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Member Name: julesboogie
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Gender: Female
Profile: Lover of theatre!

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Am I the only person who hated FELA!?
 Apr 12 2013, 06:35:22 PM
I didn't hate it, but I didn't get it. Or go gaga over it like most. After about 20 mins and settling in, I started wondering how long it was going to be ... Performances were amazing, just not exactly my kinda show.
Motown a Spanish omelet
 Mar 15 2013, 04:06:35 PM
When everyone runs out of OTHER unoriginal things to talk about.
 Mar 12 2013, 03:51:19 PM
What Brian Stokes Mitchell had to say.

@bstokesmitchell: Saw Motown last night @ first preview - great direction, design, voices, songs (!)- the crowd went wild- smells like a hit!!

 Mar 12 2013, 10:45:46 AM
^ congrats on spending your money wisely...
Who Actually Saw BKLYN?
 Jan 6 2013, 10:09:34 PM
I did. And i remember thinking...THIS is Broadway?? I hadnt seen much else in NY before then. I kept wanting Clevant Derricks part to be amazing, but it was just weird. The whole thing was. The garbage costumes, the interesting orchestrations, and the book. Oh and Eden was out. Blonde understudy was on. Talented cast. Weird show.
BIG FISH to Play 5-Week Engagement in Chicago
 Dec 23 2012, 10:29:22 PM
ripped, do you remember what song he sang?
BIG FISH to Play 5-Week Engagement in Chicago
 Dec 22 2012, 02:36:51 PM
i doubt its been performed anywhere yet younger brother. The were only doing very closed readings early on. But we should get some clips soon from the chicago co.
Equity Question
 Dec 22 2012, 02:34:24 PM
Good question. I would assume it would be in the best interest of the producers to have them sign a broadway contract. Since this is the point of origin for most tours, producers then would be able to pass on paying per diem.

I also would assume that equity would not let people work in broadway houses for... lets say SETA contract prices (less than half). Which is what most tours are out on these days.

 Dec 19 2012, 10:24:19 PM
He was my favorite part of Earnest. And i think he'll make a great prince. He also noted they are doing it a different way, so maybe he doesnt need to be blindingly/classically handsome in this version. Still a good looking guy tho.
BIG FISH to Play 5-Week Engagement in Chicago
 Dec 18 2012, 07:54:56 PM
Heard the music from it, and it is glorious. Im hoping ill get to see the chicago run.
Cinderella opening Feb 2012 @ Broadway Theatre
 Aug 8 2012, 11:19:06 AM
William Ivy Long is costuming...should be lavish.
Now that the reviews are out what goes first JCS or Godspell?
 Mar 24 2012, 10:32:55 AM
"jimmycurry- I understand that the same people won't instantly be hired in the new show coming to that theater, or into any show at all. Is that a bad thing? A whole new set of people will gain Broadway experience and fulfill their "Broadway dreams.""

Maybe not to us theatre hungry folks. But to those actors, its awful im sure. "Whoops there goes job security, and here i go back to the grind just hoping that my my next job will pay as well, and afford me to eventually own something."

It's Official: Raven-Symone Joins SISTER ACT Mar. 27; Patina Miller Departs Mar. 18
 Mar 12 2012, 10:29:58 PM
she will be great comically. and fingers crossed for the vocals. Im rooting for you Raven!
Diane Paulus-Helmed PIPPIN Plays A.R.T. in December; Is Broadway Next?
 Mar 9 2012, 03:09:40 AM
would like to see her helm an original piece on bway. see how it goes.
Bonnie & Clyde Cast Album out 4/24 Yeah Blaxx
 Mar 5 2012, 03:35:14 PM
cannot wait!!
King Musicals
 Feb 6 2012, 11:18:27 AM
Feb 19th row L. cant wait
Found Your Poster!!
 Feb 5 2012, 04:42:39 PM
Apologies, I didn't mean to confuse. But yes someone left a bag of Merch outside the Richard Rodgers. It was so random. I walked past at like midnight and it was propped up on the wall beside the stairs. I also posted a Craigslist add, but figured this one might get seen as well. Just covering the bases.
Found Your Poster!!
 Feb 5 2012, 01:22:36 AM
Hey i found a lost show poster outside of the richard rodgers stage door.

Tell me what show it was from and what else was in the bag and we'll arrange a time to come get it.

Judith Light
 Jan 16 2012, 05:58:25 PM
she can do no wrong in my mind judith that is
national tour vs. Broadway- preference for actors?
 Jan 16 2012, 11:55:18 AM
It seems like touring is really geared toward the young. Or people who dont mind not having the separation between work and life. On Broadway people go to work and then go home. On tour, they travel together, stay in the same hotels, head to the theatre, walk home, eat, and possibly room together. You'd really have to love being with the same people day in and day out right?

I imagine the draw of having a steady place, separate friends, familiar surroundings, a family, and a life outs

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