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Changing the ending of Rent- Page 7

Changing the ending of Rent

#150 Towson
Posted: 4/29/11 at 12:45pm

In many ways I bet they feel as if their real life is now imitating RENT. A group of young people who feel absolutely BESIEGED and misunderstood, which is fueling a kind of self-righteousness that is unbearable in real life (and in this thread and accounts of this incident) but which can be invigorating in a fictional story with rock music.

But, you know, BENNY BAILS THEM OUT IN THE END. (Whoops, spoiler.)

I do think they would be better served if their teacher had sad, "My mistake, the ending is restored," rather than enable the young peoples' misdirected anger. To be honest, I never read my cellphone contract before I signed it.

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#152 Towson
Posted: 5/2/11 at 9:45am

Dear. Mrs. Smith-Sadak,

This thread has been viewed over 19,000 times.

You're famous!

How does it feel?

Is it all you ever wanted?


Eris0303 Profile Photo
#153 Towson
Posted: 5/7/11 at 1:06am

He was around then. That's when he wrote it. He was alive when he wrote the show.
What? Really?

I wish RENT would be so I could have Roger waking up and finding Mimi in the shower.

Mimi: Good morning, sleepyhead!

Roger: This place has a working shower??

It was all a dream!?!

What if Elaine didn’t get on the bus with Benjamin?

Well, since Ben didn't get there until after she was married she'd remain married and in 20 years seduce the son of a friend.

"All our dreams can come true -- if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney We must have different Gods. My God said "do to others what you would have them do to you". Your God seems to have said "My Way or the Highway".

blaxx Profile Photo
#154 Towson
Posted: 5/8/11 at 12:22am

So pretty much MTI released a statement and let it run til the end?

Listen, I don't take my clothes off for anyone, even if it is "artistic". - JANICE

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#155 Towson
Posted: 5/8/11 at 3:21am

No...they were told they had to perform the ending as written or don't perform at all. (And if they didn't comply, there would have been bigger issues.)

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

#156 Towson
Posted: 5/8/11 at 11:54pm

I would also venture to guess that MTI will be watching them a bit more closely for a while after this. Especially given the very public unapologetic responses of the director.

PalJoey Profile Photo
#157 Towson
Posted: 5/11/11 at 5:46pm

I don't know how I missed this until today, but I just read the entire thread, and I think that director has no business being around students. She is dishonest and manipulative, pompous and pretentious, and she went on teaching her students terrible lessons even after the fact. If they graduate from Towson and model their behavior on hers, they will never act with integrity and face lifetimes of error, defensiveness, finger-pointing and failure.

She should be fired, not so much for her error in changing a copyrighted work--there was a teaching moment there--but for the way she conducted herself AFTER that error was exposed. Her employment should be terminated and her involvement with students ended.

On the other hand, the lighting designer/department head acted with complete integrity. Any student facing a difficult situation in the future could say to herself or himself, "How would Mr. Herzog handle this" and be inspired to do the right thing.

Drew Cohen from MTI also acted beautifully. I hope the students have come to realize that MTI is protecting the rights of the artist, not the rights of "corporations and lawyers." It was despicable of her to attempt to hide behind that.

#158 Towson
Posted: 5/12/11 at 12:14am

I very much agree, PalJoey.
