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Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway

Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway

Petralicious Profile Photo
#2Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 4:59pm

Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway

When They Go Low, I Go High

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#3Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 5:05pm


Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

PalJoey Profile Photo
#4Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 5:06pm

There you go again, Petroshka.

Belittling a revered AMERICAN institution like the Office of Government ETHICS. (Who can be against ethics? Seriously.)

In Russia you people have no ethics. Here, we think they're something to fight for.


Updated On: 2/14/17 at 05:06 PM

Petralicious Profile Photo
#5Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 5:08pm

Not Russian, and you know it..

 Why must you attack me?
Surprised you are not using one of your puppet accounts. were they banned?

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/14/17 at 05:08 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#6Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 5:24pm


Not mine and you know it.

You know perfectly well who they are.


Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#7Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 6:04pm

Petra, this is not a joking matter.

This woman violated the Standards of Conduct. 

Her behavior and those of her colleagues are UNETHICAL.

With her position comes a set of policy, procedures, rules and regulations. There are there for a reason. 

Many in this present administration are blatantly demonstrating that they feel these policies, procedures, rules, regulations and laws do not apply to them. 

This cannot be tolerated in any way, shape or form.




...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Petralicious Profile Photo
#8Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 6:30pm

Yes Blue.. not denying that. But iit was a silly aside. Not trading money for Hostages to get a deal done. Or trading terrorists for a deserter. Or breaking into DNC headquarters. They cant beat KellyAnne in debate or as campaigner  so theyre trying anything.

The false outrage is hilarious. 

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/14/17 at 06:30 PM

songanddanceman2 Profile Photo
#9Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/14/17 at 6:41pm

Oh god Petra shut up shut up shut up, I've seen some annoying trolls on here over the years but my god, you are a whole other level. Stop defending every damn thing that's happening because it only makes you sound insane. 

Namo i love u but we get it don't like Madonna

kdogg36 Profile Photo
#10Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 9:21am

Petralicious said: "They cant beat KellyAnne in debate or as campaigner  so theyre trying anything."

Might I suggest a baseball bat?


madbrian Profile Photo
#11Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 9:30am

Again, the trolls deflect and distract.  Back to Conway, who gave a series of awful interviews yesterday.  Looks like the media has figured out her con.  Now, she's trying to duck her retweet of a white nationalist.

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#12Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 9:53am

Petralicious said: "Yes Blue.. not denying that. But iit was a silly aside. Not trading money for Hostages to get a deal done. Or trading terrorists for a deserter. Or breaking into DNC headquarters. They cant beat KellyAnne in debate or as campaigner  so theyre trying anything.

The false outrage is hilarious. 


Petra, you are a Trump apologist par excellence. Your modus operandi is crystal clear. You debate your points not by acknowledging the faults of the people in question but by bashing the opposition. 

You deflect and you spin. 

I now understand why you admire this administration and defend it so fervently. They reflect your ideals, your morals and your way of being.



...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Petralicious Profile Photo
#13Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:04am

You are wrong Blue

You can find my criticism of Oompa Loompa all over this board especially before election. I will admit not being a big fan of Hillary or especially Bernie either but I did not find either to be the Second Coming or unworthy of criticism as some people here did.  And the hysteria after the election with anchors crying and false outrage makes me laugh.

I will admit and you will find me being big fan of the strong, young, independent, women he surrounds himself with like Ivanka, Melania, Nikki, Betsey and especially the most powerful woman in America Kelly Anne.


KDOGG: You crack me up. good one!

When They Go Low, I Go High

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#14Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:14am

You just proved my point. Instead of discussing the person in question: Kellyanne Conway you instantly deflect and bring up Hillary Rodham Clinton and Bernie Sanders, who have absolutely nothing to do with the discussion at hand. 

You are entitled to your opinion but the notion of Ivanka, Melania and Nikki being strong independent women is really up for debate.

That you cite Kellyanne as being the most powerful woman in the country is laughable. She is in fact the most reviled, mocked and ridiculed woman in this country as we speak. She lacks so many things but ethics and integrity are at the top of the list. 


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

#15Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:16am

Petra once say Hillary Clinton only credible candidates. 

Mother to Petra and Anezka. Am evil like Petra

madbrian Profile Photo
#16Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:17am

Please don't feed the trolls. 

"It does me no injury for my neighbour to say there are 20 gods or no god. It neither picks my pocket, nor breaks my leg." -- Thomas Jefferson

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#17Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:20am

Thank you madbrian.

I will cease and desist.

A brick wall need not fall on me to see where this is clearly headed. 

I'll quit while I am ahead. 

Thanks again. 


...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

#18Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:21am

I sorry. I'll not feed troll daughter no more. Too bad I not feed her as baby Then board still be nice!

Mother to Petra and Anezka. Am evil like Petra

Huss417 Profile Photo
#19Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:47am

The sad thing is I have blocked the trolls on this board but unfortunately they still show up when there mundane comments are quoted. My question is and I know it is difficult but why do you even waste your time responding back to them? They thrive on it and I find it sorry that there narrow minds are even here to begin with.

"I hope your Fanny is bigger than my Peter." Mary Martin to Ezio Pinza opening night of Fanny.

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#20Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:54am

I can only speak for myself but I did not know that Petra was considered a troll.

...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#21Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:54am

I can only speak for myself but I did not know that Petra was considered a troll.

...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Blue_Lotus Profile Photo
#22Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/15/17 at 10:55am

Why did my response post twice? Weird. 

...i am an infinite soul in a human body who is in the process of never ending growth...

Petralicious Profile Photo
#23Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 8:45am

Blue, some on this board consider a troll someone who they do not agree with. Diverse thought is not welcomed by them so they try and shut them up by labeling them troll. Most, however even if they disagree like to hear the other side, even if they do not agree with it. You can tell the real trolls by how they are new appear out of nowhere and know the history of the people on the board right away and set out to bully and harass with insults.

 Also, I will respect your statement that KellyAnne is not the most powerful women in the United States but you can tell me who is then?

Your response posted twice maybe because of a short delay or break in wifi most likely

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/16/17 at 08:45 AM

ErikJ972 Profile Photo
#24Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 9:23am

There is no thought behind your posts Petra. You post to be contrary and provacative. It's clear you don't put much thought behind them. That's why people call you a troll.

We've have been other conservatives that post here that people may have disagreed with but they were not referred to as trolls.

Petralicious Profile Photo
#25Ethics office calls on White House to discipline Conway
Posted: 2/16/17 at 9:34am

Respectfully, I wish that was true Erik, please name some non left posters that have not been called troll. Yankeefan and BroadwayC are the only two other non left posters here that I know and they are smeared the same way. Maybe Kdogg, though he is not conservative but  proudly libertarien

When They Go Low, I Go High
Updated On: 2/16/17 at 09:34 AM
