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Member Name: Scotarts
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The Inheritance
 Dec 18 2018, 06:42:14 AM


As is the case with most internet opinion factories: Prove it or stop defending. "In the tradition..." Blah blah blah. 

Thi sis my very case in point - they rely on the ignorance and wistful acceptance of a gullible "anything is exposure" agenda. 

Don;t attack the messenger - this forum is full of far more scholarly types than me - but I still challenge you or any other "Vehemently" types to actually DO THE WORK. 

The Inheritance
 Dec 18 2018, 06:37:35 AM

thank you. 


*IF* they even gave credit where due, that would be one thing. But they've attempted, via a relentless Instgram and Facebook ad campaign, to position this guy as the next Stoppard or Fierstein. You have to EARN that. He didn't. 

The Inheritance
 Dec 18 2018, 06:34:05 AM

"I haven't seen or even read the play. "

No, THAT covers it. 

Go ahead, play tright into their marketing ploy - defend, don't read, don't see and let this fraud stand and rake in the cash. When your generation gets older, you're going to wonder: "Wait, what happened.?"

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 05:13:42 PM

nasty_khakis said: "Scotarts said: "A RuPaul meme. I rest my case."

Well played :)


The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 05:08:41 PM

A RuPaul meme. I rest my case.

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 05:01:34 PM

nasty_khakis said: "A.Douglas said: "I vehemently disagree with the above review of the piece."

Agreed. One of the major themes/throughlines of the piece is using older stories to tell your own and retelling Howards End through a modern gay male perspective. Just like this generation of gay men owe a debt to and stand on the shoulders of the generation of gay men before us, this play stands on the shoulders and pays respect to the plays that came before

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 04:59:33 PM

A.Douglas said: "I vehemently disagree with the above review of the piece."

Prove it wrong then. It's a RIPOFF.

The Inheritance
 Dec 17 2018, 02:06:24 PM

 I find that Lopez is a plagiarist. Why? This was the most over-hyped gay theatre production of FRIENDS to date, with no due attribution or knods for all the work that came before, and told a better story.

Shall we even begin? Rips off Angels in America, Stoppard's invention of love (the big Forster speeches, culminating in the play title) and tries to legitimise itself by repeating "NEw York City' a billion time

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