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Member Name: silverbelle11
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Shubert Theater Raised Seating Orchestra
 Jul 5 2018, 06:28:37 PM

Thank you dramamama611 and matt1982. I was actually speaking with two co-workers who are avid theater goers and even they said they bought seats in the mezzanine for the show. One prefers orchestra but because of pricing went with mezzanine and the other likes mezzanine so she can see more as she is even shorter than me and uses a booster seat as well. I am glad to hear that there isn't a bad seat in the theater except the far sides. Thank you all for your opinions, they are ver

Shubert Theater Raised Seating Orchestra
 Jul 4 2018, 08:34:16 PM

Thanks comets! I decided on orchestra but will keep that in mind the next time I attend Shubert theater!

Shubert Theater Raised Seating Orchestra
 Jul 4 2018, 06:30:00 PM

Thank you msmp, dramamama611, and dearalanaaaa for the extra confirmation. I heard that mezzanine is great if you get the first couple of rows but seeing as I cannot find any front and center, I think I will stick with orchestra. They are the same price surprisingly enough for the day I want. And haha! I thought booster seats were just for kids! Glad to know I can use them too if needed and no one will get mad! 

Shubert Theater Raised Seating Orchestra
 Jul 4 2018, 05:35:21 PM

Thank you Scarlet721 and aasjb4ever for your responses! I am glad to hear that the seating has some sort of lift as the rows progress. I am only 5'2' so I'll need the extra height! I will definitely avoid the mezzanine then and stick with the orchestra!  :)

Shubert Theater Raised Seating Orchestra
 Jul 4 2018, 04:37:07 PM

Hi everyone!

I am new to seeing theater shows, first one was "Hamilton" and that definitely sparked my interest further! I am planning on seeing "To Kill a Mockingbird" and am wondering if the Orchestra seating is raised at the Shubert Theater? I saw tickets for row F or G center but if the seating would make the view difficult I also saw seats in the Mezzanine left and the Mezzanine right in the first three rows for either. Anyone know about the raised sea

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