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Profile for HoboNumberThree

Member Name: HoboNumberThree
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re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
 Aug 18 2009, 08:00:54 PM
Hey folks,
Jon back with some more Zipperface!!?!: The Hobo Musical propaganda.
We've sold out our first three nights and I'd love for some of the real musical fans on the thread to get in. Only two performances still have seats available.

Also, check out a video of our song "Today!" (taken from the tech booth during our opening night).
The main female singer is Lauren Perri, who is absolutely fantastic in the show.

re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
 Aug 16 2009, 11:02:48 AM
Ps. I totally considered creating a fake user name to talk up the show but I figured that whole "TheaterLover32" who just joined the site and happens to want to rave about one show routine is a little transparent (I'm looking at you, a few other people on this thread...)

re: Official FRINGENYC Thread!
 Aug 16 2009, 11:02:46 AM
For RentBoy and anyone else looking for a good musical, might I suggest Zipperface. Our opening was sold out and it went extremely well.
If you don't believe me (full disclosure: I'm a very biased party whose name shows up a couple of times on the program), check out our website to see if the show is up your alley. We have 4 more performances, one of which is sold out.

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