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Member Name: youdontgetit
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No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 04:45:13 PM

Huss417 said: "You are new here why not sit back and get an overall feel for the room. :)

Oh and welcome to BWW. :)"


Thank you! I'm new to posting here, yes. This is an account I created specifically to communicate. But I've been a lurker on these boards for a few years now. Sort of a funny metaphor for what I think many in the TGNC are feeling in regard to this topic even: we've been around for awhile, we've watched it h

No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 04:33:21 PM

BWAY Baby2 said: "I am a lifelong very liberal Democrat- but this WOKE stuff is not for me."

I will remind folx that being a Democrat - liberal, very liberal, or otherwise - does not make you immune to supporting things that are problematic. If my being a trans person who calls out and works to help educate people from creating transphobic work is not for you, please let me know how I - and others in my community - can help reach you in a way that is effective. 

No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 04:27:10 PM

magictodo123 said: Why does the community think it’s okay to wish harm upon the actors involved in this? "


Part of the problem with this entire thing is that I constantly see people make a group of folx on social media into being the gate keepers of the entire TGNC community which somehow now gives folx ammunition to feel defensive and lump us all together as one. To say THE community thinks it's okay to wish harm on act

No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 04:14:35 PM

Jayar2 said: "

I've seen Tootsie, and personally, I don't see this--
No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 7 2019, 01:51:36 PM

Fredrich Yeager said: "I am also a trans person who works in the theatre industy and I think claims that this show is transphobic are absurd and delegitimize actual concerns trans people have on our hands re: transphobic politicians. Crying wolf when people have explicitly worked to make shows that are respectful of trans people lowers the already poor perception of us as a community, and makes people want to make fewer shows with us in mind, not more. The vast majority of trans peop

No, Tootsie is NOT closing next.
 Aug 6 2019, 03:41:16 PM

magictodo123 said: "VotePeron said: People have been so, so adamant about calling it transphobic. I just don't understand why they don't focus their energy elsewhere. But I also agree with you- I have noticed that aside from saying "thanks for coming" to people who see the show when they express how much they liked it on Twitter, social media for the show has been surprisingly quiet. When that t-shirt/merchandise fiasco happened, they pulled the shirt, but they

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