Worst Broadway Show of the Decade? Dec 30
2019, 11:45:34 AM
I was waiting for someone to mention PrettyWoman! Snoozefest.
Rocky also gets my vote. Dragged there and was grateful for my sippy cup of vodka.
To Kill a Mockingbird Rush Dec 30
2019, 11:33:08 AM
Wanted to post an updated rush info since this post has been so helpful.
Monday, January 30. Expected bigger crowds because of New Years so shoved hubby out of the bed at 6:30. He arrived at 8am and was first. Next people arrived 8:10. Line kicked up at 9am. Got to about 30 people total. They opened at 10am and he was offered back row balcony or SRO. We took SRO thanks to the advice on here. $39. Not bad considering the 4 tickets left last night were either $300
JLP Rush? Dec 30
2019, 11:27:26 AM
Walked by today at 7:45 and there were about 10 people in line already. Just a heads up. We rushed TKAMB instead.
Beetlejuice Rush Dec 30
2019, 11:20:29 AM
Husband rushed Sunday, December 29. Rush has picked up considerably since these posts! He arrived at 9am and was 40TH in line! Another 60 people showed up after him. We were looking for evening tickets. He came up with nothing. To be expected given the line. They announced SRO tickets would go on sale at 6pm for the evening show.
2017 Broadway in Chicago Millenium Park concert Aug 13
2017, 10:07:24 PM
Any idea what time sound checks will happen? My baby will be a grumpus after 7pm so we can't go to the show. ??