Lighthouse Off-Broadway Drinking Musical? Jun 14
2023, 08:41:32 PM
Okay I got tickets LOL anyone else going?
metjetboy13 said: "You had me at “Drinking Musical” 🤣 Might have to get tickets!"
Lighthouse Off-Broadway Drinking Musical? Jun 13
2023, 11:12:55 PM
You had me at “Drinking Musical” 🤣 Might have to get tickets!
Company Rush Tickets? Jul 29
2022, 09:43:00 PM
Did anyone try Rush today? What time did the line start?
Beetlejuice Rush? Jun 18
2022, 08:52:34 PM
Hi Everyone! Does anyone know if Beetlejuice offers rush tickets? Or is it lottery only?
Thank you!
2022, 06:03:05 PM
DM’d you
Birthday Candles ACCESS10 Swap Mar 16
2022, 12:27:52 PM
Last bump since its the week of the show! Anyone with ACCESS10 tix for Tuesday able and willing to swap? It would be greatly appreciated! :)
Birthday Candles ACCESS10 Swap Feb 22
2022, 07:50:49 PM
Bumping this in case anyone can help :)
Birthday Candles ACCESS10 Swap Feb 1
2022, 08:09:52 PM
Hello! I have two tickets for Roundabout’s BIRTHDAY CANDLES on Sunday March 20 at 3pm, but just found out I have to work that day. Is there anyone thatd be willing to swap tickets with me for Tuesday’s performance?
*Also posted in Buy & Sell Board*
Extra Lehman Trilogy ticket Nov 3
2021, 05:04:46 PM
PM’d you! 😁
Come From Away - Rush Oct 18
2021, 12:09:18 AM
Hi! I rushed on Sunday, September 26. I got there at approximately 11:15 pm (box opens at 11 on Sundays) for a 1pm show and ended up with two partial view seats in Row C on the right orchestra. There was a giant tree root in front of us, but I think it’s safe to say we saw about 95% of the action on stage, with the only real hinderance being the right side band members. Hope this helps!
Shakespeare in the Park Returning This Summer!!! Aug 2
2021, 03:32:01 PM
Anyone have a spare ticket available for tonight? I’d be very gracious!!
Missing Ticket Stub - My Name is Lucy Barton Jan 21
2020, 05:48:17 PM
Hello! I know this sounds so dumb but I was wondering if anyone had an extra ticket stub from this past Saturdays (1/18) 8 PM performance of My Name is Lucy Barton. I have a ticket stub from every show Ive seen but I accidentally left my Playbill at the theatre!
Ain't Too Proud Rush Report Sep 14
2019, 05:00:21 AM
I just happened to be in Times Square Tuesday and walked into the box office at 6:56 for the 7:00 show and was able to purchase a rush ticket!
2019, 01:30:37 AM
Miles2Go2 said: "What was your experience of standing room during the show? I did standing room for Kinky Boots in that theater and didn’t mind it except for the fact that I’d thrown my back out three days previous. "
I honestly didn’t think it was bad at all! My friend and I were placed on the far left side of the orchestra and we feel like we didn’t miss much, of anything, at all!!
I went over and talked to the other people I was on l
2019, 01:20:17 AM
Surprise! Moulin Rouge DID sell SRO tickets tonight for $50! I was outside the box office from about 4:30 PM until 7:45 PM, which is when they finally sold me two tickets (each person can purchase two tickets). They had 8 total SRO tickets available. Due to the fact that every single seat in the theatre MUST be sold in order for the SRO to be sold, it’s very hard to tell when it’s going to be sold. You just have to take the gamble. Furthermore, upon talking to the Box Office Ma
2019, 03:17:23 PM
Did they say if they’ll be doing SRO tonight?
Coriolanus at the Public Aug 3
2019, 02:51:46 PM
Does anyone know if tonight’s show is sold out?
Good Morning America - Broadway Tickets Mar 9
2019, 06:48:11 PM
Hey all! I know that The View usually gives its audience members tickets to the shows that come and perform, but I was wondering if anyone knows if Good Morning America does the same!
Waitress Rush Tickets Jan 16
2019, 04:22:30 PM
Does anyone know if they still sell Standing Room Tickets?
Waitress Rush Tickets Jan 12
2019, 02:04:11 PM
Anyone Rush recently?