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Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre- Page 3

Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre

#50Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/20/15 at 6:13pm

I hope that the music and book will match the acrobats in quality. I guess that although they are not using traditional Broadway composers, they have a lot of confidence in their two guys and I am excited to see the look of the overall production.

#51Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/20/15 at 8:21pm

BroadMagTech said: "I am so excited! I was wondering if once the Wiz comes to Broadway, Paramour will leave."

Considering the amount of time and money they typically spend developing their shows I would be willing to bet that the plan is not for a short run just to fill the space until The Wiz comes in. If that does revival does actually happen and this show is still making any money expect to see The Wiz going into another theatre.

Howard Shore
#52Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/21/15 at 4:45am

Hopefully it will bring a new audience




Prepare to get swept off your feet by PARAMOUR, a rapturous and passionate new experience that unites the signature spectacle of Cirque du Soleil with the storytelling magic that defines Broadway. Set in the glamorous world of Golden Age Hollywood, this groundbreaking event spins the tale of a beautiful young poet forced to choose between love and art. Featuring a cast that blends the best in circus arts and musical theatre, PARAMOUR will transport you to a world of sublime beauty and emotion as it walks the exhilarating tightrope of the heart.




#53Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/21/15 at 4:50am

I'm told that this show is "just a revamped Iris," for those of you that care.

hork Profile Photo
#54Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/21/15 at 11:16am

Well, I thought Iris was a mess, and a crushing bore, so this is disappointing. 

haterobics Profile Photo
#55Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/21/15 at 11:21am

As long as it's not a revamped Viva Elvis... yikes.

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#56Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/22/15 at 12:05pm

IRIS  was a  very ambitious production. I lived in LA during that time and was able to see the original production twice (before they cut it to 90 minutes).  It's probably cirque's most artistically creative show to date. it had a human element in it that really spotlighted the performers. It didn't hide behind water or a giant rotating stage like O and KA. 


The show put cirque on a whole new level, in my opinion.


My Analysis/review of Iris:


The show opens with our lovesick hero Buster. He's  sweeping his broom on a large and lonely stage where a Piano sits next to him. He plays the piano and suddenly we our ushered in with jazz musical dancers, gamblers, long legged women, cyr wheel and german wheel artists and a company of artists giving us a sample of the roaring twenties. 


It is during this opening number where  Buster sees Scarlett for the first time. Scarlett is an actress who longs to be a Movie star. The 2 star-crossed lovers then are hurled on a journey through reality and the world of cinema.


As Buster goes on this journey through the world of Cinema to find his love, 2 Aerial twins ascend from the heavens in an aerial ballet. The Atherton twins's straps act was probably the best act I have ever seen them do. So much grace and agility. It really put the energy at a high point for the rest of Act 1.


After the Atherton twins leave the stage, we are met with a silhouette of a beautiful woman. It is scarlett. As she motions with her hands for someone to come find her, she disappears and the stage is now flooded with jungle rhythmic beats and a tableau of   dancers swarm the stage and dance on a wide platform.


It's here where 6 contortionists jerk and twist there bodies  in a rapid fire performance as the screen in back of them makes a kaleidoscope of their movements. 


I personally never liked contortion acts, but this one was by far the best I have ever seen. Absolutely loved it. 


As the smallest contortionist finishes her final skill and is met with a huge applause, the show takes a different turn and is met with comedy by 3 film producers (the clowns) and their assistant. The clown act sets up the hurdle that Scarlett will have to overcome if she wants to be a real star. Their banter goes on for about 4 minutes and then we are rushed back into the world of Cinema with a double hand to hand act.


2 males and 2 females do an  incredible acro dance that turns into the  2 women being flipped and thrown to each man as stop motion projections are seen in back of the performers. 


After the final move of the hand to hand artists, the stage goes dark until we see a giant film canister rising up from the stage with dozens of lights on it. Attached to the film canister is a film strip with actual performers in it. 


It's here where Buster continues to find his beloved scarlett. Performers in look-a-like scarlet and buster costumes, appear and waltz in the air as 7 women and 7 men enter the human film strip and perform a choreographic movements symbolizing trying to find one another in the film strip. Each couple does the same dance but at different  counts to capture the film strip reality. This scene was met with a huge applause when the couples started dancing in the strip. 


After the couples leave the film strip the clown producers come back and perform more banter and then we our hit with the act one finale: A group of 12 or so icarian acrobats flipping each other on their feet and doing the most complicated icarian act I have ever seen. 


Was definitely a crowd favorite.


Right before the act is done, Scarlett enters the stage and the producer has news that she will be in the new film and her dreams of becoming a Movie star will become a reality.  Buster watches her excitement from across the stage. Scarlett notices Buster and the 2 meet in the middle of the stage ( in Tony and Maria dance at the gym fashion). They are about to kiss until the producer cuts them off and barks at Scarlett to come with him so they can talk about the film. Scarlett obeys and  Buster leaves the stage dejected. 



Act 2 opens  and the stage has been transformed into a huge movie set. A giant video feed is in the middle of the stage and shows Scarlett backstage in all her glitz and glammer making her way up to the stage to film her movie. The video feed shows newspaper after newspaper of Scarlett's face. She's a star.


As she makes it up to the movie set, her producer tells her he wanted to get her the best screenwriter in the business. They perform different scenes ( a car chase, an alien space voyage) until the director calls action and the entire company comes onto the stage and all do a variety of disciplines in classic film set chaos. Artists on russian bar jump in the air as teeterboard artists flip through the air while aerial rope artists are swinging in the air. Most ( if not the entire cast) is onstage and performs a big company dance. Buster has joined in also but scarlett runs off before he has a chance to talk to her. 


