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Member Name: Loppy
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re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
 Aug 24 2005, 10:55:11 PM
I never made it sound like Grubbs is such a good guy. I said that he wasn't the "Evan" that you're all complaining about.

Please don't put words in my mouth

re: Victoria Clark Sounds like Donald Duck Performing Opera...
 Aug 24 2005, 10:39:18 PM
In case any of you were wondering, you people are bellowing about the wrong person. If you READ the thread, you'll notice that while all of you are bellowing about the evils of "Evan", Evan isn't even the one who posted the review. The review was posted by an entirely different user.

Additionally, the "Evan" that posted in that thread was "Evan Grubbs". Once again, a different user from the infamous "Evan" of

The "Evan" that you all are complaining about hasn't been

re: Appropriate Attire?
 Jun 13 2005, 07:27:09 PM
SOMEONE'S on the defensive.

re: Appropriate Attire?
 Jun 13 2005, 06:53:35 PM
I agree completely DefyingGravity. It's not a matter of "must" it's a matter of "should". There are times and places for jeans and tee shirts. And there are times and places for looking put together.

I think it's absurd that the arguments of cost and comfort are being brought into this. Just because something is tailored doesn't mean that it must be expensive or uncomfortable. And to be honest, these days a nice pair of jeans is likely to cost you more than a cute skirt or a pair

re: Appropriate Attire?
 Jun 13 2005, 12:36:56 AM
To quote Joanna Gleason..."ya know what? WE NEED PEOPLE NOT TO COME TO BROADWAY SHOWS WEARING SHORTS AND FLIP-FLOPS. We are working hard up here, folks."

Looking messy at the theatre is tacky. I'm not a fan of jeans in a Broadway house. I don't know what's so hard about putting together a decent outfit.

re: What is the plot for Altar Boyz anyway?
 May 14 2005, 12:37:23 PM
There's really no plot. It's an overblown SNL skit that's kind of overrated
re: Chris Sieber and his Tony Nom..
 May 11 2005, 12:26:16 AM
I loved Seiber in Millie, Triumph of Love, and Spamalot.

But he didn't deserve the nod over Borle. I'm VERY disappointed that Borle was passed over.

re: What's your 'Been there, done that' shows?
 May 10 2005, 03:18:48 PM
"Actually, I can't even really say that I enjoyed it all that much. "Wicked" is sort of my show-that-I've-seen-that-I-wouldn't-see-again-even-if-I-was-offered-a-free-ticket show. "

If by that you mean "WICKED is sort of my show-that-I-would-make-someone-i-never-met-leave-work-early-and-haul-ass-from-Boston-to-New York-on-the-Acela-so-I-could-see-it-for-the-second-time show", then yes.

re: Avenue Q = Just OK?
 May 4 2005, 10:51:41 AM
"I was sitting in row O on the center aisle. but i don't think that has to do with it"

It may not entirely, but it may play into it a bit. I've seen Q four times...twice in the first four rows, once in the read orch, and once in the mezz. Both times that I was closer to the stage I enjoyed it more. You pick up on more of the tiny details up close. I loved it each time, however.

I'm very surprised to hear "lack of enthusiasm" or "unprofessional" when used to describe the cas

re: Here Lies Jenny
 May 4 2005, 01:27:32 AM
I saw it in NY and was underwhelmed. And I worship Bebe.

Oh well.

re: Lucille Lortels
 May 3 2005, 12:00:54 PM
"I must disagree about the "some social commentary" thing simply because, what good is social commentary if you're not going to flesh it out? Either explore the issues or don't. Don't tip-toe around them superficially (which is exactly what "Spelling Bee" does)."

It does and it doesn't. It tip-toes around several issues, but I think that it provides a pretty accurate commentary on the priorities of family and education in our society.

"Finally, you saw "Altar Boyz" towards the

 May 3 2005, 10:50:38 AM
The original production is better than the revival in every possible way.

Anyone who thinks otherwise should remove the crack from their system before attempting to post again

re: Lucille Lortels
 May 3 2005, 10:48:35 AM
"Although I like this show, I was sad about this win. 'Spelling Bee' is good, but it did not deserve to win over 'Altar Boyz'."

They are both slightly over-blown SNL skits that operate on exaggerated stereotypes. "Spelling Bee", however, has a better book and more varied humor. It throws in some social commentary. It's humor comes from a more honest and relatable place. If the set design off-broadway is comparable to the broadway set, it is clearly superior to "Altar Boyz". The cast,

re: Eloise on Broadway
 Apr 29 2005, 05:53:13 PM
That is the second best news that I have heard all day

Eloise easily kicks Annie's tuchas

re: Spelling Bee
 Apr 29 2005, 04:26:21 PM
"Oh, way to generalize, Loppy. Really, you don't look the least bit closed-minded or condescending."

I don't look condescending? Damn. I better try harder next time.

re: Spelling Bee
 Apr 29 2005, 02:16:00 PM
Will be seeing SPELLING BEE tomorrow.

There are three camps of people when it comes to Finn: those who love his work, those who have never heard his work, and those who do not understand his work

Anyone who finds FALSETTOS to be anything less than brilliant should stop going to the theatre. Or stick with the tourists at WICKED.

re: Babe Ruth traded to Yankees to produce NO, NO NANETTE?!?!?!?
 Apr 25 2005, 10:58:30 AM
We already answered your question (which, I believe was also answered in the HBO show that you were watching)

No, Ruth was not sold to finance "No, No, Nanette". Itis an urban legend that has a few threads of truth.

re: Babe Ruth traded to Yankees to produce NO, NO NANETTE?!?!?!?
 Apr 25 2005, 09:39:03 AM
I didn't look at the Globe yesterday. But I'm sure I can dig it up today.
re: Babe Ruth traded to Yankees to produce NO, NO NANETTE?!?!?!?
 Apr 24 2005, 11:32:56 PM
The Red Sox ownership and management was extremely slow to desegregate and they lost a lot of great opportunities as a result.

Additionally, they have a history of writing off great players too early and allowing their stars to act like overpaid three year olds.

All of that contributes to their history of loss. Additionally, I think that the reprehensible behavior of their fans tosses in some bad karma.

Last year was a crying shame. People say that the Yankees are bad

re: Babe Ruth traded to Yankees to produce NO, NO NANETTE?!?!?!?
 Apr 24 2005, 04:48:54 PM
"I'm not sure where 'you' live but you can't use the curse as an excuse for bad trades and bad baseball"

You're right. You can't. But Bostonians (both the media and the fans) could and did for an awful long time.

As for where I live....about 15 minutes from Fenway

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