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Member Name: MisterBill2
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The Official TDF Thread
 Feb 27 2020, 02:04:29 PM

Famebroadway2 said: "TDF has been very messy with new musicalsseason. They seem to pop up, then are completly gone quickly, and then pop back up with the same dates like an hour or 2 later. It not that people are holding the tickets in their carts.. it's that the entire listing disappears for some time. very buggy"

It could be the producers who are changing their minds, then releasing them again.

The Official TDF Thread
 Feb 6 2020, 04:50:20 PM

smidge said:

I may be mistaken but I don't think she performed anything from Company on the NYE show."


You're right it was from Follies. I still didn't care for the way she did it.

The Official TDF Thread
 Feb 6 2020, 03:47:41 PM

raddersons said: "dotseurat2 said: "Is it naive of me to even dream to see Company pop up during previews?! How do we feel about our chances? Haha"

Company is a hot ticket for musical theater fans, but it's not exactly a show to bring mom to, so I'm not really sure if it will show up or not.I bought tickets ahead of time because for me it's a must see and I can have a peace of mind about it.


I may be in the min

The Official TDF Thread
 Dec 12 2019, 11:50:07 PM

JDonaghy4 said: 
FWIW, i have been asked for ID more than a few times. Once, I was meeting a friend and asked her to just go up and ask for tickets under my name. This was at the Lyceum. The box office threw a fit and essentially called her a thief- even after I showed up, ID in hand, they sent a note about me TO TDF. It really goes by whoever is manning the box office; different theaters have different policies.

It's ridiculous when different theatres owned by t

The Official TDF Thread
 Dec 12 2019, 09:48:30 PM

kmissa said: 
Unless it states the ID policy, it should be fine. I’ve been using my moms account for years and have never had an issue. We have the same last name. They don’t even always ask for ID."


Where is the ID policy posted? My son has gotten us tickets a few times and he always picks them up. Last time he did so at Evita (City Center) they only wanted his credit card so in theory I could have gotten them (I have a card with his n

The Official TDF Thread
 Dec 4 2019, 02:01:52 PM

ErmengardeStopSniveling said: 

It depends, but typically only the Bway Shows that are doing very poorly have weekend availability on TDF (and usually only get listed within the week before).

Right now there are only 4 Broadway shows listed for this coming weekend (Illusionists, Lightning Thief, Slave Play, Freestyle Love Supreme), with a larger selection of Off-Bway titles. March or October could have more options.


The Official TDF Thread
 Nov 19 2019, 05:35:07 PM

Megsamegatron said: "Evita is up for next Tuesday 11/19, Wednesday 11/20, & Thursday 11/21 all at 7:30pm"

Now up for the weekend, at least for the matinees. My son got us tickets for Sunday. Didn't ask about the  evening since we were not interested.

We Will Rock You Tour
 Nov 18 2019, 09:28:14 PM

SouthernCakes said: "Kind of crazy this ran for 12 years yet never made it to Broadway."

Is it crazy that it never made it to Broadway despite running for that long, or is it crazy that it was so bad yet it managed to run for 12 years? I say the latter. I'm guessing the Brits like musicals with painfully stupid books or they have a higher tolerance for bad shows.

When I complained to Royal Caribbean about putting it on their NJ ship, I

The Official TDF Thread
 Nov 15 2019, 12:05:56 AM

tresora said: "Saw Evita last night and sat in Grand Tier row D center – great seat and lovely show"

Thanks. Hopefully they'll have tickets for next weekend's performances. I couldn't go this week. .My son said that this Sunday's show was still available.

The Official TDF Thread
 Nov 14 2019, 08:07:26 PM

GreasedLightning said: "The entire run of City Center’s EVITA is up now."

My son looked a few days ago and said only the first week is up. Not sure if the second week is up now or if it was up originally and got taken down.


Also, did anyone get tickets for Evita? I'm always concerned about getting TDF tickets at City Center since it's so huge, plus tickets start at $50 so you could end up with crappy seats AND not get mu

The Official TDF Thread
 Nov 6 2019, 11:13:16 PM

My son has a TDF membership but I do not. Do theatres generally ask to see ID when picking up tickets or will they just give them you if you know the name of the person whose name they are under? Or is the answer "it depends on the venue"?


I used to get TDF tickets 30+ years ago, even ran groups (not sure if they still do those). In those days, they would mail you the tickets (for groups I had to pick up at the TDF office). Saw lots of great stuff and some awful

The Official TDF Thread
 Nov 6 2019, 11:09:49 PM

teatime2 said: "Can you past date TDF tickets?


Can you please explain what you mean by this?

We Will Rock You Tour
 Nov 4 2019, 11:03:42 PM

ArtMan said: "SouthernCakes said: "The show was just tired, even with all of those great Queen songs. The book is just laughable. The cast tries really hard. They all seem really young. I couldn't tell if there was bad acting or just reciting bad lines. 

I came here to see what people thought of WWRY. I saw it on the Anthem of the Seas cruise ship a few years ago (it is the production show on that ship, sailing out of NJ) and I thought it was one of the

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