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Profile for WickedlyNextToNormal

Member Name: WickedlyNextToNormal
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'Alice Ripley Goodbye Video'
 Jul 15 2010, 09:24:15 PM
That's what Megan told me when I originally told her that she should make a thread about it. Haha, so I did it for her. Oh well!
'Alice Ripley Goodbye Video'
 Jul 15 2010, 08:44:22 PM
Aw darn! Really!? I'm seeing the show tomorrow night. Well at least I'll finally get to see Jessica Phillips :)
"Alice Ripley Goodbye Video"
 Jul 15 2010, 08:19:52 PM
Hey, I just got this new account since I can't remember my password for my old one, and I don't use that email anymore and can't remember THAT password either, haha.

But my friend, Meg, started a facebook group called "Alice Ripley Goodbye Video" I think..and she's putting together a "video montage" of videos that fans are sending to her thanking Alice and saying their goodbyes, and a few words. If a lot of people did this it'd be really cool. The email she's using for this I believe is find the facebook group for more exact info. Just putting this out there for anybody who hadn't heard about it and wanted to send a video. She'll be at the theatre on Sunday and I'm pretty sure is filming for people there too, but join the group and let her know if you're interested. It's times like these where I wish I had a webcam or camera to do this on

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