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Saved 5/15/08 Review

#50SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:03am

So is Dean the gay guy? And is Curtis the guy in the wheelchair?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#51SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:06am

RentBoy ~ Yes. Aaron plays Dean (Mary's boyfriend who turns out to be gay) and Curtis plays Roland, Hilary Faye's brother in the wheelchair.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 5/18/08 at 12:06 AM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#52SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:07am

I enjoyed the show well enough off-Broadway, but don't think it's anywhere near a Broadway quality musical. It's at exactly the right venue right now. Move it to Broadway and it will flop.

The other problem with a transfer is that several principal cast members have their next project already lined up.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#53SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:09am

adamgeer ~ That's kind of how I felt. I like it a lot, but it feels off-Broadway to me.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

alliez92092 Profile Photo
#54SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 8:55am

What was the deal with the old woman?

jordangirl Profile Photo
#55SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 9:03am

She had a ticket she couldn't use because she was "sick as a dog" (yet argued loudly for over 15 minutes) and took the "express bus from Queens" because she had the ticket and needed to turn it in for a refund. The guy in the box office explained very nicely there were no refunds or exchanges. He did say all of us onlint were waiting for a ticket and if she was willing to sell it for $15 or $20, the prices we were rushing for, she could probably sell it. She insisted it was a "472 ticket". Finally the company manager came into the lobby to talk with her and said that whoever had ordered the ticket for her had paid $35, she had looked it up on the computer. She went on and on and the company manager was nothing but gracious to her. She offered the same solution ~ sell it to one of us for $15 or $20. The woman kept saying "I want my money" (even though it was pretty clear from what the company manager said she had not bought the ticket). I guess she finally agreed to sell it for $20 because she then loudly said "I just sold it to that African-American." By that point the line was moving and I stopped paying attention, but I think she left.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

veryownplanetz Profile Photo
#56SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 12:46pm

I saw the show last night. It was cute, not my favorite but cute.

Best parts of the show were definitely Julia Murney ( even though she wasn't given a lot to do) and Morgan Weed as Cassandra. Morgan is definitely going places because she nailed that part and was HYSTERICAL.

I would see it again for 15 dollars if they have rush but I probably wouldn't pay full price. But that's just me. Byt seriously go see it for Julia and Morgan. And Mary Faber was great too. They're worth the price of admission.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#57SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 1:31pm

I definitely agree about Morgan. She was incredible. :)

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

elimeyer Profile Photo
#58SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 1:41pm

What is the Rush policy, and is there a website for the show?

-elli- Visit me @ "They say that life is 'Tit for Tat' and thats the way I live, so I deserve a lot of 'TAT' for what I've got to give!!!"

jordangirl Profile Photo
#59SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 1:46pm

OK...html is not working for me right now. it's then click on buy tickets.

$15 student rush an hour before. Seems to be whatever's available. But the policies are on there.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis
Updated On: 5/18/08 at 01:46 PM

East Village Profile Photo
East Village
#60SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 2:20pm

Saw the show Saturday afternoon. I can't say I'm expecting a transfer anywhere, anytime soon.

Some big problems:

1.) Let's start with the set. I'm usually a fan of Scott Pask but he dropped the ball on this one. Note: It's probably not a good idea to stage a young, edgy show on a set that looks like a Unitarian prayer hall. There's nothing hip or clever about it -- just a brightly lit, flat pastel void that does nothing to enhance the production. Once you start with a design choice that charmless and literal you're pretty much stuck with it.

2.) Seriously, why cast an actress pushing 40 in the role of Hillary Faye? Most of the ensemble look way too old for their parts anyways, but Mary Faber was the most egregious. She looks as old as the mother so it comes off as the rest of the cast relating to their parent or teacher. There's not much she can do to pull that off.

3.) Direction. Yuk. It basically consists of moving actors from stage center to front left or right. Boring and uninspired.

4.) Score. Feh.

5.) Book. What makes teen dramas so interesting is dialog and attitude. However there's virtually no sustained scenes between any of the characters. In fact, most of the teen references consist of undeveloped cast members jumping in from the wings, making "hip references" to things like facebook, ipods or cellphones, then jumping off stage. I was annoyed the first time they did it -- completely pissed off after the 50th.

6.) Intermission. Wasn't long enough but I've calmed down after chugging a glass of wine.

