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Member Name: stone_blue
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"Loud, Desperate Need For Approval" Leads Tony Nominations
 Apr 30 2013, 04:22:30 PM
The sting is perfection.
Bway Songs about Cheaters
 Apr 24 2013, 09:44:21 AM
Because, from The Thing About Men by Roberts and DiPietro. The wife explains why his indiscretions drove her to cheat.
Liz Callaway at Town Hall
 Aug 1 2012, 12:46:41 AM
Completion of PapaGe's list:

"Corner of the Sky"
"Waiting for Life"
all a little mashed up

Ahrens and Flaherty
"Nothing to Lose (But Your Heart)"
"The Streets of Dublin" by Jason Danieley alone
tape of a jingle recorded for MGM Air (?)
"Forever Yours" as a weirdly arranged duet with Norm Lewis
"Wheels of a Dream" by Norm Lewis alone
"Back to Before"
"Once Upon a December"
"Journey to the Past"

"Magic to

February House -- Question
 May 29 2012, 06:26:01 PM
It also just extended through June 17, so some more tickets are available now. Ditto AC on the Twitter/Facebook rush notifications.
February House -- Question
 May 29 2012, 02:44:49 PM
The one I got during previews has a black and white version of the main publicity photo of Gypsy and George dancing.

The fascinating story behind FEBRUARY HOUSE
 May 5 2012, 02:17:12 AM
I'm so excited for this, both for the fascinating premise and because Gabriel Kahane, the composer, is brilliant. He did a couple of songs (I think from Feb House) at the NAMT New Musicals showcase which were lovely and his album is one of my favorites of recent.
Opinions on
 Apr 26 2012, 03:54:58 PM
I wasn't aware of the extent of the yellowface used on Pryce, but that actually strengthens the point. They apparently wanted the character to appear Asian but cast a white actor, and then had to deal with the fallout by saying Tran van Dinh wasn't really Asian and anyway they couldn't find any Asians to fill the role.

Phyllis, thanks- that was the point I forgot to make. Giving the benefit of the doubt that the character is supposed to be ambiguously white and Asian, you still only see

Opinions on
 Apr 26 2012, 03:39:53 PM
I'm not entirely sure which side of the argument this supports, but what about Jonathan Pryce in Miss Saigon? Although the show definitely has themes of explicit and implicit racial conflict, the producers argued that race didn't matter specifically for the character of the Engineer. The creators took their prerogative to sidestep the historical accuracy objection by making his genealogy ambiguous, and threw in the best-talent-for-the-job rationale for good measure. But there was still uproar ov
Sons of the Prophet reviews
 Oct 21 2011, 01:27:07 AM
Well deserved. Santino is a marvel.
Chinglish First Preview
 Oct 21 2011, 01:18:42 AM
Yes and obviously it's working for some people whether or not they speak Chinese, and I hope it will for more. I already noted that you have to read the titles even if you're fluent because you simply can't hear all the lines. I'm just trying to figure out what's missing or getting lost or maybe completely not there, and if it can be fixed at all. Humor is subjective, of course, but that doesn't mean it's insensitive to medium.

Additionally, knowing some Chinese would mean one has famil

Chinglish First Preview
 Oct 20 2011, 11:01:57 PM
The NYT published an interesting feature on Hwang today, which hits some of the "what is this play even about" points I think people are struggling with and also highlights the financial risk being taken:

It's going to be a tough sell, no doubt, but I'm very glad the producers are willing to try. An interesting case study in how to advertise a new, original show with no stars (except the playwright), and a lot of nervous-making qualities. I haven't seen any of the TV ads- can anyone provide a link? The girl I saw it with was brought in on the strength of the commercials, but didn't know what to expect other than a comedy. I suspect she didn't enjoy it as much as I did; she also doesn't understand any Chinese, and I'm wondering if that's causal.

Can I ask if anyone else who's seen it does? It's not an excuse, and would be a massive liability for the show if true, but it seems like the show may be an example of the cultural differences between east and west, instead of just a discussion of such.

Last note, the difficulties of translation aren't simply in the realm of transliteration, but in the difficulty of business and personal relations when each side holds different motives and expectations and can't (or doesn't know to) communicate those to the other.

