Sophia Caruso departs Beetlejuice Apr 15
2020, 01:23:42 PM
To me, it feels like "regifting" etiquette. Yes, actors get a bunch of stuff from fans that's basically junk and they simply don't have the space or the desire to keep it all. But just like it's tacky and a little insensitive to regift something where the original giver will see, I think this was tacky and insensitive to sell gifts to raise money for an album. I'm not against regifting or even reselling unwanted gifts, but I do think it's unkind to do i
Beetlejuice to the Barrymore? Feb 28
2020, 04:18:57 PM
darquegk said: "If they did an in-costume parade between the two spaces... they'd better lean into the irony and have a brass band playing "76 Trombones.""
Oh my god. Thank you for that much-needed laugh on this dreary Friday!
WSS -or- SING ST ? Feb 22
2020, 06:45:25 PM
Depends on what kind of show you're looking for. This version of WSS is rather avant-garde, forcefully contemporary, and bleak - definitely an edgier type of revival. Sing Street is much smaller in feel and intentionally rough around the edges. Personally, I prefer the kinder heart of Sing Street, but that's just me.
Oscars 2021 - The Year of Movie Musicals? Feb 15
2020, 07:24:02 PM
I actually think ITH is potentially the most likely to be remembered come award season. WSS has a lot of expectations and if it hits them, it'll be a contender - but that's a huge if, and it could backfire and have a lot of critics comparing it unfavorably to the 1961 version. The Prom seems too light for Oscar; it and ETAJ seem more like Golden Globes contenders if anything. But there's a huge marketing push for ITH and it's the sort of socially-charged-but
He Won't Be Fired Feb 15
2020, 07:20:04 PM
Highland Guy said: "sinister teashop said: "I think Alexandra Waterbury is a rather courageous young woman."
And I think Amar Ramasar is a rather courageous young man."
Clearly there's a lot of disagreement on whether or not he should be in this cast or not and what consequences he should have or should not have faced, but what on earth is courageous about his behavior? He and his friends acted appallingly with regards to
He Won't Be Fired Feb 14
2020, 12:18:09 PM
sassylash3s said: "bwayrose7 said: "It still baffles me why he was hired in the first place. This is the second show he's been in that he's been noted as a poor singer and actor, with only dancing chops. He's also nearly twice the age of the character he's playing, visibly older than the rest of the cast, definitely not Latino playing a definitely Latino character, and on top of that, has this disgusting behavior in his recent history. He'
He Won't Be Fired Feb 14
2020, 11:19:26 AM
It still baffles me why he was hired in the first place. This is the second show he's been in that he's been noted as a poor singer and actor, with only dancing chops. He's also nearly twice the age of the character he's playing, visibly older than the rest of the cast, definitely not Latino playing a definitely Latino character, and on top of that, has this disgusting behavior in his recent history. He's not a "name" where his casting would have a financial impa
Loudest gasp you've heard in the theatre Feb 12
2020, 02:20:58 PM
Near the end of Act 1 of Hamilton. Inebriated lady next to me gasps at a random, unrelated moment, leans over to her seat mate and loud-whispers “OH! She’s PREGNANT!”
Alexandra Waterbury Instagram Post Dec 12
2019, 12:23:11 PM
Highland Guy said: "supersam1026 said: "Was at the show tonight and as for the curtain call, it was one big bow by the entire cast. Then Amar took a tiny step forward as an individual bow and was then succeeded by the other principals. It took a second to realize that he even stepped forward, so booing was not heard at all."
And rightly so. Even if his performance was terrible (which apparently it was not), there was no reason for him to have
The IN THE HEIGHTS Film Adaptation Thread Dec 12
2019, 12:26:20 PM
Jessetenny said: "I've never seen or listened to In The Heights until now, and the movie looks good. My question is.. the music sounds almost identical to Hamilton.. why did everyone act like Hamilton was ground breaking and amazing when Lin literally already did that type of music with a different story? No need to be a d*ck, this is a serious question."
