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Les Miserables variant lyrics
 Mar 23 2017, 12:42:00 PM

Babe_Williams said: ""

I am a huge, huge Les Miz fan and I have to say, listening to these lyrics as a grown woman had a very different impact than when I listened as a teenager. My thought are....did Marius just throw shade at her like that? Ew. I am not familiar with the changes on that exchange since its been awhile since I saw the production on stage. What did they change the line about "the things you know you wouldn't find in books like these" to? Or am I misunderstanding the post and that was the change?

When I first watched Les Miserables, (oddly inspired by Neil Diamonds awful rendition of 'I Dreamed a Dream' I was in my late teens and as a young man watching this I heard this as Marius having no interest in Eponine romantically.  The things 'she knows' weren't what he was looking for in a bride, she was associating with criminals, etc.   I thought perhaps even they may have intimate relations (sex) but that he wasn't taking her home to mommy (grandpa).  

The first two times I saw Les Mis it was included.  The last time with the 25th anniversary changes, including the concert, and also in the movie it was left at.  In the movie Eponine is calling him out for 'pretending to be poor' and it's an akward attempt at the same exchange that ends with her still singing 'Little he knows, little he sees'.

another note:  I almost missed the drama of the original (to me) when 24601 rips open his shirt to expose the scar.  

Les Miserables variant lyrics
 Mar 23 2017, 07:00:53 AM

I'm a little surprised that the changes to the robbery haven't been called out.  Maybe it's not politically correct to make Eponine appear undereducated because she's female or poor?  But they keep the "she's never had a scrap of brains"??  I missed the lyrics in more recent versions and the movie but I think it gives a better picture of Marius thoughts on Eponine.  

Mme. Thenardier
These bloody students on our street
Here the

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