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Profile for PSLove302

PSLove302 Profile Photo
Member Name: PSLove302
Contact User: You must be logged in to contact BWW members.
Gender: Male
Location: New York, New York
Occupation: marketing for Telsey casting
Profile: I am 24 and I like Broadway.

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re: Evita Revival?
 Oct 1 2008, 09:29:41 PM
What are the chances that you crawl into a hole and never come out?

re: Once Upon a Time There Was a Musical Called Nero, and, What's going on
 Oct 1 2008, 09:27:06 PM



re: Battery's Down Episode 9
 Oct 1 2008, 09:26:28 PM
Why does it matter???

You are talking out of pure bitter jealousy.

Go make your own damn YouTube Show.

re: Donkey
 Oct 1 2008, 08:25:02 PM
oh thank god they changed it!!
re: RENT: School Edition - AMAZING!
 Oct 1 2008, 07:22:59 PM
re: Battery's Down Episode 9
 Oct 1 2008, 07:20:55 PM

Wish I could say the same about your post in regards to Jake's homosexuality.

My partner's best friend dated Jake so she introduced us. Jake is such a sweet guy and really driven.

Who cares what he is???

He's dated girls. But I'm also guessing he has expieremented before.

Does his sexuality have anything to do with THIS???

No. So stop and go away... you closet queenie.

re: Battery's Down Episode 9
 Oct 1 2008, 07:14:51 PM
CATYSNY - you need to get a guy first! Maybe then you can find something better to do then being an obnoxious little twerp on this board.

go get laid.

re: College Transfering?
 Oct 1 2008, 07:13:01 PM
you need to GO to college, Cooolkid!

Take some English classes. Then come back!

re: Tale of Two Cities gets box office bump
 Oct 1 2008, 07:12:02 PM
Because Winston is obnoxious about it.

Whenver there is a negative post about TALE, he is there. to defend.

re: '13' Previews
 Oct 1 2008, 07:03:03 PM

perfectliar -- you're missing the point. I wasn't expecting a "Parade" type score. Not even anything similar to "Last Five Years"... you mention the term 'pop scores' . "Songs For A New World" is predominantly a 'pop/contemp score'.

it IS possible to write a pop score with GOOD music (i.e. O'Keefe, Pasek & Paul, Larsen, Schwartz).... or at least relatively DECENT.

you people are trying to turn this around into a good thing. it's NOT

re: '13' Previews
 Oct 1 2008, 03:15:58 PM
Once in LA. Once at Goodspeed. And finally in NY last weekend.

My partner got comps so I felt obligated to go. To be honest... I enjoyed it A LOT more before all of the cuts and revisions and changes.

It just doesn't belong on Broadway and I can't believe that Jason Robert Brown was capapable of writing such garbage. I mean. I am a huge fan of his. But this score is just ridiculously inane, juvenlile (it sounds like a 13 year-old wrote the damn score), and amateurish.

re: Battery's Down Episode 9
 Oct 1 2008, 03:12:18 PM
it's the end of the season. not the end of the series. depending on what happens with Jake's future jobs, we could be seeing ANOTHER season.
re: Rob Guest, current star of Melbourne's 'WICKED' passes away...
 Oct 1 2008, 03:11:09 PM

Didn't see this one coming...

Loves me some Rob Guest portrayal of Valjean.


re: '13' Previews
 Oct 1 2008, 03:09:17 PM
Oh God.

"I like Jason's body of work and I found 13's score to be a worthy addition."

What are you smoking????

JRB's worst score, to date. No doubt about that. I thought the 'effing book was better than the score as a whole!! That's saying a lot sweetheart.

 Oct 1 2008, 11:19:22 AM








re: Is South Pacific relevant?
 Oct 1 2008, 11:18:45 AM
Are you writing a college paper on SOUTH PACIFIC and expect feedback from the oldies?

Just ask the question.

Don't post a damn essay.

re: '13' RUSH
 Oct 1 2008, 11:07:51 AM
Yes but this is NOT the usual Jason Robert Brown stuff.

It really is a terrible score... especially for him.

When I first heard it (and saw it), my mouth dropped. I still can't believe some of the crap this man was capapable of writing. After all of his wonderful work with PARADE and LAST FIVE YEARS.

so ridiculous.

re: '13' RUSH
 Oct 1 2008, 11:04:08 AM
You MUST love theatre trash!!!
re: Awesome 80' s prom
 Oct 1 2008, 10:58:06 AM
re: Welcome BILLY ELLIOT
 Oct 1 2008, 10:57:38 AM
I honestly hated the show when I saw it, in London.

I just don't get why everyone loves it.

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