im so sick of people talking about how awful lestat....and they are making everyone who hasnt seen it not want to see it....its a great may have a few kinks but guess what...that the point of it being in SF....and stop being so closed minded just because it different and original....isnt there anyone who liked it besides me?
You should change your username to I_LOVE_LESTAT! Can we have exclamation points?
No, she only does ellipses.
Here's to "Lestat" - and Hugh ain't lookin' so bad himself these days - I wonder if he is spoken for? uuummmmmm.........
I knew LC would laugh at my lust for HP...
ya to bad he is turning 42 on Feb. 19th.....he looks so good for his age does Drew Sarich who is like 30...if i may add
I agree with you to some extent, but people have a right to voice their opinion here, as long as they back it up and aren't immature about it.
i completly agree im just getting sick of the people talking about how they were laughing during it because it was so bad and they moved to the back of the theatre just to get away from it....that just rude....those are the people im addressing.
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
PLEASE, expound on "different" and "original". Tell us why you think it's such a great show, in some detail, if you can.
Hey, here's a thought. Don't read the Lestat threads!
People can say what they want, and they won't make you sick for saying what they want.
Then everyone's happy.
I'll take Hugh at 52! He'll still look great!
I completely agree with LilBwayLady. It's really getting on my nerves too. If you've seen the show and comment on it, that's great. But if you haven't seen it then please don't make snap judgments until you do.
It's not a terrible thing to ask.
thank you very much......different and original has some bisexual inferrences that some may not "approve" of but it gives it a twist....such as at one point i though he was going to have an affair with his mother and his best guy friend.....and ya it sounds weird but it makes it more interesting.....and i think it is brave to put in the show
Stand-by Joined: 12/31/69
"thank you very much......different and original has some bisexual inferrences that some may not "approve" of but it gives it a twist....such as at one point i though he was going to have an affair with his mother and his best guy friend.....and ya it sounds weird but it makes it more interesting.....and i think it is brave to put in the show"
Honey, that stuff has been done in everything from CABARET to BOY FROM OZ....THAT's what makes it such interesting and a great show?
Updated On: 1/10/06 at 01:07 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/5/04
Check the date of lil's sign-up gents, and give the girl a break. And, please...don't judge the show before you've seen it.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/23/05
"Honey, that stuff has been done in everything from CABARET to BOY FROM OZ....THAT's what makes it such interesting and a great show?"
Singingbackup, you beat me to saying that. Mmm, Cabaret. I'm going to go listen to that right now ...
Check the date of lil's sign-up gents, and give the girl a break. And, please...don't judge the show before you've seen it.
She should get LESS of a break for not (obviously) lurking before posting.
LOL...Singingbackup...Before even getting to your post I thought of Cabaret instantly. Not to mention Rent, Rocky Horror, and Countless other plays and musicals.
I really wanted Lestat to succeed, but it doesen't. It needs to be completely retooled before NY or it will flop. I overheard someone in the Mens room at intermission say "Oh, Elton has no feel for the source material." And I agree. Who am I to talk? The reviews will be in the papers tommorow, and while I commend the cast, Hugh is great, Carolee is amazing, and I could go on. Joseph Delleger is in the cast, he was the very first Phantom I ever saw (as understudy in the very theatre Lestat is in now). The Cast cannot save the horrible direction and the bad book, and barely passable tunes.
I hate to say that about Rob Roth too, as I enjoyed his production of the Opposite of Sex here last year. Another musical with bisexual themes I might add.
uh ya i know its done before im not stupid....i know about hedwig and the angry inch and the rocky horror picture show....but its not like that...they never say he is bisexual it keep you wondering but whatever i feel like im talking to a bunch of all think im stupid and i know what im talking about sooo do what you want im sick of being one of the only positive people on this stupid website.....some of you think you know everything and act like you hate every show because it doesnt live up to your standards so whatever im done
I have yet to find another person who saw Joseph Dellger as the Phantom -- HORRAY!
He was my first Phantom, too, also at the Curran. :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Calm down. First off I did see it. Second, I was seriously looking for some concrete assessment of the show and what you so liked about it, and all you seem to point to is a bisexual subtext. Tell me about the music, the story, character development, how the songs forwarded the plot, shed light on emotion or motivation. Tell us SOMETHING.
I was excited to see his name on the cast list for Lestat. He really impressed me as the Phantom.
Some friends of mine saw Lestat on Thursday last week. They had the same response as I did. I want it to succeed, and went in with a positive attitude. I rarely hate a show. I love everything from big shows like Wicked and Phantom to comedies like Hairspray and classics like Guys and Dolls. I even loved Lennon. Plays too. But look at the audience reactions this show is getting. It needs help. Maybe they will work hard after it closes here and improve it for Broadway. That is my hope.
But unfortunately, a cool sounding concept (it is) and big names onstage (Hugh, Carolee) with a huge name Composer (Elton) may build a lot of buzz (it did) but does not create a great show. (its not)
fine here it is....not that it will make a going to tell alot so if you dont want to know about it then dont read this.
Allison was amazing as claudia....i could really feel how her character felt when she was singing "I'll never have that chance" I loved how heartbroken she was by the fact that she would never experience the things in life everyone else gets (marriage, children) and it wasnt her fault....she never asked for lestat to make her like was his own selfishness and need to not be alone and accomplish "one full life"
carolee and hugh did a great job in the song "make me as you are" and my favorite line from that song is "two kinds of death are present here" Gabrielle's being of old age and Lestats of immortal life forever...almost like the old lestat died and know that he will live forever he will have to overcome his saddness when all the ones he ever knew have died and he is still alive.
Carolee also did a wonderful job in the song "The Crimson Kiss"....this was right before she leaves lestat but she tells him that she will never forget him and they will meet again because they are "bound together by the crimson kiss"
Drew Sarich was perfect for this role.....he played this character amazingly....his great song was "To kill your kind" where he said that killing your own kind is the greatest sin...this comment is directed towards claudia who tried to kill lestat for trapping her in a 10 year old girls body for eternity.
The sets were great the costumes were great the acting was thing i would change is i would expand a little more on how this all began...and maybe a little more time for lestat to grieve over what magnes did to him in order to give the audience more feeling of sympathy towards lestat.
I agree that Allison pour herself into her performance as Claudia, now if only Elton could have written better songs for her...
My gripe is not at all with the wonderful cast as I have said before. Honestly Claudia's songs are the only ones I truly remember. "I Want More" because it is the most upbeat, and "I'll Never have that Chance" because it is probably the closest thing to an emotional moment the show had for me.
I felt that they were trying to hard to emulate other broadway successes. When the old vampire he is searching for flies in at the act 1 finale, it evoked memories of Elpheba in Wicked. The costumes for the New Orleans residents reminded me of silver versions of the Emerald City costumes in Wicked.
There were some other moments too that seemed right out of other shows, but I'm tired, I think I talked about them in my review in another thread.