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PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 23 2021, 12:32:41 PM

Houses are running at below 30% . Best bet is to walk up to the box office and ask for a pair.  

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 21 2021, 06:12:21 PM

Tony? maybe Tony Soprano

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 20 2021, 10:03:58 AM

Thanks Smaxie! Given that reviews no longer determine a show's  trajectory and that the changing times from pandemic to netflix and colossal demographic shifts coupled with a history lesson that seems of little interest to ticket buyers, Hedy will likely have no impact. But good point nonetheless!            

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 20 2021, 09:28:31 AM

SPIN, SPIN, SPIN. All the ads in the world do NOT sell tickets  when there is no demand. Simply research Candide, Taboo, Civil War, Into the Light, A Broadway Musical            

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 20 2021, 09:24:41 AM

Hedy Weiss??? LOL - search her history, she loves everything, not  a real critic.      

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 19 2021, 03:05:35 PM



Yet it must, as a whole, currently be considered unsettled at best.

The show’s genesis and history say a lot about its challenges. . It’s the fusion of influences — an assertion of American-ness — that the show wants to be throughout but achieves only here.And that makes the joy of the high notes merely a fleeting moment, followed by a more

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 19 2021, 10:57:46 AM

Thanks Amy!!! It's not about hoping for a disaster at all. I don't think he hopeful passengers that boarded the Titanic anticipated an iceberg, they just hit. I am reminded of a quote by Tommy Tune - "Time is running out to permeate the piece" 

Cheers Amy!


PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 19 2021, 09:13:07 AM

Re AMY: "promising" does not sell tickets, stimulate demand or transform a show into box office gold. Sadly, a great effort, but this will be poster on the wall of Joe Allen.       

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 18 2021, 06:14:51 PM

most articulate review to date: VARIETY


PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 18 2021, 03:07:37 PM

Super great points ErmengardeStopSniveling, especially the newspaper quotes of the double page ads that will make the NYTimes rich - but sadly I don't agree the changes will work, it's like re-engineering a freight train; too big, too expensive and the creative team will start to  get annoyed and frustrated with Drabinsky meddling as they did on ragtime , it was only Hal Prince who had the courage to tell him to stay away.             

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 18 2021, 10:51:49 AM

good points Amy - but the show it is not selling. You can list 100 fixes per day - the public does not care about fix in the second act. All the advertising in the world will not help this show nor will a placid review           

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 18 2021, 10:49:10 AM

A mixed review is a huge curse. There is no advance or demand. This will take millions to transfer to Broadway. The math and lack of interest dictates the eventual result.          

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 17 2021, 08:37:00 AM

Well, opening night is here. At 30% houses, monstrous papering, and hundreds of changes (reported in detail by balcony club), will this show make it to Broadway past a papered opening night packed with investors and family that will warm themselves against a Chicago hard chill with standing ovations and free champagne? 

Even in the chance that reviews are strong and the show has potential, the road to Broadway will be a hard one. The producers will come out of Chicago with losses

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 12 2021, 06:30:40 AM

The updates from BalconyClub are invaluable to show the production's progress and while fully appreciating the tryout period of a show to work out issues with a production of this scale, the two key obstacles will be mixed reviews that will further add to audience indifference and the inevitable frustration from the creative team derived  from the producer meddling which has been his approach on every show. Even poor Frank Galati was sidelined on Ragtime. I wish the cast strength and

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 10 2021, 08:57:08 PM

This producer seems do to with his shows. Ragtime was tweaked to death and Fosse was all sparkles without any real substance. He will futz with it, focus group it and then end up with a homogenized latte      

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 4 2021, 11:45:34 AM

Hey everybody - go see Paradise Square - Amy hears it's great ! 

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 4 2021, 11:29:43 AM

slam souzatzka ? lol - that show was universally panned and considered dreadful - that is not an agenda - that is a cold, hard fact, the only person that made money was Drabinsky. Anyhoo - this is not a forum for bickering, I am prepared to be wrong is this show finds an audience but when the press is being hyped by the paid flacks to call this a Drabinsky come back - that my love is an agenda         

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 4 2021, 11:06:45 AM

My sister has spent 25 years working as an executive director  of a Chicago theatre company - so your comment of "suddenly a sister" is easily dismissed. Your comments below seem like brochure copy. If you watch the news and examine the algorithms - the public is bored and tired of this topic. This is not about foot stamping - its about reality and a missed opportunity to invent versus copy something else.                    &nb

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 4 2021, 10:41:18 AM

Great point, in doing a scan of ticketmaster - the run is nearly unsold and Broadway capacity looks equally frightening - yes, audiences will await the reviews and the massive marketing spend - but alas, not good.        

PARADISE SQUARE Chicago Pre-Broadway Tryout - Previews
 Nov 4 2021, 10:20:45 AM

just in from my sister in Chicago : 

" Had a free ticket as they are papering like crazy, it is enjoyable but tries too hard to be relevant, can't see the critics liking it" .    

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