Eddie Perfect releasing Beetlejuice Demos Oct 29
2020, 07:17:11 PM
Eddie Perfect just announced on an Instagram live that he’s releasing a 20-something track album of his Beetlejuice demo recordings at midnight on all major streaming services!
It’s called Beetlejuice: The Demos, The Demos, The Demos!
Should be a fun Halloween treat.
Broadway to Close? Mar 12
2020, 01:15:30 PM
There are a few actors being very vocal about wanting Broadway to completely close so that everyone remains safe. The most recent I saw was on Leslie Kritzer’s Instagram
Sophia Caruso departs Beetlejuice Feb 22
2020, 03:44:41 PM
I saw someone mention that she deleted most things that have to do with Beetlejuice off of her Instagram. I haven’t really paid attention to what she’s posted there, but when looking at it, you have to go pretty far back to find anything about BJ. If that’s true, that’s a total red flag that not everything is what it’s being portrayed as.
Loudest gasp you've heard in the theatre Feb 14
2020, 12:21:56 PM
It’s been mentioned on here a couple times, but I saw Hadestown on Tuesday night and the collective gasp from the audience at the end cracked me up. It never was a surprise to me because I’m a huge nerd for Greek Mythology, and I’ve been following this show for a while, but I can definitely see still feeling the punch from that, even with knowing. It’s best explained when Hermès says something along the lines of telling the story over and over and hoping for a different endin
Beetlejuice Jan 13
2020, 04:45:16 PM
GlenCoco said: "I have Orchestra Left Seat 9 Row 3 for the closing show, how is the view from that seat"
I would check the website “A View From My Seat” for the answer to that.
Beetlejuice Jan 7
2020, 01:13:28 PM
He used to regularly. I met him at the stage door after the last preview before opening night. From what I’ve heard, he only comes out sometimes now since that whole stage door threat he got last year.
Tours with better casts than OBCs Jan 3
2020, 02:55:55 PM
I dont know if this has ever been discussed on here, but has anyone ever came across a tour that you think has a better cast, or was a better show, than the original Broadway performance?
I thought of this when I watched the Frozen Tour’s performance at the Rose parade. I love our original Broadway Anna and Elsa, but Caroline Bowman and Caroline Innerbichler blew me away with how well they both embody the characters.
Broadway Facebook Fan Groups Dec 30
2019, 10:25:21 AM
magictodo123 said: "In my opinion the thing that bothers me the most about these "stans" and people who cross the line into obsession with shows is when they call actors their parents. It's creepy and not right."
I’ve seen that happen a lot. Not just with Beetlejuice. On other show pages too. It’s just weird and I don’t get it.
Broadway Facebook Fan Groups Dec 28
2019, 01:32:35 PM
I honestly can’t even imagine how the Beetlejuice fan page has looked since the eviction announcement. I removed myself a long time ago.
Modern The Sound of Music Dec 22
2019, 01:58:52 PM
Plannietink08 said: "greenifyme2 said: "Plannietink08 said: "astromiami said: "Plannietink08 said: "Interesting idea. The issue is that The Sound of Music is a true story, the characters are real people who’s children are still alive today so I’m not sure how well it would go down."
Actually, the von Trapps were critical of SOM for straying so far from the real life events and character, they might prefer a darker version that more clearly demonstrates the danger the family was in and the bravery of their actions.
Really? I wasn’t aware of that. I assumed they were pretty happy with the adaption given how popular it is. Maybe a darker and grittier version would be a good idea then! I know that the real story isn’t as dramatic as the musical makes out because they quite happily boarded a train and left Austria in complete comfort rather than hiking over a mountain.
True the VonTrapps were unhappy how their father was portrayedbecause I guess in reality he wasn’t cold and cruel. Sounds like Maria was the one with the temper.They left on a train for America.nhttps://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2005/winter/von-trapps-html
like many adaptationsthe Sound of Music is looselybased on a true story."
You can’t get a train from Austria to America, haha. No, I knowthey they didn’t leave Austria bound for American. They went to Italy first then moved to England and eventually settled in American four years after leaving Austria. I do know quite a lot about the real story I just didn’t realise the Von Trapps weren’t happy with the musical because they do so much promotion for it. I know one of Maria’s granddaughters actually played her in a production!"
