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Member Name: upinthegods
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Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jul 4 2011, 12:26:15 PM
I'm sorry if my point wasn't clear. I was merely suggesting that, in my view, some of the (few) critical comments on Sleep No More indicate that those attendees had been expecting dialogue and/or a linear "plot". If indeed it has been obvious to everyone that this is a dance show I can but apologize.
Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jul 1 2011, 05:10:30 PM
What many people overlook is that "Sleep No More" is a dance show - albeit a dance show with a difference. However, almost all the performers are career dancers - not actors - and, therefore, attendees who complain that there is "no dialogue" or "plot" are missing the point.

The set and location are, indeed, amazing but what makes the show unique is that the dancers perform miracles without the audience even realizing they are watching a dance show!

Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jun 30 2011, 07:15:08 AM
This is going to run and run...... they are having auditions for new cast members next week and they have also advertised a "permanent full-time" post for a box-office manager.

As can be seen from the previous post, some of the original cast members are now starting to move on.

Sleep No More is AMAZING
 Jun 24 2011, 06:04:42 PM
There are two casts - and some performers play multiple roles.

Virtually the entire Boston cast reprise their roles and they are listed in the Wikipedia entry for the Boston show. Much of the second cast were listed in the New York Times review. So putting the two lists together yields the list below. It is probably incorrect - perhaps someone can correct it?

Eric Jackson-Bradley, Nicholas Bruder as Macbeth
Luke Murphy, John Sorensen-Jolink as Macduff
Phil Atkins, a

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