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Profile for LauLau79

Member Name: LauLau79
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Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jun 20 2011, 10:37:39 PM
: ( I thought I found a gem. But at least you guys like it, hopefully as much as I do!!
Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jun 19 2011, 09:09:22 PM
Hi guys,

As a fan of Sleep No More, I remember stumbling on this thread in search of SNM music, as someone asked about a soundtrack. Well, after digging through the interweb upon endless hours, I've recently found a blog entry that has one, and it sounds pretty much the same and was wondering if it was legit!!! There are some tracks that I remember hearing and have been listening to this download for a few days non stop.. The opening track, followed by the songs from Lull, Black Swan and The Caretaker sound exact to those I've heard in the play. I know the music is scored by someone on the staff (isn't it the graphic designer from Punchdrunk that makes the original music?) If these songs aren't the ones played throughout the show, I could bet money that either A- these artists have been to SNM and had been influenced or B- These artists are the same of the composer under different aliases! Especially Black Swan.. It brings me right back to the hotel!! What do you guys think??

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