying to write his "one last song" with his guitar) never picks up his damn guitar when he sings to Mimi!!!

Columbus claims in the commentary that he didn't want the film to have an Elvis moment. What?!? RENT is a musical! They sing, they dance. You all ready ha

re: RENT DVD - A Review
 Feb 10 2006, 11:41:07 PM
The only additional musical performances on the DVD are the deleted scenes of "Halloween" & "Goodbye Love."

I'd also like to apologize for what appears on the first page of this post after my review. What was suppose to be a discussion of the DVD became another hate fest. That's all that ever seems to be here at BWW. A reason like someone like me would just rather lurk than post. The problem with many "broadway fans" on this site is that if a show is too successful (Rent, Wicked, Phant

RENT DVD - A Review
 Feb 10 2006, 04:58:58 PM
Let me begin by first saying that I've been a fan of RENT since '96. I've loved it always. It was one of the first musicals I was introduced to and will always hold a special place in my heart. With the film being released I was very excited from the beginning. With pictures being posted here from the shooting of the film, to the blog @ the Sony website, an early release of "Seasons of Love" on iTunes, the various film trailers, the minute previews of the songs on the Sony website and finally to
re: 'The Producers' Movie Musical DVD
 Feb 10 2006, 11:20:41 AM
The cover art for the R2 DVD is actually one of the posters they used overseas.
re: Rent sheet music
 Nov 4 2005, 09:46:29 AM
I would say that would be a very good guess, but I can't say for sure.
re: Rent sheet music
 Nov 3 2005, 11:38:44 PM
Approx. date: December 1, 2005 from Hal Leonard

The website says: Matching folio to the film adaptation of the Tony -winning Broadway smash which was itself a modern adaptation of La Boheme. 17 songs: Another Day * I'll Cover You * Rent * Seasons of Love * Take Me or Leave Me * What You Own * Without You * You'll See * Your Eyes * and more.

The original book had only 12 selections.

So we should see one soon!

re: Two RENT Soundtracks?
 Sep 26 2005, 12:18:24 AM
At least for the first CD, not the second.
re: Two RENT Soundtracks?
 Sep 25 2005, 12:37:14 PM
It's not just, lists the same thing.
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