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UPDATE: TV/VCR Taye Diggs!!!
 Jan 9 2005, 06:55:08 AM
Hey guys, just wanted let everyone know that Taye will be on the cbs early morning show on 01/12. which is wedsnday!

also on 01/12 9am est after the cbs morning show Taye will be on REGIS AND KELLY! :)

"RENT ARTICLE" from the san fransico examiner
 Jan 9 2005, 06:22:55 AM
Barring a last-minute breakthrough, Hollywood director Chris Columbus and his "Rent" production crew may soon be saying farewell to Treasure Island, according to the island's director and film industry workers.

Treasure Island Development Agency Director Tony Hall said Thursday his agency and Columbus' movie production company had been unable to agree to terms of a lease. He said "Rent" had not met basic tenant requirements such as a security deposit, proof of insurance and financial st

Questions about filming location and script detail
 Jan 9 2005, 06:08:00 AM
well they may just have to film in nyc,*scarcastic tone* booohooohoo... rent actually in nyc what a shame poor chris columbus actually having to leave his family for 12 weeks boohoo lol. well maybe more than 12 weeks.

i posted the full article.

re: Rent NYTW: Tony Hoylen
 Jan 9 2005, 06:05:23 AM
I actually found mp3s from the 1994 nytw production of rent. He was great, a little gravely but great. I didn't see RENT until 2 years ago when it came to Binghamton. I saw it again Last July in NYC at the neder when Jai was in it. I can't wait til february 19th cause I'm seeing it in hershey, but... I haven't had the privilage to see the NYTW production.
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 8 2005, 01:57:47 PM
I thought he looked thin. I was like "Hmmmm" cause I recalled the performances from "Broadway on Bravo" and he was kind of chunky lol but still good looking.
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 8 2005, 12:29:59 PM
I never heard "Glory" done with a piano before and sound so depressing, but in a good way hopefully that'll be the way they do it for the movie.
re: TV/VCR alert for Adam Pascal fans.....
 Jan 8 2005, 10:48:20 AM
Hey, my mom knocks on my door. She's like "They're talking about rent on cbs this morning and adam something is on" I go "Oh, ok" got up and put it on and I hear "Glory" but they cut it off for some chef.
look around
 Jan 8 2005, 10:20:04 AM
I found it on ebay for 12.00$

questions about the film.
 Jan 8 2005, 04:56:13 AM
Hey Anthony, thanks for posting when you can. Glad you're with us on the boards.
My name is brad anyways.... Just have a question or two if you have time.

1. Can you tell us how the sound of the updated versions of the rent music is. Is it faster, slower, more rock, less rock..?

2. Have the costumes changed at all?

sorry if this was asked before, I'm just a curious guy and I love rent.

 Jan 5 2005, 10:16:45 AM
I'm going to be seeing them in hershey on february 19th. Can't wait. Love rent. I also can't wait for the movie!! :)
christmas day parade from ny?
 Dec 23 2004, 11:22:30 PM
who will be on, what time will it start?
re: adam pascal
 Dec 22 2004, 11:18:53 AM
ok I was just curious about that. I have been keeping up with the posts from anthony and movie posts.. But the way they described it, made me think that there was hope of them getting it out faster.
adam pascal
 Dec 22 2004, 09:46:44 AM
Hey, why does it say "adam will fly back on the 29th from filming rent to perform" hmmmm if this is true, does that mean rent is being filmed now?

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