I think it's a couple things. One, Hamilton is simply a more sophisticated musical work - LMM had years t
WEST SIDE STORY (2019 Revival) Preview Thread Dec 11
2019, 02:54:11 PM
QueenAlice said: "Since when has West Side Story not been bleak? Since when has there not been a scene where Anita has been assaulted? Since when has the script not been a male driven story?"
It's a matter of degrees, simple as that. For me, at least. Others will (and clearly do) disagree. And perhaps it's just that I'm more tired of bleak/edgy right now than I was previously.
WEST SIDE STORY (2019 Revival) Preview Thread Dec 11
2019, 02:31:08 PM
The more I read, the more I feel like I have no interest in seeing this production. Even taking Ramasar out of the equation (which is still a huge turn-off for me, in all honesty), I'm just bone tired of bleakness right now, especially of bleak art that specifically takes aim at the agency and the joys of women. Maybe that means I'm not sophisticated enough for this version of WSS, but I think I'm okay with that. I'm genuinely glad that some people are liking it, and
Despite Turnaround, ‘Beetlejuice’ Being Forced Out of Theater Dec 9
2019, 07:25:33 PM
Kitsune said: "I realize that commercial theater is (at least to producers) about making money, not about being "nice" or"fair." But in between this, the West Side Story casting concerns,and sending cease and desist lettersto small theaters stagingTo Kill a Mockingbird,I don't have a high opinion of Scott Rudin. Yes, he's within his legal rights, and capitalism ultimately makes the rules, but he comes off as a bully.
I did like the video that Be
Cosplay during shows Sep 23
2019, 01:24:47 PM
As long as you don't have giant costume pieces that block others' view, if you want to, go for it. It's not something that's super common - although I think Beetlejuice is a show that's more likely to have cosplayers than other show might - but as long as you're not causing a distraction, you do you! There are a lot of much ruder and more disruptive behaviors that bother me more than someone dressing up in a costume.
Becoming Nancy Previews/Performances Atlanta Sep 19
2019, 08:01:06 PM
So, did we ever actually find any reviews that anyone can link to?
Becoming Nancy Previews/Performances Atlanta Sep 18
2019, 03:30:46 PM
VotePeron said: "fashionguru_23 said: "To be honest, I am a big fan of Jessica Vosk. I really like and her body of work. One thing comes into mind, remember when she was casted in Wicked, and there were people that we saying that she was casted for her large presence on social media? I wonder if that is the case, without her in the cast, would this show be on everyone's radar as loud as it is?"
I’ve been a Vosk fan since way before her Wicked d
Be More Chill and The Prom Closing Performances Thread Aug 12
2019, 04:58:58 PM
I imagine this isn't a popular opinion, but as charming and emotional as BMC's performance of "The Goodbye Song" was, the curtain speech rubbed me the wrong way and perfectly summed up why I have been so frustrated with this show and its team from day one. Instead of a simple "thank you for the journey," they just had to get in one last insistence that they had been "bullied" and "mocked" and mistreated. That attitude persisted throughout the sh
West Side Story revival? Jul 9
2019, 09:49:28 PM
JSquared2 said: "disneybroadwayfan22 said: "Thrilled for Issac.
Disgusted about Amar."
Well then I guess you’d better skip this show! Great news about Amar being cast."
I'm not sure what the "great" part is: that an incredibly weak actor has been (most likely) cast in a fairly significant role, or that a man who behaved in such an appalling manner is facing no professional consequences.
Broadway Grosses: Week Ending 6/30/19 Jul 3
2019, 03:57:35 PM
bear88 said: "I am not predicting how long it will run, other than to guess it won't run for 50 years."
*slow claps*
Tootsie - Storyline Question Jun 10
2019, 02:56:00 PM
I do think it might have been very interesting - and fit more with the current day - to have that role reversal. It definitely would have made the point more, although then the problem would have been: what's the character arc? Here, Michael is clearly an antihero who needs to "learn a lesson" and earn our sympathy, whereas Dorothy being the real protagonist would have our sympathy from the start. It would be very easy to just slide into a simple, two-dimensional lecture pl