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Profile for Soyle Mycelf

Member Name: Soyle Mycelf
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Oh Hello guest
 Feb 22 2017, 02:31:23 PM

MinnieFay said: "Soyle Mycelf said: "I saw the show Friday the 20th and the guest was Michael J Fox. He seemed slightly nervous but a good sport. "

Uhh, are you aware that he has Parkinson's Soyle Mycelf??  I see you're as classy as your screen name suggests!


Yes, I am quite aware of his Parkinson's. That has nothing to do with why I felt he was slightly nervous. He had several moments where the questions c

Oh Hello guest
 Jan 24 2017, 02:44:03 PM

I saw the show Friday the 20th and the guest was Michael J Fox. He seemed slightly nervous but a good sport. 

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