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Member Name: Loge
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re: SWEENEY TODD Soundtrack Tracklisting..
 Nov 6 2007, 11:00:56 AM
Yes - the tracks are laid down in a studio and the actors lip synch during filming of the scenes. The Ballad of Sweeney Todd was cut because of filming problems due to the illness of Depp's daughter. That is fact.
re: Jekyll and Hyde movie?
 Aug 4 2007, 04:15:15 PM
I think this would make a great movie musical - not the complete concept, not the broadway version, but a combo of both. That is what I saw on the tour. "I Need to Know" "Bring on the Men" and a complete and single "Alive" were in the show, with the broadway orchestrations. "Facade" was also whole with the broadway orchestraions.

I have always thought Frank got a bad rep. Jekyll and Hyde is as good, in this combo form, as I would say 95% of the top hit musicals.

I love So

re: I just got the soundtrack to HAIRSPRAY from ITUNES!
 Jul 10 2007, 11:15:25 PM
Admitedly, while I had a great time at the stage show (in Seattle), I was not a huge fan of the show (overall) or the Broadway Cast Recording. Still, I wanted to check out the soundtrack. It has TOTALLY changed my mind about this show - it is fantastic. I love the new orchestrations (Cooties is the bomb), the new songs are great, and the cast is so great. Much prefer John to Harvey.........I was so glad they didn't give him low low notes to sing like Harvey. I couldn't STOP listening to thi
re: 'COOTIES' from the HAIRSPRAY Movie Soundtrack
 Jul 10 2007, 11:08:46 PM
OMG, I freaking LOVE Cooties. Totally listened to it like eight times in a row while working out. Sounds like a Gwen Stefani song. Awesome. LOVE the CD....much more than Broadway.
re: Advice! Spamalot or Avenue Q???
 Mar 5 2007, 01:39:38 AM
Well that's a little immature, isn't it CATS?
re: Overrated Musicals
 Mar 5 2007, 01:38:00 AM
Avenue Q*
Spring Awakening*
The Lion King
The Producers
Wicked (although I love it)

* Never understood the raves about these two shows - medicore at best!

Funny how we all have such different opinions. I saw POTO some lists, which is one of my favorite shows, and was shocked to see Sweeney Todd, which I consider to greatest musical ever written. Aside from that, I think most Sondheim works are over-rated.

re: Advice! Spamalot or Avenue Q???
 Mar 5 2007, 01:33:50 AM
I would choose Spamalot. Just a fun show, with a score I love. You'll have to make the choice for yourself.
re: The Soundtrack to POTO Stinks!
 Feb 16 2007, 02:22:59 AM
I agree. the completeness of songs like "Poor Fool" is great. But, again Gerard sucks in that song. Totally not Phantomesque.
re: The Soundtrack to POTO Stinks!
 Feb 16 2007, 01:28:34 AM
Sorry if I'm so blunt. This was my first musical. I was touring with my drum & bugle corps in 1988 and one of our competitiors was doing The Phantom of the Opera as their show, and I loved their show so much. One of the guys in my corps had the cassette of POTO and I borrowed it. I had never heard a musical before and it was love at first listen, and this show still holds such a special place in my heart, because this show opened up a whole world that I never even knew existed (I am from Wis
re: The Soundtrack to POTO Stinks!
 Feb 16 2007, 01:15:21 AM
The movie was ok. I just don't get it. There hard to be someone out there who had a powerful voice for the Phantom. I mean I would just laugh during the finale if Gerard were singing..."oh I'm so afraid". I just wish it was better.
re: The Soundtrack to POTO Stinks!
 Feb 16 2007, 01:13:13 AM
I saw the movie. I am just saying that I am totally into POTO again, and it's disappointing (highly) considering this is more complete. better sounding, and with updating orchestrations, compared to the OLC. WTF was ALW thinking when he approved Gerard Butler as his lead. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
The Soundtrack to POTO Stinks!
 Feb 16 2007, 01:05:25 AM
Ok, sorry to be so blunt, but I have been in a big The Phantom of the Opera mode lately. I love the show. I have been trying so hard to give the soundtrack a chance, because the orchestrations and orchestra are truly wonderful (Masquerade is astounding), but the cast stinks so bad it is almost (well it is) impossible to listen to. Emmy is actually ok, but Gerard just sucks. I mean if I was confronted with him as The Phantom I would laugh in his face, whereas with Crawford (who I normally don
re: cast recording CDs - a general post
 Feb 11 2007, 12:55:20 AM
Some replies to you.

- If you put cast CDs onto your MP3 or iPod, do you put the whole CD on there or do you pick and choose songs?

I always put the entire cast recording on my iPod. I like to listen to them complete, as a story. It's great for the gym too.

- What are essential cast CDs that everyone shoud have, everyone will enjoy?

It depends on your tastes. For me, I love sung-through musicals more than book musicals. But, here are some of my favorites.

re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 8 2007, 09:26:48 PM
My boss always says "ding-dang-dong!" On a postive note, my friend who borrowed my Wicked and lost it, has found it. I was pretty pleased to get it back.
re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 8 2007, 12:23:16 PM
Needy, you are slam me for speaking "on behalf of all the people in the US" and then you do exactly the same thing! If I have no basis for saying most people would see a show even if they knew the story, then you have no basis for saying a hundred people won't.

THINK about it! Most people are fimiliar with the stories before they see the show on stage, UNLESS they are catching something very early in its run. Something that hasn't produced a recording, something that

re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 7 2007, 12:41:41 PM
"People wouldn't go see the show because they know what happens."

I disagree. I knew what happened in most of the shows I saw before I even saw them, including the world premieres of Lestat (SF) and Hairspray (Seattle). EVITA was a movie for goodness sake and now it's on stage again. There were no secrets revealed in seeing Les Miz, Miss Saigon, or POTO after only hearing the recordings. Going to the theater is an experience that cannot be replicated in the home or cinema.

re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 7 2007, 11:54:46 AM
And I'm a "he" not a "she".
re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 7 2007, 11:54:19 AM
The origins of the English language have nothing to do with this. If the Broadway and Complete recordings are not in the English language, will you please tell me what language they are in? I only speak English, and I understand every word of all four recordings.

To the person who explained how actors get paid (whether live or studio), I had no idea. Thank you.

On a side note - I bought the OBC of Wicked TWICE! The first copy I lent to a friend (hadn't put it on my iPod

re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 6 2007, 06:22:13 PM
1. ALL four recordings of Les Miz I mentioned are in English. Please tell me how I have this wrong, since I have them all (Broadway, London, Concert, Complete).

2. I am not obsessed with Wicked, or any musical for that matter. I was merely stating we are not like the average musical fans, in that we are all here posting all the time.

3. If someone thinks I am too cheap to buy a ticket to fly to see a show, then maybe you should buy my ticket. Just because I haven't s

re: Idea for iTunes and cast recordings + Wicked
 Feb 6 2007, 12:00:14 AM
I think it's doable too. I mean, I got the 2CD complete SF Wicked, but still bought the Broadway wicked, and I would buy a London Wicked if they released one. I have three Sweeney Todd's, three Chess', three Les Miz's, two Miss Saigon's, three POTO's, both Taboos, two Into the Woods, two Jesus Chris Superstar's....the list goes on and on. Now, I know we are not like everyone (in the sense that we are obsessed), but how many English Les Miz recordings are there? Four (London, Broadway, Concer
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