This Year's NBC Musical... Jan 19
2014, 05:47:22 PM
Daniel Radcliffe for Peter is actually a great idea. My vote for Captain Hook is Johnny Depp.
BEAUTIFUL: The Carole King Musical preview thread Dec 22
2013, 12:08:05 AM
I saw it a few weeks ago and really enjoyed it. I hope it is as big of a hit as Jersey Boys. The entire cast was wonderful and the audience really seemed to enjoy it and were really vocal when familiar songs started. To answer your question, Mick Seven, I saw the show from above and she is not actually playing the piano. But she did a hell of a job acting like she did. I was so convinced that I had to look at the conductor a few times to see if he was playing or not. The only time he d
BEAUTIFUL rush? Dec 19
2013, 10:40:05 AM
I also rushed the other night and got tickets in the box at about 4:00pm. The box seats were fine. Side question: does anyone know why this show is having a 2 month preview period?
What musical should Meron and Zadan do next? Dec 9
2013, 10:27:24 PM
Singin' in the Rain with Justin TImberlake as Don Lockwood. That man can dance AND sing.
What musical should Meron and Zadan do next? Dec 7
2013, 01:15:42 AM
This would actually be the perfect outlet for a Bette Midler "Mame" or "Hello, Dolly" because she said she is nervous about doing 8 performances a week. Give her one night only and she will be all set.
NEWSIES Tour Fall 2014 Nov 14
2013, 02:59:33 AM
I wouldn't be surprised if this posted a closing notice in the next few months, if not weeks.
O'Hara & Pasquale lead 'The Bridges of Madison County' on Broadway Jun 26
2013, 05:40:26 PM
jeffmiele, Derek Wills is set to direct the revival of My Fair Lady!
Best Supporting Actor in a Musical? May 19
2013, 07:58:36 PM
I'd really like to see Will Chase win in this category. I loved his performance and I think a win like this could boost his career even more.
Musicals that should've had a longer run... May 19
2013, 07:50:56 PM
Curtains Bonnie & Clyde Grey Gardens The Scottsboro Boys
Drama Desk Live Stream May 19
2013, 07:49:28 PM
TheatreMania I believe is doing a live stream
SMASH Apr 14
2013, 01:57:20 PM
I'm no expert in TV time slots, but NBC just got it all wrong this season. I don't know how much of the performing Broadway community contributes to Smash's total viewers, but putting it on Monday nights last year when most Broadway shows are dark, gave more performers a chance to watch the show. I think the show would've done much better had it been on Sunday or Monday nights this season. The switch to Tuesday just seemed all off and then the midseason switch to Saturdays at 9 came at a horribl
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 3/24/13 Mar 25
2013, 04:38:43 PM
Cinderella is the next Mary Poppins. Decent musical with spectacular special effects that is catered towards families. I loved the show. I hope it has a long life on Broadway!
Les Mis revival theater Feb 27
2013, 08:52:25 PM
The three Shubert theaters I would like to see it in are taken: The Broadway, Winter Garden and Shubert.
Spider-Man to have a new Theater..? Dec 5
2012, 08:48:39 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Gershwin the largest Broadway theatre? Or did this become the biggest after the renovations for Spiderman?
Kiss Me Kate revival Nov 18
2012, 03:24:25 PM
How was Carolee in the role??
Anything Goes Oct 10
2012, 08:59:31 AM
I kind of wish they put her in the red wig Stephanie J. Block wore. Red is such a good color on Rachel York.
Who teaches Broadway stars to sing songs? Sep 9
2012, 06:05:48 PM
Bernadette's voice teacher is Adrienne Angel, or at least it was. She mentioned her when she was a guest host on Regis awhile ago.
Will Chase in Nice Work Aug 22
2012, 07:09:13 PM
I agree completely with JBroadway. I really enjoyed Matthew Broderick in the role. He had people on stage cracking. But he was so "Matthew Broderick-y" I was having a hard time imaging how Will Chase would fit. I love Will Chase as a performer and I would love to see him in this.
Sister Act Rush Aug 18
2012, 11:11:12 PM
Trisha Rapier was on as Mother Superior the night of the 8th. Beautiful voice. Sounded a lot like Carolee Carmello. The rush was pretty difficult 2 weeks ago. I went 3 times and didn't get tickets. Showed up at 11 on Sunday, 9 on Wednedsay and 8:30 on Friday. I just couldn't get myself out of bed though.
Spike Lee Wants To Remake PORGY & BESS Film Aug 9
2012, 12:59:39 PM
It wouldn't be the same Porgy & Bess, but I would like to see it jazzed up a little. Whitney Houston would've been the perfect Bess for that. Go to YouTube and look for her singing Porgy...just so good!!