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Member Name: WhatTheElle
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Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 03:40:03 PM

BalconyClub said: "OK, the geek in me is fascinated with the small tweaks that appeared in the Friday, Sept 14 performance.

Personally, I am extra jealous of how many times you’ve been and equally geeked out by the little changes. Please keep them coming and especially let me know if any of the following change:

1) The corny-ness of the “generous in bed” lines. Agree with previous poster that it range false. 

2) Julie&rsquo

Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 03:25:13 PM

John Adams said: "TheSassySam said: "In the musical, Michael doesn't accept multiple roles. That is more shown as a fantasysequence with her name in marquees such as "The Elephant Woman" and playing BOTH Roxie and Velma in "Chicago""

Thanks much!

Also, to answer part 2 of your Q, Dorothy is offered a multi-year contract right before going on stage for opening night which further drives the reveal happening at tha

Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 03:14:03 PM

Observation said: "BalconyClub said:

"2. There are a few times when Dana Carvey's Church Lady character invades my empty head during the show."

Oh my goodness! YES! When I saw it I kept seeing hints of SOMETHING but couldn't figure out what. But yes, he's got some of the Church Lady mannerisms and looks going.


That was my immediate takeaway too!  Like a cross between church lady and a youn

Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 02:59:56 PM
- "Joe's Pub" number (Bats in the Belfry?) doesn't work

I agree! The crowded club number was all focused on Michael (and the audience) looking at and reacting to how sexy/angry Julie was while singing instead of showing us what’s going on in Julie’s head as she processes the kiss and what it made her feel. I’d much rather the lights have gone down to just a spot on her and the lyrics to have more clearly expressed her inner turmoil.

Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 02:50:51 PM
Also sat close - Orch R, row B, aisle seat. Totally unobstructed since no chair in front. Lots of good views from the R side. Couldn’t see feet but could see faces really well. Missed having the full straight on view for some group numbers a little bit but more than made up for it with the close angle view from the right for the rest of the scenes. I feel like a lot of the scenes were set to the right or center on stage.
Tootsie - Chicago tryout
 Sep 17 2018, 02:40:27 PM

orlikethecolorpurple said: "

The show says some wonderful things about equality and the power of women, but I couldn’t help being 100% let down that in a speech about acceptance and inclusivity, the agent character says, in an effort to display his tolerance, “hey, I have a client who’s dating a balloon!” Really? Tired."

Yes! That was disappointing. 

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