What is the song featured in 5000 Broadway Productions jingle? Jan 13
2022, 08:50:29 PM
I know I’ve heard it somewhere, but I just can’t place what it is? You can hear the jingle at the very beginning of the In The Heights movie.
Hadestown Tour Cast? Apr 20
2021, 08:07:52 PM
Has anyone seen a cast posted for the Hadestown tour?
Bootleg Oct 5
2019, 11:06:22 AM
I don’t recall if this has been said yet, but filming or taking pictures at shows, is directly related to the habit of people at concerts shooting video. Most music venues have given up trying to prevent it. They just state no camera/equipment. Thank god in the theatre there aren’t hundreds of little screens blocking your view like at a rock concert! It’s really the same idea: one artist produces content and people take it/steal it for free. If Broadway theaters truly wanted to cr
Hamilton vs Harry Potter and the cursed child Aug 25
2019, 03:26:03 PM
Here’s another take on this topic: Who’s going? If you have school aged kids there is something quite magical about seeing a play from books you’re currently reading. I went this April with my family and just the looks on their faces were priceless. If this is not the case, hands down my vote would be for Hamilton. In my opinion this isnt it just a great show, but a historic show in terms of American culture. So many critics and scholars have said that the artistic level and liter
Eva Noblezada in HADESTOWN Aug 25
2019, 03:14:43 PM
It took 3 tries, not buying tickets in advance but Stubhub 30 minutes before, but I got to see the original cast. I know that’s not practical for everyone. Perhaps avoid matinees and double show days?
HADESTOWN cast album - thoughts? Aug 17
2019, 10:33:31 PM
Miles2Go2 said: "I agree the piecemeal way they released the songs may have been a part of the marketing strategy, but if didn’t really captivate me. Listening to it now from the beginning (I’m 4 songs in) and I’m loving it. It sounds great. I’m even more excited to see it on September 27th now. I’m going to have to make myself not listen too much to this between now and then so as to not rob myself of all sense of discovery when I finally see it. &
Hadestown Tour Aug 13
2019, 10:10:52 PM
We just saw Hadestown a few weeks ago. I think this set and technical qualities will transfer nicely to a tour. But finding a touring company that does justice to the magic of the original cast? Now that’s another thing. We’ll come see it in Boston.
Hadestown Cast Recording Problems? Aug 2
2019, 11:23:19 PM
CATSNYrevival said: "Part of the problem might be that we’ve all been listening to the live Off-Broadway cast recording and this studio album simply sounds less exciting and energetic by comparison."
Absolutely correct. In fact many people have been listening to versions from video clips in Toronto and London, plus Mitchell’s original studio album. There’s a lot to compare. I love every variation.
Need recommendations for a show this Sunday night 7/28 Jul 22
2019, 04:30:16 PM
Here’s a crazy idea - take a night off? Even with Broadway there can be too much of a good thing. Grab a nice meal out or for something totally different check out STOMP or Blue Man Group. Have fun!
RIP Broadway 07/18/2019 Jul 18
2019, 09:21:00 AM
I agree with others that Broadway will be fine, but there are changes happening with audiences. I think people are demanding quality music and depth in the source material. I read reviews for most shows that open and I can’t count the number of times critics have called the songs and arrangements pleasant but utterly forgettable. If you are asking Broadway audiences to shell out $150-300 they want a transformative experience, and that starts with the music, the storytelling. It probably
Hadestown Rush/SRO Updates Jul 11
2019, 07:39:49 AM
Looking to go some day this week, but heard Eva was out Wednesday for vocal rest. Can anyone update Thursday afternoon if her understudy is posted on the board?
Favorite Plays? Jun 29
2019, 08:09:33 PM
I agree with many of the titles mentioned above, and I’ll add a very dark comedy, The House Of Blue Leaves by John Guare. Heartbreaking and beautiful. The revival featuring John Mahoney, Swoozie Kurtz, Christine Baranski, and Ben Stiller was out of this world.
Hadestown Rush/SRO Updates Jun 29
2019, 12:05:25 PM
Has anyone heard if Eva’s feeling better? Hope so. Please update if you see her today or tonight back from her vocal break.
Does the box office know about understudy appearances Jun 24
2019, 06:32:38 PM
Sorry your taking such abuse from my honest question. I know there are no guarantees, other than perhaps the first month of a run. Perhaps I should have added to my initial question that we have someone who is driving 10 hours just to try and see the Original Broadway cast. They are not just strolling into the city for the night and saying “So what should we see this week?”
Does the box office know about understudy appearances Jun 24
2019, 07:42:53 AM
If you ask at the box office, in the morning, will fhey tell you if an understudy is appearing that evening? Are there days of the week that are more likely to feature understudy performances? Less likely days?
No More Stage Door Autographs Jun 15
2019, 03:14:16 PM
Part of the success of keeping institutions vital is exciting the next generation of theatre goers. I understand why you may find the stage door routine to be tedious, but for my 13 year old daughter, getting autographs from the cast of Hamilton was the highlight of her year. And a memory she’ll never forget. A few years ago my son got an autograph from Hall of Famer Mariano Rivera. Also unforgettable. I guess I feel that it goes with the territory. Make it big, give something
Your First Broadway Show!!! May 13
2019, 09:19:28 PM
A 5,6,7,8!
Musicals or Museums Apr 7
2019, 06:30:11 PM
Really interesting question! I go to NYC twice a year, and usually for specific shows that I buy months in advance - like Hamilton. I also come to the city for specific museum exhibits like David Bowie Is at the Brooklyn Museum. But I almost never do both the same day. If I spend 4-5 hours at the Met or MOMA, I love it, but I’m drained. Ready for a long dinner in a quiet restaurant. Many people will do as much as they can squeeze in, but I prefer to do less and come down more often. If
Hamilton seating input Mar 23
2019, 01:01:17 PM
Agreed. Front Mezz all the way. I really enjoyed watching the company of actors and choreography ALL around the stage. Like in “Right Hand Man” and “Eye of the Hurricane.”
4 observations on RENT Jan 27
2019, 10:44:34 PM
1. I like the staging. It’s interesting and beautiful in places. Although you can’t forget that this amount of scenery could never be truly presented in a traditional theatre without commercial breaks and hundreds of camera angles.
2. This is the 2nd live production that I’ve been annoyed with screaming crowds competing with performers for attention. We saw this a few times in JCS, and it took away from “Today 4 U.” Then again in Act 2, more choreographed