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Member Name: Mace44
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THE INHERITANCE Closing Very Soon?
 Feb 2 2020, 01:24:51 AM

Kad said:  While I'm sure Goldwyn sold some tickets to Network, it is indisputable that Bryan Cranston was the marquee name for that productionand the one most responsible for its box office success."

No where did I claim Goldwyn was the “main draw” in Network.  Obviously Cranston was the bigger draw.  But Goldwyn’s fans did help fill in the house and with Premium Tix (Many sat on Stage @ $400 a pop )  Many

THE INHERITANCE Closing Very Soon?
 Jan 31 2020, 12:20:43 AM

GiantsInTheSky2 said: "There were a good amount of people at the stage door saying that they came just to see Goldwyn, which I found interesting.

I also could totally be reading into things, but when people mentioned seeing it more than once, or maybe coming back for a second visit, almost every cast member was eager to say something along the lines of, “Please do/Tell your friends/etc.”

Goldwyn has a huge fan base that traveled from far

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