Broadway flea market 2023 collectors unite!! Oct 1
2023, 01:40:17 PM
bwayphreak234 said: "Great turnout this year for sure with a lot of great stuff. Super crowded, but everyone was very polite and well mannered."
I'm glad you had a different experience from me... By the Creative Goods table, one man purposely pushed my shoulder so he could hog one of the t-shirt boxes. I would have scooted if he asked.
edit: wrong table
BAD CINDERELLA On Broadway - Reviews & News Thread May 12
2023, 11:44:09 AM
bholtzinger544 said: "The cast has to be given notice they're closing, I believe it's 10 days or 2 weeks. I don't see the grosses getting worse than this last week. Most shows get a nice bump when people hear they are closing. And advance sales for this week look better then last week."
Is it? If I recall correctly, KPOP announced closing within 5 days, and I saw an actor or two on social media expressing that they only found out earlier that day (but not
KPOP Original Broadway Cast Recording Thread Feb 22
2023, 09:49:02 PM
What're the chances they'll just scrap the recording after all?
Not that I'm in the music business, but didn't they finish recording the songs months ago? Though I'm sure more work like sound mixing is to be done, I can't imagine there's so much that they'd need to push it back to May. Is this a possible budget thing?
KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway Jan 8
2023, 08:13:31 PM
Does anyone know if they filmed this for the archives? I recall a few creatives said they were fighting for it during closing week.
KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway Jan 8
2023, 08:12:26 PM
Does anyone know if
KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway Dec 10
2022, 06:02:29 PM
Does anyone know if SRO will be available tomorrow?
KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway Dec 9
2022, 06:52:11 AM
Robbie2 said: "Just checked on ticket availability all shows sold out"
They started doing standing room this week. According to the box office, SRO will be available tonight (Friday) and both shows tomorrow, but not on Sunday (tentative).
KPOP Sets December 11 Closing Date on Broadway Dec 7
2022, 12:56:59 AM
Sad but unsurprised. I love this show but we all saw it coming.
The only thing that caught me off-guard was the 5 day warning. Is that typical with show closings? I've only been a theater fan for a handful of years and can't recall another production giving such short notice.
KPOP Reviews Dec 3
2022, 01:24:39 AM
Forgive my ignorance as I don't typically read professional reviews. I've found that as I am in a completely contrary demographic to most of them, my opinions rarely align with theirs.
But was it really Green's job to mention anywhere in his review that 18 AAPI broadway debuts were being made and that Helen Park was the first asian woman to compose a broadway score? It would've been nice if he acknowledged these accomplishments, but was it really that disrespectful
Opening Night Playbills Dec 2
2022, 07:14:26 AM
A friend of mine went to KPOP opening night and grabbed me a set of playbills since I'm a fan. They don't have the seal in front, but if you open them up to the giant cast/production page (not sure what it's called exactly), it will still say "OPENING NIGHT: NOVEMBER 27, 2022"
You may have already known this, but I wanted to point it out just in case. Should be the same deal for &Juliet :)
KPOP Reviews Nov 28
2022, 11:26:18 PM
jimmycurry01 said: "There has to be money to record the show. If there isn't money to do appropriate marketing, they aren't likely to find the money to record it. Especially since the cast recording would see a very limited return, and would not likely contribute to future amateur productions. We'll see what happens, but it doesn't seem like it is in the cards."
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, as I'm not really in the know about anything be
KPOP Reviews Nov 27
2022, 11:10:32 PM
Last I checked, they had rush tickets available at 1:00 for a 3:00 show. A friend of mine attending said there were a lot of vacant seats too. On opening day? Not a good sign indeed.
(I say that but I'm rooting for this to succeed, as it is easily the most fun I've had in a theater—book aside)
K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 22
2022, 01:23:21 AM
I was there Friday night too. Kevin Woo had some fans in the audience that wouldn't stop screaming his name and waving their arms in the air every second he was on. At one point even stood up and danced, but I was too far away to ask them to sit down. Guessing someone spoke to them during intermission, because they stopped.
I get that this is a concert type setting, but I hope this doesn't become the audience norm when (if) the show finds its footing.
K-POP On Broadway - News & Discussion Thread Nov 13
2022, 04:14:26 PM
It's a shame that they had to cancel last night. A friend who got her tickets exchanged told me that they were actually sold out for that performance.
BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022 Oct 13
2022, 02:10:44 AM
EDSOSLO858 said: " Is the “I got herpes from Katherine Hepburn” punchline new? I don’t remember that line."
It was actually from previews, but taken out before opening (changed to "And that's how I...'made nachos' with Katherine Hepburn). I'm surprised it came back.
And as someone who liked Sophia in the role, I hope I get the chance to see Elizabther Teeter for myself before the sho
2022, 09:13:43 PM
One thing I bought from Phantom was a prop newspaper. When I got home, I realized that I had accidentally grabbed three instead! (A complete accident, two were folded into the first one and I, nor the person who sold it to me had noticed)
I noticed that each has a different news source (La Tribune, Le Figaro, Le Quotidien), but are otherwise identical in every way. Would a more seasoned POTO fan know if there's any trivia behind this?
Universal's WICKED Film - News & Discussion Thread Nov 6
2021, 03:33:02 AM
I'll be surprised if James Corden doesn't play The Wizard.
Six Rush or Lottery News Oct 11
2021, 08:48:37 PM
Won the other night, but due to some bad cell service couldn't know until after the payment time Has anyone won this more than once? Just curious on my chances of winning again
Beetlejuice and the possibility of it returning? Sep 13
2021, 03:44:24 PM
Cheers, Lunalaa
BEETLEJUICE Will Re-Open In Spring 2022 Sep 13
2021, 03:38:34 PM
As a fan of the show, I never expected it to return despite all the rumors of theater switches and "petitions." This is great though! I had my hopes up once the Waitress "revival" was announced (a combination of more convincing reopening rumors and me thinking that producers want recent/familiar show names to bring back crowds), but never took it as a sure thing until now. I'm not too familiar with backstage sizes though. I remember reading a while back that the hardest thing