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Member Name: Kvmjjb
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Tina Turner Alternate Schedule
 Jan 12 2020, 10:32:25 PM
I haven’t seen Kayla but when in London I saw Aisha Jawando due to Warren being ill. I thought Aisha was fabulous having now seen Adrienne I realize though Aisha, and I’m sure Kayla’s performances are terrific, Adrienne’s is a stunning star turn. She brings a spark to the performance that shouldn’t be missed.
Tina Turner Alternate Schedule
 Jan 12 2020, 02:41:43 PM
It appears as of now Adrienne Warren will appear!
Tina Turner Alternate Schedule
 Jan 12 2020, 08:48:52 AM

Was she on last night? I have tickets for today, missed her in London so hopefully I will get to see her today. Fingers crossed. 

Moulin Rouge Officially coming to Broadway June 2019
 Nov 21 2018, 01:39:42 PM
This is typical for a pre-sale. They only put a select number of seats on sale available to either fans or credit card holders. They are usually not very good seats but it does allow you to purchase a ticket and be assured to see the event it works better when it’s a one time event Like a concert rather than a continuing performance like a Broadway play.
 Jul 30 2018, 08:31:57 AM

I was in B3 and thought it was the best non-premium seat. Another thing to avoid too much twisting in sections B &C pick seats 1-6 in sections D&E choose 7-12. 

Great production Enjoy

 Jun 24 2018, 12:38:58 AM

I know it’s not Broadway but... went to the Vienna State Opera last thursday and was turned away for wearing shorts had to go back and change. But 4 Euros for standing room!! Crazy!!

THE BOYS IN THE BAND (2018) Previews
 May 28 2018, 10:17:33 AM

Well, here’s my two cents:

1. When a character steps on stage for the first time he/she is just that, the character, not the actor. Applause at this moment is misplaced. You are applauding for the Actor at the curtain call after they have shed the character. ( 1st cent ).

2. Donald’s question is spoken to Michael not the audience and a response from the audience is completely inappropriate. ( 2nd cent ). 

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