They settled in Vermont once they got to America because the scenery reminded them of home. It’s now a lodge where people can stay on vacation, or have weddings. I live a couple hours from it. It’s absolutely beautiful. They’re all buried there on the property too.
Alex Brightman Bootleg Tweets Dec 20
2019, 12:50:55 PM
uncageg said: "I don't see where people are "coming from". You are asked/told not to do it. It is illegal (Something most tourists probably don't even know). But the fact that people blatantly disregard the announcements (at the shows that have them) shows they don't care. Rules and laws are out the door. They mean nothing these days. People feel they have this device and they can use it any time and anywhere they want and don't see a problem with it. And wh
Alex Brightman Bootleg Tweets Dec 20
2019, 12:28:37 PM
BrodyFosse123 said: "Whats amusing is he doesn’t mention the word bootleg or mention anything about illegal jargon. All he wrote was about the filmer thinking they’re so entitled to do as they please without caring about being distracting to other audience members as well as the actors on stage.
Hilarious how everyone took it elsewhere. Hahaha. "
Oh I know! It’s such a crazy sensitive topic, that even with any hint at the matter, it veers
Alex Brightman Bootleg Tweets Dec 20
2019, 12:26:02 PM
LizzieCurry said: " The funny thing is probably about 10-20% of anyone on any given Broadway stage (including at the Winter Garden) has fond memories of trading videos either on VHS or megaupload. Not to mention watching a few less-than-legal videos on YouTube, I’m sure. "
Oh 100%. I’m in the camp that completely understands why it’s wrong, but I’m also a few hours from the city and can see shows more frequently than people acro
Alex Brightman Bootleg Tweets Dec 20
2019, 11:08:33 AM
Someone filming at a performance of Beetlejuice yesterday REALLY upset Alex Brightman, because hes been tweeting a lot about it since. Its causing quite the debate in the comments because some people are trying to argue that its okay. He sounds mad enough that next time it happens, hes just going to pull a Patti LuPone
First Look At Meryl Streep & James Corden in The Prom Movie Dec 14
2019, 03:19:36 PM
I was a big fan of The Prom on Broadway and I was so happy when they announced the movie. And I’m willing to save most of my judgements about the cast not including any of the OBC.
That being said, I’m not usually a negative person like most on here, but I am SO sick of James Corden. He’s not right for this role, and I feel like his singing is just being shoved in our faces at all possible opportunities.
Jordan Fisher—DEH Dec 3
2019, 12:12:10 PM
RWPrincess said: "I'm kind of surprised that Andrew didn't sign for another year given how young he is. I hope he lands somewhere else great quickly. Now I need to make sure to see him in this role before he leaves.
I do think Jordan will be great at this role. I don't consider him a stunt cast since he has theater experience already but certainly one of the bigger names they've had in the cast. He will probably only do 6 shows a week like the other main Ev
Jordan Fisher—DEH Dec 3
2019, 12:01:20 PM
InTheBathroom1 said: "I like Jordan but he feels too old and too cool for the role. Or is that just me?"
Not just you. I’ve seen a lot of people saying that, and I also felt like he was too “cool” for Mark in Rent Live. But Rent Live is a whole other story. Lol
Jordan Fisher—DEH Dec 3
2019, 11:15:14 AM
I’m personally not a Jordan Fisher fan, but I’m intrigued as to what he’s going to bring to the role. Most things I’ve seen with him seems like he tends to oversing (unnecessary vocal runs, etc), so I wonder if he’s going to rein it in a little bit.
Non-Smoking Contract for Actors Jul 24
2019, 12:10:34 AM
vanbrig said: "This thread is crazy. I came to this thread thinking I would learn more about the topic originally proposed (are non-smoking contracts common on Broadway), and what a wild ride it's been. We've got a few random reasonable posters who answered OP's question and provided insight on that (thank you to you wonderful souls). Then we've got a slightly larger crowd going off on a bunch of tangents from one end (wondering what would possess a singer to smoke, e
Non-Smoking Contract for Actors Jul 23
2019, 09:05:54 PM
jansalrose said: "No, you had to use that specific example. IF you were "simply curious", you would've just asked if there was anything in an actor's contract that would prevent them from smoking. (Which, let's face it, is impossible). You didn't have to drag a specific person into the discussion, leading people to make judgements on Miss Caruso's personal life and choices. It's scary how much people read into a performer's photos on social media