7.) The second act is a little better. Celia has a good song at the women's clinic -- unfortunately its the only song in the show where we're given no opportunity to applaud.

8.) Hi-points/Low-points.
Celia just isn't carrying the show. She's doing the same quirky, stock, teen performance from Spelling Bee but she's not connecting with any actor on stage -- although I fault the direction and script. Yet she doesn't even come off as real when she's addressing the audience.

Van Hughes is clearly the standout as Patrick. He manages to overcome the weak material and absent direction to create some connection between his character and the rest of the cast. And of course, Aaron Tveit is gorgeous as Dean but there's little there for him to do except jump around. The material covers everything from teen pregnancy, gay identity, abortion and religion. Yet its all brushed off as quickly as the characters can jump on and off stage.

Overall impression: Lots of people pretending to be teenagers. A score that misses the popular music mark entirely. A book that provides continuity, nothing else. We expect more from a teen drama then having a bunch of badly dressed characters jump around pretending to be energetic. Unfortunately there's little cause for anyone on stage or off to get excited about.

Updated On: 5/19/08 at 02:20 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#61SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 2:28pm

East Village, I enjoyed the show a bit more than you did, but agreed with a lot of your points.

However, I didn't have a problem with the set design. I found the that the "Unitarian prayer hall" look worked well. It was exactly how I pictured a school like that to look. Since most of the action takes place at the school, it seemed appropriate. The school certainly wouldn't appear to be "edgy."

I agree, 100%, however, about Celia's performance. She simply doesn't carry the show like she should. The minute she walked out in the lamb costume with that same open-mouthed expression she ALWAYS does (the exception being the fine performance she gave in Juno earlier this year), I knew we were in for trouble.

I also agree that Van Hughes was the standout- what charisma and talent he had. His was the most developed, layered performance of anyone.

I also wish Aaron Tveit had more to do, along with Julia Murney. These two fine actors are both dreadfully underused in this production.

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#62SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 4:54pm

adam, WTF man!? Note *SPOILERS* come'on!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#63SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 5:09pm

What's spoilerish about his post? The lamb costume? It's not a big plot point. Seriously.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

B3TA07 Profile Photo
#64SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 5:22pm



LimelightMike Profile Photo
#65SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 9:29pm

Is it 'frozen' yet???


adamgreer Profile Photo
#66SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 11:24pm

There was a spoiler in my post?

If you're talking about the lamb costume, I don't see how knowing about that could possibly ruin your enjoyment of the show.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#67SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 11:29pm

My thoughts exactly AdamGreer. :) My thoughts exactly.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

LimelightMike Profile Photo
#68SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 11:40pm

adam, my friend, I was joking.

I guess it's rather difficult to tell via text.

My apologies.


Celia - Is she 'for' pics / autographs / etc.?

What of Mr.Dempsey (the librettist), is he present?
Having done ZOMBIE PROM (one of his shows) and being a fan of his other works, I would LOVE to meet him and thank him for his contributions to musical theatre.

jordangirl Profile Photo
#69SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/18/08 at 11:44pm

Celia did autographs after the matinee on Saturday.

As for the librettist, I have no clue what he looks like, so I couldn't tell you.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

sweeneynut Profile Photo
#70SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 12:20am

Celia's been happy to take about 5 or 6 pics with me over the course of Les Miz, Juno, and Saved, so I think she's pretty good with that....can't help with the librettist either, though.

"My muffin top is all that/whole grain and low-fat/I know you want a piece of that/But I just wanna dance!"

#71SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 7:36am

About to spend $75 on way this would be at TKTS due to popularity?

Too old for any of the rushes.....

jordangirl Profile Photo
#72SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 7:41am

I doubt it would be on tkts. There was a code on that basically just eliminated the service fee, making it $75... Not sure if it's still there or not.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

#73SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 7:52am

I saw that too--looks like that's for this weekend only and like you wrote, knocked next to nothing off the price.

Just went to the website to buy my ticket and the only performance I can go to (5/30) is apparently sold out...started a "looking for a ticket" thread if that's even allowed, but if anyone has an extra ticket or knows of any floating around, please let me know.

Updated On: 5/19/08 at 07:52 AM

fancy Profile Photo
#74SAVED at The Circle....?
Posted: 5/19/08 at 9:01am

Has Julia stopped at the stagedoor?
