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Profile for jenfromtheaudience

Member Name: jenfromtheaudience
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 Nov 13 2017, 01:09:54 PM

chuckydisc said: "How much did each SRO cost?
SRO is $47, box seats are $40
Was the location simply behind the last row of the Orchestra?

Yes, there's a wall with padding on top to lean on.


 Nov 13 2017, 12:22:35 PM

I rushed on Saturday (11/11). I got there by 7:15 AM and was 12th in line. The person in front of me said he arrived about 5-10 minutes before me and the person behind me arrived by 7:30.  People filtered in slowly after that, but I would say definitely a longer line by 8:30. They came out about 10 mins before 10am and told us there were 8 box seats for each performance and also standing room for each show, with more standing room available for the evening performance. They also sai

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