Chinglish First Preview
 Oct 16 2011, 01:38:21 PM
@henrik, The audience was laughing non-stop during the first act, and I thought it was well deserved; if you think any of those Chinglish signs ( are funny you'll enjoy at least the first level of humor here. There are additional levels of kind of cultural jokes that might be funnier with experience, like the very Asian mode of bragging by self-deprecation, and the politics of the Party bureaucracy. But it is a beautifully integrated production well worth seeing by anyone.

@Panerofan, No chance of losing the titles, they aren't for throwaway lines from non-central characters and unlike song, dialogue is specific and point-to-point and not themed. 4 actors speak only Chinese onstage, the female lead speaks mostly Chinese and only rudimentary English, and the translator/consultant does extended dialogue in Chinese as well. You cannot understand the play or even each scene without reading the titles- even understanding Mandarin won't save you, as the lines are inaudible when the audience laughs at the titles before the dialogue is actually heard (whole 'nother issue...).

Because so much of the humor is based around mis-translating, they can't use the conceit of "foreign character speaking English so we can understand, but the other characters hear him in his native language" a la War Horse. There's also a short, hysterical scene on how you could say something totally unintended if you use the wrong inflection, which only works in the Chinese.

Chinglish First Preview
 Oct 15 2011, 01:38:53 AM
Just wanted to drop in and say I really enjoyed the show tonight. It's certainly a straight up comedy, and there's no strong message per se, but it didn't need one to be good, smart fun. Great to see a fresh story and conceit in a new play.

I'd estimate that 1/3 of the play is supertitled, including 2 scenes and a couple of quick bits that are all in Mandarin. There are some insidery jokes, but the titles convey most of the wordplay well even though they're slightly condensed.

All-Black STEEL MAGNOLIAS Film In The Works
 Oct 13 2011, 10:47:04 PM
@crewdude yup, you also don't treat epilepsy with juice. that comment was making me twitch...which now strikes me as an unfortunate colloquialism in this context.
Anything Goes student rush?
 Jul 19 2011, 10:37:16 AM
I don't think his being on vacation is widely known, or that it's causing people to give up their hard-to-get tickets day of; the theater was completely full at the Sunday matinee. I was told there were no student rush tickets at half hour, so I waited in the cancellation line and got lucky. As far as I know that was the only pair of tickets to become available through cancellation.
 Jun 17 2011, 06:45:39 PM
@nondeplume, I also don't have the book handy but I think the following is mostly correct if incomplete. Spoilers, natch.

1. There are two rabbits/hares. The first is recorded in the game book as having been shot by Lord Byron, which is disputed by Augustus in the past, but which serves as proof that Byron was at Sidley Park in the present. The second was killed by Septimus the morning the duel was scheduled for, presumably because he had pistols but no other target and Thomasina liked

Here Comes GODSPELL!
 May 12 2011, 12:03:19 PM
@gvendo, the Bialystock model COUNTS on the show flopping, since the plan is to raise more money than stated, cook the books, and keep the change when the show closes. The producers/investors lose their investment if Godspell fails, which is part of the attraction of the lower-than-normal buy in. If Godspell recoups, they get their money back and maybe more. In terms of theater investing, it's a high risk but relatively low loss opportunity.

I think it's interesting as an experiment. Th

Book of Mormon - Box office Smash
 Mar 16 2011, 01:05:42 PM
Has anyone done standing room? I'm coming up to the city for a weekend but only have two open show slots, and would like to know how realistic it would be to bank on getting SRO if I don't win at lottery.
 Dec 25 2010, 11:58:54 PM
The backlot is pretty empty, they lower a set of lights from the ceiling, travel in two sets of corrugated aluminum doors against the back wall that would lead to the soundstage and also serve as the projections backdrop, and bring on some spot lights and camera equipment. There are also some signs and walkways around the space that always remain and add some nice atmosphere. For Norma's mansion, the aluminum doors travel out to reveal a wall with columned doorways and multiple portraits of youn
JERUSALEM begins April 2 at the Music Box
 Dec 20 2010, 05:26:47 PM
Anybody hearing rumors about John Gallagher Jr being involved?
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