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Member Name: lizheartsu
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re: Wicked HELPED Save Broadway!!!
 Apr 14 2005, 05:01:37 PM
I agree AC! When my dance studio went to LA last year we did dancing thorugh life. TONS and TONS of kids from ym studio are now into Broadway because of that show. They heard the music, bought the cd and now are hooked on many other musicals! Even my friend who was "too cool" for that kind of stuff, and we all know the type of people I'm talking about. Theres my 2 cents!

re: Role you want?
 Apr 9 2005, 09:06:45 PM
Elphaba-Wicked :) theatergeek
Mille-Throughly modern mille
Peggy-42nd street
Dorothy-Wiz of Oz
A lot other that i can't think of right now

re: Megan Hilty in WICKED
 Apr 2 2005, 09:13:27 AM
wickedgrl2006, i saw wicked then 2!!!!!!! It was my first time, too! small world....Anway, Megan was very very good and extremely nice. I got an autogrph from her and pics, etc and she took a pic with every single person there who wanted 1. It took like an hour, but she still did it. Shes very good.
re: Photo from Disney's ON THE RECORD
 Mar 13 2005, 09:42:53 AM
i saw it last night, it was great. whoever the girl with the brown hair in the dress is, she has a great voice
re: Photo from Disney's ON THE RECORD
 Mar 13 2005, 09:42:47 AM
i saw it last night, it was great. whoever the girl with the brown hair in the dress is, she has a great voice
re: Worst Broadway Lyric ever?
 Mar 12 2005, 09:34:54 AM
My new philosophy:

No life ios free and easy, much more philosophezy!

ooo, i cringe when i sing it.

re: Worst Broadway Lyric ever?
 Mar 12 2005, 09:34:50 AM
My new philosophy:

No life ios free and easy, much more philosophezy!

ooo, i cringe when i sing it.

re: Who Do You Think Is Amazing?
 Feb 27 2005, 08:56:40 PM
helen R.
re: For Phantom, Q, Little Women and Wick. experts
 Jan 29 2005, 05:17:26 PM
no, should I have?
re: For Phantom, Q, Little Women and Wick. experts
 Jan 29 2005, 04:35:29 PM
whos sweeny tod?
re: For Phantom, Q, Little Women and Wick. experts
 Jan 29 2005, 04:22:28 PM
im obviously oblivious to all the george violence humor, anyone want to enlighten me?
 Jan 29 2005, 04:21:21 PM
I think Wicked is also very clever. I think the reason the ending was put on there is because alot of people, myself included, get really attached to the charecter of Elphaba and feel sorry for her becase she actually isn't all Wicked, shes misunderstood, too. And the ending is better because its a happy one rather than just having her die. I know that doesn't matter but I think it's about having a happy ending rather than a sad one.
re: For Phantom, Q, Little Women and Wick. experts
 Jan 29 2005, 04:08:45 PM
ha, no really though, is she?
re: For Phantom, Q, Little Women and Wick. experts
 Jan 29 2005, 04:04:15 PM
Kristin is giong to be Madam Morrible? Did i read correctly? *rubs eyes*
re: NYU
 Jan 27 2005, 04:48:48 PM
i dont test well at all but i have good grades, it think. should i even bother?
re: Shoshana Bean
 Jan 25 2005, 07:12:28 PM
is that shosha or whoever she is in swiftnifty15's icon?
re: I was looking on Shoshana's website and about the new glinda it says
 Jan 23 2005, 06:26:16 PM
I saw megan and got her auto, etc. all the fun stuff. I thought she was amazing. I never saw JLT, but I have heard she wasn't that good....
re: Wicked - who plays Dorothy?
 Jan 21 2005, 10:36:31 PM
who is that?
re: Wicked - who plays Dorothy?
 Jan 21 2005, 10:31:29 PM
ha, it is. I always though dorothy was a light projection because she or it was pretty tall and didn't really look lifelike the way it moved.
re: Your Embarassing Theatrical Moments
 Jan 21 2005, 10:28:04 PM
wow, i just figured it out thanks to you guys. I tought angel was a girl.....
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