The company disperses as Buster and 5 men with brooms ascend the stage cleaning everything up. From Above, a woman on a solo trapze sits. While Buster sweeps he makes contact with the beauty on the solo trapeze. It is Scarlett! Or at least he thinks it is. Buster's dream takes full effect as the woman he thinks is scarlett does a beautiful solo trapeze number as Buster dances with his broom below her. A very emotional scene. 


The performers disappear as another clown act starts. The clown act is a parody of the academy awards. The act is somewhat funny but goes on a bit too long. It was around 11 minutes when i saw it.


After the clown act is over, a beautiful scene called "Noir" takes place as we see a sequence from the black and white film era where people are in  windows.


The black and white sequence is followed by a rooftop ganster fight. As gamblers jump on trampolines and fight the other gang while flipping off  platforms and landing on trampolines. There's about 10 trampolinists in this number. Buster appears in this act, most likely searching for Scarlett. 


The scene dissolves after about 8 minutes and Buster calls out for Scarlett. Scarlett appears. The two embrace and hug but suddenly Buster has fallen to the ground, possibly shot. Scarlett does a beautiful hand balancing number symbolizing her love for him. The 2 embrace again and commit to one another and run off with each other. Buster has found his love.


The show ends in celebration as bungee acrobats flip above the audiences as the company comes back and does a final ballet-like dance.


There's so much grandeur in this show and it's done on a very incredibly level. It's nothing like any cirque show you have ever seen before.


Iris had a cast of 75 and Paramour will have a cast of around 40, so I'm very interested to see what is kept from iris (if anything). 



haterobics Profile Photo
#57Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/22/15 at 12:10pm

Hamilton22 said: "IRIS ... had a human element in it that really spotlighted the performers. It didn't hide behind water or a giant rotating stage like O and KA."


Not sure I would say those shows were hiding behind those things, as they were sort of the whole point of those shows. Cirque hasn't really told a compelling narrative onstage yet, that I've seen... although if they do, and they lock in to the perfect blend of narrative and spectacle, they could run forever.


I can't read the rest of your post, since I rather go into the show fresh, and never need any help to decide whether to buy a Cirque ticket. Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#58Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/22/15 at 12:17pm

Not sure I would say those shows were hiding behind those things, as they were sort of the whole point of those shows. Cirque hasn't really told a compelling narrative onstage yet, that I've seen... although if they do, and they lock in to the perfect blend of narrative and spectacle, they could run forever.


Perhaps "hiding behind" was not the correct phrase to use. My point was just to say that Iris doesn't rely on the water or Machine gimmick. IRIS was definitely one of the juggernaut shows but it had a very human element to it that I appreciated.


I can't read the rest of your post, since I rather go into the show fresh, and never need any help to decide whether to buy a Cirque ticket. 


I understand that but Paramour will not be Iris, haterobics. It will most likely have the same type of themes and some of the same acts, but it won't be the the show in LA, so you most likely will be going into the NY show fresh even if you read my analysis. Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre


Updated On: 8/22/15 at 12:17 PM

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#59Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/23/15 at 9:41am

Update on Paramour:


Cirque du Soleil Theatrical (Scott Zeiger, President and Managing Director) is pleased to announce the new $25 million production of Cirque du Soleil – PARAMOUR, the organization’s first created specifically for Broadway.

Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre

PARAMOUR is a landmark production for Cirque du Soleil, blending the best of Broadway with Cirque du Soleil’s signature style, to provide a new experience for both traditional Broadway musical theatre goers and Cirque du Soleil’s fans. The show will have many of the elements beloved on Broadway: a book-driven love story narrative, live musicians, and professional actors in lead roles; but with the Cirque du Soleil aesthetic integrated throughout the show: visionary production design on a grand scale, world class entertainment, and acrobatic feats that defy the imagination.

President and CEO of Cirque du Soleil, Daniel Lamarre, said: “Cirque du Soleil and Broadway are two forms of artistic entertainment that have pushed the boundaries of what audiences expect from live performance. With Cirque du Soleil Theatrical, we are thrilled to be joining the Broadway community and we are proud to have our Cirque du Soleil family perform in the same neighborhood as so many other talented Broadway artists.”

President and Managing Director of Cirque du Soleil Theatrical Scott Zeiger said, “Bringing PARAMOUR to Broadway is the culmination of years of work, planning, and countless creative discussions. The PARAMOUR creative team, led by our remarkable director Philippe Decouflé, have designed the show specifically for the Lyric Theatre, and it is the perfect fit for the incredible experience we have in store. I am certain that our audiences will be surprised and delighted by our vision for the production.”

Casting for the 38-member company of actors, dancers, aerialists, acrobats, and circus arts performers who will appear in PARAMOUR will be announced shortly.

everythingtaboo Profile Photo
#60Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/23/15 at 4:50pm

I did hear the Atherton twins are joining this production. 

"Hey little girls, look at all the men in shiny shirts and no wives!" - Jackie Hoffman, Xanadu, 19 Feb 2008

Hamilton22 Profile Photo
#61Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 8/23/15 at 4:56pm

I heard that also. I wouldn't doubt it. I'm curious to see the replacement performers for Zarkana. I wouldn't doubt it if they take the strap act out and put a new act  in while the Atherton twins are in Paramour. 

#62Cirque du Soleil: Paramour coming to Broadway's Lyric Theatre
Posted: 10/29/15 at 4:58pm

Anyone know if there will be discount tickets available for Paramour? There are plenty of tickets available and its still a long while before previews. If people aren't buying then I would assume they can offer the typical discounts as time approaches? 
