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Profile for Mindfreak1400

Member Name: Mindfreak1400
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KING KONG - Previews
 Oct 10 2018, 11:19:11 AM

VotePeron said: "I have an Audience Rewards ticket for tonight's 8pm preview I can't use because I'm sick . It's an amazing seat, orchestra M1. I'd sell it for $75, which is an amazing value given the points I used for it. DM me and I can make sure the ticket name is changed at the box office. Thanks guys :)"


I just messaged you!

KING KONG - Previews
 Oct 10 2018, 11:17:36 AM

Jessie Mueller and Matinees?
 Oct 4 2016, 10:12:05 PM

@z5 said: "Why would a matinee mean a performer not go to work?? I don't get the logic behind this from a lot of people. "


People just assume sometimes for shows that are vocally demanding for a performer to take matinees off. Example, Alex Brightman having a 6 six show week instead of an 8 show week because of the intensity of the vocals.


Jessie Mueller and Matinees?
 Oct 4 2016, 02:22:48 PM

Is Jessie pretty constant with performing on Sunday Matinees? Family is coming from out of town, don't want them to miss out on seeing Jessie

Theatre Do and Don'ts Petition!
 May 6 2016, 11:00:06 AM

Broadway is a work of art. It has also become a hot tourist spot for visitors to NYC.

An audience can make or break a Broadway performance. Having a disrespectful patron near by can really hinder one's expiernce when watching a show.

Actors can hear and see every move that is made in the audience during a performance. And sometimes it can be really distracting to them.

At every show a Playbill is given out. It would be smart for Playbill to include a page of DO's and DON'Ts for a Broadway audience. Yes, this won't completely stop and seize everyone, but stopping a handful of patrons can create a better expierence in the long run.

Sign my petition so I can send this to Playbill so they can start to include a page in Playbill's and create a better theatre experience for everyone!

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