Phantom Closing? Apr 16
2023, 01:19:53 PM
Speaking for myself, I’m not into tribute bands.
Phantom Closing? Apr 15
2023, 10:40:12 PM
Chase Miller said: "This thread is wild."
Yeah, it’s a good read.
Phantom Closing? Apr 15
2023, 06:15:57 PM
Trust me. Even the sanest of Phans would be more than supportive if they chose to extend the run until they can get this sorted. By all means.
Phantom Closing? Apr 15
2023, 08:58:14 AM
The Scorpion said: "I can only hope the filming they're doing is for commercial release, but given Cameron is hellbent on bringing the butchered production over from London, it doesn't make sense for them to do that."
I don’t see why not. These people are, let’s face it, money grubbing w*ores. Why shouldn’t they cash in on a release that would most definitely sell like toilet paper in 2020. The Albert Hall presentation was in no way the real
Phantom Closing? Apr 15
2023, 12:07:23 AM
Phantom Closing? Apr 14
2023, 11:56:27 PM
I saw one of the cameras up close. There were several parked about the house. I can’t be sure, but they looked like Alexa minis, which are 100% cameras used to shoot major motion pictures. They shoot up to 8K resolution. At this point, I wouldn’t be so sure, one way or another, what will be done with the footage. However, it’s quite possible they’ll shoot the entire weekend and later release a Rent “final performance” film. Hal’s production should be preserved for all, and perhaps that’s what’s
SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread Apr 6
2023, 02:24:30 AM
Adeliciaboy said: "But all the humor in the world isn't going to change the real truth about "Shucked." As a piece of musical theater, it sucks."
Some Like It Hot sucks. Beautiful Noise sucks. Bad Cinderella sucks. Pictures From Home sucks. The Thanksgiving Play sucks. And on and on and on. Within the last couple deplorable seasons, Shucked is making people happy. I’m sorry you hate that, but good grief. Whine whine whine.
SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread Mar 9
2023, 09:11:28 PM
BroadwayBaby6 said: "Is the score good enough to match the book? Robert Horn is incredibly talented but his wonderful book for Tootsie was accompanied by a very middling score. I don't want to see another show when I'm coming out and humming the book."
Tootsie was definitely an interesting balancing act with a score that did little more than accompany Horn's book -- and that was a helluva book. What he's written for Shucked
SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread Mar 9
2023, 12:57:48 PM
Kad said: "Yeah, cultivating the air of “what even is this?” is definitely getting people talking. I’ve had more people ask me about it after I posted a pic of the playbill on my IG story than I have for any other show in recent memory."
Same here. Once people found out I went, I started getting a lot of texts asking how it is, WHAT it is. It's been a long time since the response has been so intense. Word of mouth might end up being Shucked'
SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread Mar 9
2023, 08:56:31 AM
WldKingdomHM said: "Nice try Jan"
...and cue the assholes.
SHUCKED On Broadway - P/reviews & News Thread Mar 9
2023, 08:26:01 AM
A brand new original Broadway musical with a damn good book and a wonderful score. Clever direction, dynamite cast. DYNAMITE. There are wrinkles and they have plenty of time to smooth them out, but this is a 110% win. I haven't felt that kind of joy nor been surrounded by an audience filled with that kind of joy in a Broadway theatre in so long, I forgot it was possible. No notes, no criticisms; this is a top notch team, they know exactly what they're doing. Excited to return after op
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 9
2022, 05:17:26 PM
Look, they made Emma skinny. THEY MADE EMMA SKINNY.
That’s all that is necessary to know about what Encores is.
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 11:03:31 PM
Bill Snibson said: "I was told by someone who saw it that basically “fat” is changed to “loud” because she’s stubborn and vocal but again thats from a friend who saw it. Someone else might be able to give more specifics."
In the real version, Emma sings about being “not pretty, “too loud,” and “pretty fat” in a duet with her mother called “Like Him,” during which she admits being terrified her fa
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 11:02:33 PM
Bill Snibson said: "I was told by someone who saw it that basically “fat” is changed to “loud” because she’s stubborn and vocal but again thats from a friend who saw it. Someone else might be able to give more specifics."
In the real version, Emma sings about being “not pretty, “too loud,” and “pretty fat” in a duet with her mother called “Like Him,” during which she admits being terrified her fa
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 10:21:19 PM
SmoothLover said: "In the Encores production the tempo is much faster and does not change. The entire number is belted. This U tube version that has been posted makes more sense."
Can you shed some light on what the changed lyrics are and how they reflect the plight of the now slender Emma?
(my beef is not with the actor, obviously)
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 02:02:33 AM
Bill Snibson said: "So in 2022 we can no longer have a character refer to themselves as “fat”. Its a character! The reason Emma feels so boxed in is because she sees society pushing her down because of her 1. Gender 2. Color 3. Age 4. Size"
That is correct. Fear of some absurdity, like a threat of “fat shaming” or some such horse**** at the expense of the most interesting, heartfelt, and, possibly, important character of the show. Because that
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 01:06:01 AM
As flawed as the show is, Emma was a wonderful role and Martine Allard’s wonderful performance was nominated for a Tony. Sad to hear this.
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 3
2022, 12:56:19 AM
Bill Snibson said: "Oh, really? So did they cut or change lyrics to “4 Strikes Against Me”?"
And to “Like Him” and “William’s Song,” and the book — they would have had to completely rewrite the character.
They might as well spit in Martine’s face while they’re at it. Good grief.
The Tap Dance Kid at Encores Feb 2
2022, 10:25:54 PM
Why is Emma skinny?
CSC’s ASSASSINS Revival - Previews Jan 8
2022, 02:39:28 AM
benfox2 said: "Does anyone have an opinion on the best cast recording? And can anyone comment on the attendance of the leads? I have no qualms with understudies, but I always love to see full original cast.
Hey there! The original cast album is definitive. The revival cast album sounds like they’re doing a lot of ACTING! and SINGING! with insufferably perfect diction. The original is so damn honest and pure and, overall, masterfully produced