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Member Name: DancinMan
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Fiddler on the Roof Previews
 Dec 15 2015, 05:46:43 PM

I don't disagree with your comment above.  I just wish the concept would have been more thought out/fully executed.  Yeargan's design remind me of this regional production in Chicago designed by Kevin Depinet.  I would love to see what he could do with a Broadway budget.  Broadway too often recycles the same artists when there are much better ones waiting in the wings.

Fiddler on the Roof Previews
 Dec 15 2015, 02:20:34 PM

The image of the wall opening up is visually stunning.  It does remind me a lot of the previous revivals design.  There were walls opening up in the same fashion.  I think this revival would have done better utilizing Tom Pye's set design.  Here is the link to his designs.

Fiddler on the Roof Previews
 Dec 12 2015, 02:57:33 AM

Those houses look terrible.  I have seen regional productions designed better than this.  How does this quality of work make it to Broadway.  I would like to see what John Doyle could do with this show.  I will say that the last revival of Fiddler created a beautiful environment for the action to take place in.  Much better than those cartoon houses.  This just seems so backwards from most of Yeargan's work.  

 Dec 6 2015, 03:40:24 PM

I respect the fact that they wanted to venture in a new direction and hire a choreographer outside of the musical theatre world.  After witnessing her work, I was just left uninspired.  There is a reason specific choreographers work in the world of musical theatre, because they clearly understand how to tell a story through movement.  I am tired of the idea that anyone can work in musical theatre.  

The choreography lacked structure, substance, creativity a

Fiddler on the Roof Previews
 Nov 21 2015, 04:10:48 PM

Can someone explain the large opening in the deck upstage?

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