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btw Jan 10
2005, 01:45:17 AM
...btw, $10 for someone who gets my signature...that I'm implementing starting NOW :) (favourite line bar none!) "If you only knew I spend so much time obsessing--it's depressing. For someone cool, you're the fool. You want to rediscover the spark--leave a mark. Share something with someone--face your fear! (What's that I hear? Maureen, did you say?) Touché. For someone cool, you're a fool." *just kidding, by the way :) not trying to threadjack here...
Questions about filming location and script detail Jan 10
2005, 01:41:03 AM
Thanks! I've been lurking for a while, just watching the back-and-forth. Interesting stuff! ...and hey, we all get a little, "stupid"--as you put it--at times. Once, I...well, we won't go into THAT on THIS board haha!
Questions about filming location and script detail Jan 10
2005, 01:26:04 AM
...a very tasty dinner item :) What the heck, eat 'em when you can...haha! Guess I should introduce myself. Name's Adam. I'm a spud (from Idaho), 20, and generally bored outta my gourd except for puppetry, RENT, writing musical scores, and knocking around the one-horse capital with my friends :) but yeah. Short ribs. Tasty :) yum. haha!
re: Rent NYTW: Tony Hoylen Jan 9
2005, 04:03:30 PM of Jonathan's friends? I seem to recall hearing something of that as well, though, as you--don't quote me on that. *rifles through the Book again* :) Well, I agree somewhat that it sounded kinda strained at times, too...but I still enjoyed a lot of songs with Tony's Roger enough that I think the tracks should be released publicly at least. "You're A Fool" was amazing (The harmony at the end, too!). Especially: "If you only knew I spend so much time obsessing--it's d
Rent NYTW: Tony Hoylen Jan 9
2005, 04:33:53 AM
Hi all! New member here. I just wanted to know whether this has been discussed at all. What are your impressions of Tony Hoylen, those who have seen his work in the 1993/4 NYTW RENT production? I found it to be charming. Anyone know why he left? And also, what the performance(s) were like, as I was only able to dig up the full show in song form. Also, I thought Anthony was awesome in that as well props there indeed.
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